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Anybody ever dealt with Safe and Sound audio

I am getting interested in a DAC upgrade.   Has anyone dealt with Safe and Sound audio? Thanks  

Durable record vacuum cleaner recommendation?

I am looking for a durable record vacuum machine. Any recommendations? Ideally will also do 10" ...

Im going to regret my cable question

Having read so many "do speaker cables matter" threads, reviews, etc., over the years I am going ...

Thiel CS7.2

I am looking for a pair of CS5 or CS7.2 in good condition. 

Have you reached your end point with this addictive hobby?

I wonder if out there somewhere there’s a support group called Audiophile Anonymous 😂 that addres...

Seeking a Tube preamplifier

I currently have the following system: 1. Martin Logan 11A Impression Loudspeakers (hybrid ele...

Fun with MM cartridge

Greetings, I haven’t listened to a MM cartridge in over 35 years. Since I bought my first MC car...

Primare A35.2

Anybody have any experience with this amp?  I realize its class D and have owned and enjoyed IceP...

Jay's Audio Lab Visits GR Research's Listening Room

I have been saying this a while....If you can DIY a kit, have a tall ceiling and only have 5000 d...

Counterpoint SA3.1 Power Supply question...what size fuse?

Picked up a used SA3.1 with the fuse door/fuse missing on the power supply unit.  I’ve ordered th...

SmoothLan Regenerator from Stack Audio

I've been using this for about a week now, and I must say, I am incredibly impressed with the r...

network switches and cables.

I’m considering upgrading my network cables and adding an audiophile switch for streaming music f...

I2s cable not working with my DAC

I just received my new HALO MAY DAC and in trying to hook it up to my PS Audio Airlen’s I get no ...

Flex minidsp Dirac Live

So I acquired one of these with a Umix-1 microphone. I have a Luxman L507-z that I put in separat...

Need advice from the gurus.

This is my favorite HIFI hang out and I'm at a bit of a crossroads and really could use some advi...

Best affordable Linear Power Stage

Looking into a purchase per the Title. The Allo Shanti looks to be a good piece, with favorable r...

Tube amp/ preamp advice

Hi everyone, I have bene listening to a Technics 1200 SL with a MM Nagaoka 110 cart for a number ...

Stereophile reviews the active Grimm LS1C

A day before I started a thread on active speakers Stereophile published a review on the fully ac...

Tip for "randomizing" a playlist.

Hello all, We are opening a small retail bakery and of course it has to have awesome sound. My "B...

Need some advice: Found some Audio Equipment

Sorry for what may be an obvious question to some but looking for some help. I was cleaning up a...

Balancing "compelling sound" and euphonic sound

Has anyone else found the need to balance compelling aspects of sonics with forgiving/euphonic so...

Cable upgrade

Looking for recommendations for a better cable (not balanced) for my Hifiman Arya Stealths to rep...

Audio Research 610T

610T owners could you discuss this amp PM  Please

Audio Research Amplifier tube rolling

Amps have a bit much upper midrange lower treble for my speakers. Does the amp respond to rollin...

Low Cost Electronics

The past few months I've been playing around with some low cost gear, and found some products and...

Two preamps into one amp?

Any reason why I shouldn't connect preamp 1 to balanced inputs of CODA S5.5, and preamp 2 to unba...

What are we hearing below 20hz?

It is often said that the human ear can hear 20hz to 20khz in range. This varies from one person ...

Have You Seen - 10 Characteristics of Great Audiophile Sound

I ran across this article: 10 Characteristics of Great Audiophile Sound and wanted to share on Au...

HALO DAC I2S question

I just received my new HALO MAY DAC and in trying to hook it up to my PS Audio Airlen’s I get no ...

Fosi Audio ZA3 - my perspective (review)

Brad’s Audio Review (3/16 through 3/23/2025)   Fosi Audio ZA3 review   A review of the Fosi A...

Break-in time

After decades of enjoying chasing the stick, I’ve peaked and spend most of my energies gnawing th...

VTL S-150 vs Audio Research GS-150 or Ref 150 SE

After auditioning numerous preamps I finally decided on an Audio Research Ref 6 (and it sounds wo...

Infinit Quantum 2 - Wiring 3 (4) EMIT

How are the 3 (or 4, on backfacing) EMIT wired up?  Crossover schematic does NOT show.  Ditto t...

