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Anybody ever dealt with Safe and Sound audio

I am getting interested in a DAC upgrade.   Has anyone dealt with Safe and Sound audio? Thanks  

Durable record vacuum cleaner recommendation?

I am looking for a durable record vacuum machine. Any recommendations? Ideally will also do 10" ...

Thiel CS7.2

I am looking for a pair of CS5 or CS7.2 in good condition. 

Seeking a Tube preamplifier

I currently have the following system: 1. Martin Logan 11A Impression Loudspeakers (hybrid ele...

Primare A35.2

Anybody have any experience with this amp?  I realize its class D and have owned and enjoyed IceP...

Counterpoint SA3.1 Power Supply question...what size fuse?

Picked up a used SA3.1 with the fuse door/fuse missing on the power supply unit.  I’ve ordered th...

SmoothLan Regenerator from Stack Audio

I've been using this for about a week now, and I must say, I am incredibly impressed with the r...

Balancing "compelling sound" and euphonic sound

Has anyone else found the need to balance compelling aspects of sonics with forgiving/euphonic so...

Forum contributions in the past 12 hours
Whats on your turntable tonight? (slipknot1)
Do You Unplug Equipment During Thunderstorms? (sid-hoff-frenchman)
Vinshine X Collaboration with Kinki Studio, TheTai Hang power enhancer (daytrader)
Have you reached your end point with this addictive hobby? (hiendmmoe)
Anybody ever dealt with Safe and Sound audio (retiredaudioguy)
Durable record vacuum cleaner recommendation? (oberoniaomnia)
speaker upgrade from Magico A3 (mintakax)
Standmount speaker suggestion (ullogu1)
Whats playing on your system today? (nutty)
I found a way to get around tariffs that will raise the price of audio equipment. (2psyop)
Im going to regret my cable question (neversatisfied)
Disagreements and Conflicts between Audiophiles have we lost our brotherhood and maturity? (calvinj)
dcs bartok vs DENAFRIPS TERMINATOR-PLUS (haimr)
Thiel CS7.2 (oeneroorda)
The new dCS Varese is so good that all others are now relegated to history?? (daveyf)
is McIntosh known for good dynamics? (magon)
Speakers sound too bright. (rwalsh07)
Wifi vs ethernet revisited (debrajray)
Seeking a Tube preamplifier (kjl1065)
Fun with MM cartridge (joenies)
Is there usually a dramatic difference between $5k and $10k cartridges ? (inna)
Just about to pull the trigger on Pontus 15th ... (lanx0003)
The Sacred Ritual of Vinyl: A Return to Mindful Listening (unreceivedogma)
Jay's Audio Lab Visits GR Research's Listening Room (deep_333)
Counterpoint SA3.1 Power Supply question...what size fuse? (maddog4079)
Ever heard Rockpile? (bdp24)
Equalizer in a Hi Fi system (tattooedtrackman)
Canare 4S11"G" now available! (mofimadness)
Most recent concert (bassbuyer)
Seeking a recommendation for a reasonably priced Class 1 SPL meter (kjl1065)
Purifi Class D: Junk? (madavid0)
Anyone wear gloves to handle vacuum tubes? (billpete)
SmoothLan Regenerator from Stack Audio (knockknock12)
Hagerman Piccolo Zero: New transimpedance head amp (mulveling)
network switches and cables. (marco1)
I2s cable not working with my DAC (ssand1)
Flex minidsp Dirac Live (paqua123)
Need advice from the gurus. (tubeguy76)
Did I Expect too much? (langla4)
Best affordable Linear Power Stage (toneranger58)
Using non-terminated speaker wire? (immatthewj)
Eversolo DMP-A8 vs Aurender N10 comparisons? (swhite007)
Have you been enjoying your Gryphon Diablo 120 integrated ? (inna)
Looking for a new DAC (ice812)
Back in the vinyl saddle again. (tony1954)
New split AC System impact on sound. (emergingsoul)
Technics 1200G vs VPI Forever Model One (displayname)
Tube amp/ preamp advice (mulboost)
And the biggest influence on sound quality is... (tomcarr)
Stereophile reviews the active Grimm LS1C (erik_squires)
Koetsu cartridges. They must be something special. (inna)
Swiss Digital Fuse Box - "What headroom sounds like" (gladmo)
Willsenton vs Billie MK 1 (troutbum)
Tip for "randomizing" a playlist. (oranfoster)
Need some advice: Found some Audio Equipment (lewiskl)
Is this a new trend? (kennyc)
The "young people' music thread - Artists younger than 40 years old (deep_333)
Dan D'Agostino Pendulum Intergrated review (hifimaniac)
Source of Fremer's "1 arc second" claim? (oberoniaomnia)
Did I just cook my preamp? (obarrett)
Jazz for aficionados (orpheus10)
Linn Bedrok LP12 Plinth Upgrade (mofimadness)
Virtual Systems Activity
ARC,CAT, SF and Jeff (daveyf)
Thank you jafant. The Esoteric DV-60 makes an incredible sounding transport. Unfortunately, like most all-in-one's, it will not pass through SACD, but I find... (daveyf)
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