What to do with a large collection

I have thousands of CDs and records and am looking to get rid of most of them. i can’t possibly listen to them in my remaining years and my wife doesn’t need them. CDs, it turns out, are not very viable these days, and if you want to sell them to a dealer you can only get store credit!! And, if as in my case, the collection is 90% classical, it seems they will be impossible to unload. Since CDs are antiques these days, I can’t imagine ANYONE who would want them. The only alternative I can see is the garbage. When you consider just how much of an investment they were it’s indeed a sobering realization.
Records are indeed “in,” but how desirable are classical LP’s?

Any suggestions?


Libraries may often take them in , keep some and sell the rest to benefit the library.

Actually, CD's are making a bit of a comeback and there are more new CD players and disc transports coming to market. 

Post removed 

For CDs: schools as well may be interested, besides libraries. Last resort is goodwill, where they would auction it off at shopgoodwill.com


For the last year and a half I have been selling my records & cd collection on eBay, one by one or in small groups, with very good results. It is time consuming, with plenty of steps but worth it to me. I also have sold both on Craigslist too.


i inquired about librarians several years ago.  Couldn’t find any takers.


I really want to get rid of them in bulk, but maybe some are valuable enough to list.

Goodwill type places will accept them.  Also try Craigslist and offer them for free.

"I really want to get rid of them in bulk, but maybe some are valuable enough to list."

While not classical, here are some of my records that I sold, all used:

Steely Dan, Self-Titled Japan pressing - $130.00 -- Beatles, White Album - $70.00 -- (3) Pink Floyd albums - $65.00 -- The Clash - $60.00 -- Pink Floyd, Wish You Where Here - $60.00 -- A. Stewart, Year of the Cat MSFL - $50.00. There are more in that range, however most sold in the $18.00 - $30.00 range shipped, all shipped in record mailers, Media Mail. About 235 records sold so far and about the same yet to go.

CD’s - (3) Dave Grusin, Sheffield Lab - $40.00, others in the $15.00 - $30.00 range for groups of two to five cd’s.

Likewise I have been selling my LP’s I no longer use and my entire CD selection on ebay the past 2 years.  I group most by artist or similar genre and try to sell as collections when I can.  Most LP’s sold well but CD’s sell slooow.  All priced to go…most at breakeven so it’s not a money maker.  I do it to find a new home where they will be enjoyed.  Craiglist didn’t work for me. Record store resellers are super selective and not worth using.  Thrift shops in my area take them as well but i fear they dispose of them if they don’t move.  I am getting ready to drop them off anyway…at least my wife or children won’t have to deal  with them down the road.

Start listing the cds and lps on ebay, discogs, etc. It's a big world out there... I had some Asian buyers giving me serious cash for stuff that i though was worthless.

I have a large, but not insanely large, CD collection. My problem isn't the CDs -I keep them in media folders (about 300 discs each) which don't take much room. The problem is the boxes they came in. Would throw away but would hurt resale value. So I've got about a dozen large boxes of empty disc cases.

Happy New Year!

Media Mail tends to be inexpensive. You can sell here or on ebay, a box load at a time, for a small price. You can collect a little cash, and know the discs are going to someone who will enjoy them...there are still some that are starting new CD collections...

dweller -- Don't worry about the jewel cases, toss them. Most of my cd collection are in Case Logic ProSleeves and they are selling, no problem on eBay. I just cut the paper front & back to fit in the sleeve along with any other inserts that are in the jewel case. In the ProSleeve there is also a slot where you can put the thin cd ID that has the artist, title and cd number on it. It is easy to fit up to 4 cd's in a 8 x 5 padded envelope and ship USPS Media Mail.

Cd had not much values nowadays...

People stream...

They buy vinyls..

They buy files...They copy their files and sell or give their cd ...


The cd used market is huge at low price ...

Grooves must be material based, cd are digits on immaterial support ...


I will never bought a cd again ...Nor a vinyl ...


I wish to all happy new year... I wish to you health and joy even money if you need it ... 😊🍸🍹

There is a lively trade in used classical CDs on Amazon.  Of course, the rarer ones command higher prices.  One of the USA-based companies that does a lot of business there is Decluttr.

Entertainment | Sell DVDs, Compact Discs & Books | Decluttr

If you want just to donate, trying talking to the Music department of your local college or university.

A few years ago, I sold a large collection of CDs to 


i don’t know if they’re still in business, but, worth a try. They made it easy to pack and ship the CDs. Might get some $ out of it. 
Good luck!

Proximity to a university or high school music program?  A donation could enrich the program and give a credible tax write off to you.  Winner winner chicken dinner.

My jazz program director was a former Vegas player and he used vinyl albums to provide examples of ensemble and soloist works as a teaching tool.

Best of luck with the adventure.  Cheers

@rvpiano   Private message me.  I could be interested in a discussion about buying your CD collection.  Despite what others say, I don't stream and love my CD collection.  Always looking to expand it.  And classical is lacking in my current collection.  Cheers.

I donated my Dad’s vinyl (78 and 33) to a local symphony orchestra. They hold auctions to raise money. Vinyl is popular. People buy, listen then donate back. And the circle goes on.

Perhaps you could find an organization that would take CDs?

