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Standmount speaker suggestion

HI I have B&W 705 s3 Signature speakers paired with a Pass Labs INT-60. While imaging and so...

Back in the vinyl saddle again.

Since my divorce 8 years ago, I have not used my turntable and have been spinning CD's, followed ...

Sub woofer naive question day

I am a geezer and have had decent audio equipment for better than fifty years. But have never own...

Most recent concert

Went to an amazing concert last night.  Searched the topic and the threads I saw didn’t match so ...

Any experiences good or bad using Uship?

Thinking of using Uship if I purchase some large Salon 2 speakers.  

Neutral-ish Speaker Cable

I have the best system I’ve ever had due to recent major component upgrades. So now I’m thinking ...

Have JBL Amp pairing please?

Fellow AGONers, I have purchased a pair of JBL K-2s, as my "End Game", speakers. Need best advic...

Looking for a Tube Guru to help compare a 1948 Farnsworth Capehart 114N2 Phono preamp

I recently had this magnificent example of what American engineering can do with deep pockets ent...

Looking for Advice on My Nearfield Setup – KEF Q350 + Yamaha A-S501 + Topping E30 II

Hey everyone, Hoping to get some feedback on my current setup and whether I’m heading in the rig...

PSVane 300B comparisons wanted

In December I bought a set of PSVane Horizon 300bs for use in my Elekit TU8900 with Lii Audio F15...

Luxman da-07x dac…..has anyone here audition it? ?

I have the luxman m10x amp and c900u preamp and have been thinking of the da-07x dac. Has anyone ...

Altec Valencia’s one port in cabinet

Hi,    I’m looking for a nice pair of Altec Valencia 846B speakers and came across someone selli...

Forum contributions in the past 24 hours
Do I need upgraded power cables? (bzawa)
Who uses ADS Speakers (bstbomber)
Does anyone experience sound improvement from restarting power off and on of DAC? (mitchb)
Source of Fremer's "1 arc second" claim? (oberoniaomnia)
Speakers sound too bright. (rwalsh07)
Standmount speaker suggestion (ullogu1)
Question for Atma-sphere, will expensive power cables improve your amplifiers? (aberyclark)
Whats playing on your system today? (nutty)
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report (ghosthouse)
Linear Tube Audio version 3 of the MicroZOTL pre (cbrez)
Back in the vinyl saddle again. (tony1954)
Sub woofer naive question day (hbarrel)
Did I just cook my preamp? (obarrett)
Thiel Owners (jafant)
Most recent concert (bassbuyer)
Technics 1200G vs VPI Forever Model One (displayname)
Did I Expect too much? (langla4)
Coda vs Parasound (winoguy17)
is McIntosh known for good dynamics? (magon)
Any Nashville enthusiasts? (tom_hankins)
Disagreements and Conflicts between Audiophiles have we lost our brotherhood and maturity? (calvinj)
Audio Mirror Tubadour V - A Few Words of Appreciation (hasmarto)
How to find local audiophiles (kerrybh)
And the biggest influence on sound quality is... (tomcarr)
Send in the Clowns (laoman)
Ø Audio anyone? (cdc)
Need to learn about Audio Research (traudio)
Neutral-ish Speaker Cable (jaybe)
Which HDMI cable for I2S? (sls883)
Ever heard Rockpile? (bdp24)
Whats on your turntable tonight? (slipknot1)
Vinyl sounds better (shots fired) (medium_grade)
Koetsu cartridges. They must be something special. (inna)
Thoughts on using a smart plug on intergrated amp. (rbull11)
Just about to pull the trigger on Pontus 15th ... (lanx0003)
Do sound characteristics matter when moving from midfi to hifi? (njwvista)
Linn Bedrok LP12 Plinth Upgrade (mofimadness)
Do You Unplug Equipment During Thunderstorms? (sid-hoff-frenchman)
A life sentence!!! (kennymacc)
New to Turntables (shelly40)
Oh no, say it ain't so. (raesco)
New Klipsch Klipschorn AK7 & La Scala AL6 will be active DSP Crossover (saeed79)
The new dCS Varese is so good that all others are now relegated to history?? (daveyf)
Have JBL Amp pairing please? (cohicks4)
Buy or stay with? (albertballew)
Wifi vs ethernet revisited (debrajray)
Jazz for aficionados (orpheus10)
Looking for Advice on My Nearfield Setup – KEF Q350 + Yamaha A-S501 + Topping E30 II (vail3000)
any decent 12Vdc power supplies that can be used as a 12V trigger? (rbull11)
The Insane World of High End Audio! Is it All a Scam? (mahgister)
Mike's Barn. (tabl10s)
I found a way to get around tariffs that will raise the price of audio equipment. (2psyop)
Furutech Flux50 NCF shoutout (antigrunge2)
If Bi-Wiring is an option, should I choose Bi-wiring over single banana with free jumpers (steve_a001)
New In 2025 (jafant)
Meitner i upgrades (paullb)
Stereo Times review on the Tekton Design Encore Monitor (teajay)
Using non-terminated speaker wire? (immatthewj)
Shipping costs- WTF (maprik)
Repair for speaker cabinet (rayray57)
Hagerman Trumpet MC review (oceanica)
MoFi Sourcepoint 888 Speakers (roxy54)
Animals and audiophiles (bikeboy52)
To refurbish Peter Gunn modded Maggie's or not? (andrew-benn)
ICs with slim RCA Barrels? (stuartk)
Tune of the Day (77jovian)
Need Roon Advice. (lovehifi22)
Upscale Audio is up front with customers (hilde45)
Sound proofing floor (rbull11)
How long should high quality speakers last? (aberyclark)
Sarah Vaughan's Birthday! (klimt)
Is the "improvement" real or imnagined? (kerrybh)
A good little documentary on the great Jim Lauderdale. (bdp24)
Movie/film suggestions. (bdp24)
Altec Valencia’s one port in cabinet (k600r)
Phono Cables for Sutherland 20/20 mk1? (displayname)
Hum in my system; its the turntable R and L interconnects. Huh? (jereeb)
Silverline Audio (mahler123)
REW with subwoofers (edself18)
Klipsch vs B&W brightness (mattldm)
An IEC with grip (zlone)
Is this a new trend? (kennyc)
LUMIN P1 vs DCS BARTOK (NON APEX) (tntmcdade)
Trans-Fi Terminator Tonearm: 2019 Update (ledoux1238)
Chevy Silverado Truck Spanish Ads on Audiogon (tksteingraber)
Virtual Systems Activity
120x85mksun's Nearfield System (mksun)12
120x85izjjzi's Current System (izjjzi)
Great room!  I feel myself itching for some Fleetwood Deville. (pdreher)
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120x85lurch-uk's System (lurch-uk)
I echo @dtorc sentiments. Classic Garrard 401 in equally exquisite plinth and very complimentary system 👏 (lalitk)
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120x85lurch-uk's System (lurch-uk)
Thankyou David.Yes it is beautiful in the flesh, it's 6 sided, with only the front LH corner being 90⁰. Paul Knipe the artisan woodworker who owns Solid Soun... (lurch-uk)
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120x85lurch-uk's System (lurch-uk)
Well, many cool things to like, but for now, let's sing the praises of that wonderful plinth for the Garrard!! I designed my own, and I just had yet another ... (dtorc)
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120x85rayray57's System (rayray57)
Nice system and I completely share your pain with having limited listing space. It’s definitely a challenge to make the most of the space you have which you ... (mksun)
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