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Is there a clear definition of what "Integrated" means?

Driver / input / output stages Phono stages Tone controls, source selections, balancers   Amp...

dbx Model 21 Decoder Operation Help

I recently got a dbx model 21 decoder for vinyl decoding. Anyone teach me how it works? There's n...

Does anyone know what's up with

Suddenly I don't exist, and can't register... I've been there for ages.

Image test

Why no pics on A’gon Forum?

Unless I’m missing something, it is not possible to post pics on the Forum. Other sites like What...

Wired Ethernet Connection Dropouts with Auralic Aries S1

I just bought the Auralic Aries S1 streamer and went through the connection with process on the u...

Intermittent Left Channel Outage-- Older McIntosh System--Love my system appreciate Help!

I would greatly appreciate any suggestions from any of the bright people out there regarding a sp...

Phasemation cart on Technics

I recently got a Phasemation PP-500 and it’s fantastic. Part of the pulling trigger was something...

My Goodness! Best system demo I have heard through Youtube. Of co...

GamuT cd 3 versus Esoteric K05X

In terms of sound quality, I would like to ask the opinions of people who have had experience wit...

Streamer observation / question to those who know

I'm not sure I know how to phrase this post so I may ramble please bear with me. It seems that mo...

Basically happy, but…

I’m pretty well set with mostly Transparent Gen 5 Ultra speaker cables and Ref pc’s    However, I...

Master clock generator

I am thinking about buying the Aurender ap 20 with with a outboard clock and the esoteric ko3 xds...

Forum contributions in the past 24 hours
dbx Model 21 Decoder Operation Help (hheedah)
Solo streamer (rvpiano)
Stack Audio-SmoothLAN Network Filter- WOW! (ozzy)
1 song you never get sick of? (arcticdeth)
Looking for a great front ported bookshelp speaker recommendation (blackiridium)
Review of Ascend Acoustics’ ELX Tower Speakers (released 2022) (hilde45)
The (never ending) Quest For “More” (mfisher702)
If Steely Dan had a different vocalist (audiodwebe)
Is there a clear definition of what "Integrated" means? (clustrocasual)
Is My Tube Amp Unfixable? Help Needed (bojack)
speakers and cables (grislybutter)
What’s your opinion about Dali speakers? (djdemet)
Whats playing on your system today? (nutty)
Does anyone know what's up with (puptent)
Has a Power Conditioner Improved Your Sound? (jfrmusic)
New Songs by Audiogon Member and AI --Songs for Our New Dystopia (gg107)
Tube or solid state phono stage? (stewartgr)
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report (ghosthouse)
How to Open the Sonus Faber Olympica IIIs (Please Help) (dnn)
Relaxed/Analog sounding DAC for under $10k (used or new) (mmcgill829)
Is There Some Problem With Shunyata's Everest Power Conditioner (moto_man)
Jazz for aficionados (orpheus10)
Differences between Harbeth, Spendor, Graham, etc. ? (stuartk)
Integrated Match to Focal Spora No. 2 (toneranger58)
Stack Audio Auva Isolator (ozzy)
Metrum Onyx vs Schiit Yggdrasil? (dasherma)
Subwoofers and Seating Position for Klipsch Forte iv's (dsper)
Why did this just happen ? (eugenegearty)
Recommend me a tube integrated amplifier (erikt)
Why no pics on A’gon Forum? (cantorgale)
TOP TEN replies you don't want from your spouse .. (lornecherry)
Looking for a true upgrade in sound quality (backwash)
Most Musical 6NS7 tube for a Preamp? (chorus)
You're not a true audiophile unless... (medium_grade)
Best speaker brands for transient response (tommyuchicago)
PSVANE Discussion & Impressions Thread (alightronics)
Phasemation cart on Technics (gochurchgo)
Revel Salon 2 (ama732mx1)
Where Do I Go from Here? (jmeyers)
Preamp for Parasound A21+ with Sonus Faber Venere 3.0 speakers (romam901)
If A.I. took the place of musicians, would you listen to it? (hilde45)
Keep light equipment from tipping up from cable weight? (icanthear)
Looking for 5AR4 rectifier tube most like solid state (boxsoft)
Streamer observation / question to those who know (danager)
Oppo UHP 205 Universal Player (drlou77)
Whats on your turntable tonight? (slipknot1)
Which HDMI cable for I2S? (sls883)
PSVane KT150 (audiosaurusrex)
New Esoteric K-03XD (stevizzy)
Revel 328Be owners...what do you think? (samgupta101)
Hunting for an integrated for thiels cs 2.3. Anthem, Hegel, Bel Canto? (nicolasm)
MoFi Bridge Over Troubled Water - Review (rlb61)
John Mayall has passed away (mofimadness)
Focal Celestee (signaforce)
Audience SX2/Front Row Cables...has anyone tried or heard much of this new reference line? (audiobrian)
DAC streamers: Bryston v. HiFi Rose video (cundare2)
TA-102 fo.Q Product from Japan "TRY These" (ozzy)
Basically happy, but… (cantorgale)
The Psychology Of Collecting (bolong)
ARC Ref75se bias (skids)
Can a power amp have too much power, risking damage to a speaker? (joelepo)
Thiel Owners (jafant)
Experienced Maggie Lovers Please Advise (yesiam_a_pirate)
Class D Audio (atomheart411)
Sony or Panasonic 4K Player vs. Magnetar or Reavon Universal Player (drlou77)
Evaluating Equipment-induced EMI noise in one’s audio system (celander)
Well Recorded Classical Symphonic Recordings (jfrmusic)
Virtual Systems Activity
120x85DJSpinner's primary and secondary systems (djspinner)
Very nicely done and I notice you have maintained system balance with dual woofers. (mkreg)
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120x85audionoobie's System II (audionoobie)
Thanks---that's good to know about the 1s. My local audio dealer carries Harbeth and I really like the C7s but they are double the price of the 1s and is out... (bluorion)
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120x85My gear (mswale)
Hitachi, wow, cool! Looks like a fun, relaxing rig! I had a Nikko vintage setup at one time. I still have my Nakamichi deck. (douglas_schroeder)
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120x85audionoobie's System II (audionoobie)
Very nice. I had a pair of Vandersteen 2C years ago. Great speakers.I think you did well to move to the long wall.  I've tried it the other way and it was pr... (sls883)
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