Forum contributions in the past 48 hours
Whats on your turntable tonight? (slipknot1)
Do You Unplug Equipment During Thunderstorms? (sid-hoff-frenchman)
Vinshine X Collaboration with Kinki Studio, TheTai Hang power enhancer (daytrader)
Have you reached your end point with this addictive hobby? (hiendmmoe)
Anybody ever dealt with Safe and Sound audio (retiredaudioguy)
Durable record vacuum cleaner recommendation? (oberoniaomnia)
speaker upgrade from Magico A3 (mintakax)
Standmount speaker suggestion (ullogu1)
Whats playing on your system today? (nutty)
I found a way to get around tariffs that will raise the price of audio equipment. (2psyop)
Im going to regret my cable question (neversatisfied)
Disagreements and Conflicts between Audiophiles have we lost our brotherhood and maturity? (calvinj)
dcs bartok vs DENAFRIPS TERMINATOR-PLUS (haimr)
Thiel CS7.2 (oeneroorda)
The new dCS Varese is so good that all others are now relegated to history?? (daveyf)
is McIntosh known for good dynamics? (magon)
Speakers sound too bright. (rwalsh07)
Wifi vs ethernet revisited (debrajray)
Seeking a Tube preamplifier (kjl1065)
Fun with MM cartridge (joenies)
Is there usually a dramatic difference between $5k and $10k cartridges ? (inna)
Just about to pull the trigger on Pontus 15th ... (lanx0003)
The Sacred Ritual of Vinyl: A Return to Mindful Listening (unreceivedogma)
Jay's Audio Lab Visits GR Research's Listening Room (deep_333)
Counterpoint SA3.1 Power Supply question...what size fuse? (maddog4079)
Ever heard Rockpile? (bdp24)
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system (tattooedtrackman)
Canare 4S11"G" now available! (mofimadness)
Most recent concert (bassbuyer)
Seeking a recommendation for a reasonably priced Class 1 SPL meter (kjl1065)
Purifi Class D: Junk? (madavid0)
Anyone wear gloves to handle vacuum tubes? (billpete)
SmoothLan Regenerator from Stack Audio (knockknock12)
Hagerman Piccolo Zero: New transimpedance head amp (mulveling)
network switches and cables. (marco1)
I2s cable not working with my DAC (ssand1)
Flex minidsp Dirac Live (paqua123)
Need advice from the gurus. (tubeguy76)
Did I Expect too much? (langla4)
Best affordable Linear Power Stage (toneranger58)
Using non-terminated speaker wire? (immatthewj)
Eversolo DMP-A8 vs Aurender N10 comparisons? (swhite007)
Have you been enjoying your Gryphon Diablo 120 integrated ? (inna)
Looking for a new DAC (ice812)
Back in the vinyl saddle again. (tony1954)
New split AC System impact on sound. (emergingsoul)
Technics 1200G vs VPI Forever Model One (displayname)
Tube amp/ preamp advice (mulboost)
And the biggest influence on sound quality is... (tomcarr)
Stereophile reviews the active Grimm LS1C (erik_squires)
Koetsu cartridges. They must be something special. (inna)
Swiss Digital Fuse Box - "What headroom sounds like" (gladmo)
Willsenton vs Billie MK 1 (troutbum)
Tip for "randomizing" a playlist. (oranfoster)
Need some advice: Found some Audio Equipment (lewiskl)
Is this a new trend? (kennyc)
The "young people' music thread - Artists younger than 40 years old (deep_333)
Dan D'Agostino Pendulum Intergrated review (hifimaniac)
Source of Fremer's "1 arc second" claim? (oberoniaomnia)
Did I just cook my preamp? (obarrett)
Jazz for aficionados (orpheus10)
Linn Bedrok LP12 Plinth Upgrade (mofimadness)
Ethernet Cables (nglazer)
Analogue front end. You want more weight, scale and dynamics.Where do you start upgrading? (inna)
Do I need upgraded power cables? (bzawa)
Anyone interested in an audio get together in Northest Ohio? (2psyop)
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report (ghosthouse)
Talk me out of buying Monoblocks and into a stereo amp instead (dman777)
Who has gone fully active? What speakers and preamp did you end up with? (erik_squires)
Thiel Owners (jafant)
Linear Tube Audio version 3 of the MicroZOTL pre (cbrez)
Tune of the Day (77jovian)
Do sound characteristics matter when moving from midfi to hifi? (njwvista)
Cary SLP 98 users, past and present, are there any left? (billpete)
What stylus do Shure V15 users prefer? (billpete)
Removing stylus from Shure V15 Type III (richardbrand)
Need to learn about Audio Research (traudio)
Do vacuum tube test values reflect sound quality? (sls883)
New Magico Speaker Break-in Question (jmeyers)
Meitner i upgrades (paullb)
Audio Research Amplifier tube rolling (hiend2)
Low Cost Electronics (jl35)
Grimm MU2 Experience (wlp3)
Wilson Watt Puppies 50th year Anniversary model (ritter06)
Two preamps into one amp? (hickamore)
What are we hearing below 20hz? (billpete)
Upscale Audio is up front with customers (hilde45)
Oh no, say it ain't so. (raesco)
12au7 tube? (audiojan)
Have You Seen - 10 Characteristics of Great Audiophile Sound (sparksgja)
How long should high quality speakers last? (aberyclark)
HALO DAC I2S question (ssand1)
What are your go to LP's for evaluating new gear or new tubes? (billpete)
Virtual Systems Activity
ARC,CAT, SF and Jeff (daveyf)
Thank you jafant. The Esoteric DV-60 makes an incredible sounding transport. Unfortunately, like most all-in-one's, it will not pass through SACD, but I find... (daveyf)
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ARC,CAT, SF and Jeff (daveyf)
A beautiful room and system! Great to see an Esoteric DV-60 Player in 2025.Happy Listening! (jafant)
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tony1954's System (tony1954)
The SCM19v2 are wonderful speakers. ATCs are artfully crafted in house except in the case where they can make them better by contracting out parts of the ass... (faustuss)
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faustuss's System (faustuss)
Thanks @mksun, feels like I've finally come home.  The sound from this system is organic and emotive. Very enjoyable! (faustuss)
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Done for Now (artemus_5)
Hi Artemus_5,I have a Teres 340 too. I have been using the Verus rim drive motor, but it's noisy and has some rumble. I took out the original belt drive moto... (washline)
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mksun's Nearfield System (mksun)
Thanks faustuss, I’m quite pleased with it. I just checked your system out and we share a common love for Luxman. (mksun)
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faustuss's System (faustuss)
Nice system especially the Luxman tube amplifier. I’m a big fan of Luxman and I bet your amp sounds superb. (mksun)
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