Post removed 


Unfortunately CD’s don’t seem to be worth much at this point in time. Just a couple of years ago, I stopped by a garage sale on a fluke and ended up buying just under 1200 CD’s for $150.  I kept about 90 to fill in some blanks in my collection and then gave the rest to a buddy who took them to a huge Flea Market. He sold something like 125 of them out of about 1100!  On his way home, he dropped the rest off at Saint Vincent’s thrift shop and he was nice enough to give me the receipt for my taxes.😁

All the best.

I sold my CD collection on Craigslist. I got $100 from a guy that I’m pretty sure was planning to sell them on ebay or flea market.

Vinyl I have no idea but seems to be in more demand.  Also, anyone buying vinyl from you can be sure it was well taken care off which is a plus.

best of luck,


I still collect classical CDs and LPs. I find there gaps in my collection with regards to certain composers and conductors. Please contact me directly so that I can find out more about your collection.

I am not in to streaming. I still find something very special putting an LP, cleaning it with Mark Hunt brush, and then placing the cartridge on it (LOL). Even with ticks and pops, I give me goose bumps. My son is developing some interest in classical music. I want to hammer the iron while it is still hot and before he lose interest and god forbid go on to Rap music (LOL). I am hoping he will keep my jazz and classical collection.

Thanks to all who have provided suggestions.  
I have to decide if I want to sell in bulk or individually.  It seems a shame to have forked over so much money and wind up with nothing.
Declutter might work out for me if I have the patience to scroll thousands of bar codes.
If I want to recoup some of my investment I’ll have to do the work and list discs individually on eBay or Amazon. Maybe I’ll start with the records.
I’m not yet certain how I’m going to go about disposing of everything

Hi. Would definitely be interested in purchasing your collection. If you don’t mind, where are you located?

I've purchased collection of North of 100K records at least twice. I don't think I've paid more than dime pre piece doin' that...

So how large is yours?

After 2 years selling on ebay time to liquidate CD’s.  Just scanned in the remainder of my CD collection using Decluttr.   Have about 240 CD’s of which they accepted 60 for $7.00 and they provided a free shipping label to GA.  Went fast with their AP with a bar code scanner.  They do not take duplicates or BMG club CD’s or CD’s without bar codes.  Many of mine were BMG club CD’s.  Remainder of mine are headed to our local thrift store.  

I recently bought a Schiit Urd to see how the "Unison" USB in my Bifrosnt 2/64 sounded. It's amazingly good and I'm thoroughly enjoying my large but recently mostly ignored CD collection again. 

If it's too much time and trouble to sell individually, give them to someone who will list them for you, let him pay you a commission. 

I would consider a bulk purchase from you. Especially the LPs, but also the CDs, however you want to do it. I have bought two classical collections locally for personal use not resale. Mm121666@yahoo.com Thanks, Mark

@OP. This post is intended as a positive comment not a criticism. The real value of a music collection collection is in the listening pleasure derived it. Entertainment software of all kinds is a rapidly depreciating commodity in terms of resale value and always has been. That said, there is still plenty of demand for CD's at what economists call the market clearing price.

I gave away hundreds of Cds years ago..... now I'm buying them back.... who knew?

I too have some CDs I’d like to get rid of but I listen to CDs about as much as I listen to vinyl. I tried the streaming route but did not like it and sold my streamer and DAC. Of the 3 formats, streaming was the worst sounding with vinyl the best and CDs a close second. I continue to buy CDs because they are less expensive than vinyl and there is more choices than vinyl. Plus there are some amazing CD players available these days.

Our local friends of the library group does book sales where they also sell CDs. There are often many classical CDs. You won't get any return on your investment but it will do a great deal of good for the local library. 

I wonder how many of those cds have "cd rot"? I have a collection of around 500 cds that go back to the 80s. I'm finding that a few from the 80s and 90s have "self destructed". I have always stored them properly,  but it's my understanding that some of the materials contained in the cds, especially the older ones,  cause the layer containing the digital info to corrode.  It appears to the eye as a "cloudiness " on the surface. I'm curious as to how many other collectors are experiencing this.

I’ll take the CD’s. Just recently got a new disc player and really enjoy classical music

To all who have made offers, you must be prepared to pick them up.
‘But I really haven’t decided which way to go yet.

I’m located on Long Island, New York.

@kmcong I have a not "huge" collection of about 1200 CDs from the 1980s to today. Out of all of those I think I had 3 that got "CD rot" due to oxidation of the aluminum layer due to a pin hole in the acrylic plastic.  3 out of 1200 isn't too bad, I think. Fortunately, I was able to replace those 3 over time via Discogs and was glad. 

Vinyl records are not recyclable in normal recycling streams because they are made of PVC.  I would think a classical CD collection would sell as a lot, or subdivided into smaller batches (by label, composer, conductor) on ebay. I have purchased large lots, both vinyl and CD before. Rarities will always sell. I think Discogs might give you an idea about value. You might contact a local Auctioneer or Auction House. USPS has inexpensive Media Mail rates. It will take a little effort... If you want Zero Effort hire someone to take them to Goodwill, they have a corporate structure that can extract value from "collectables".  Other (non-corporate) thrift stores recognize LP and CD, and books as value streams, some more eager to do so than others (major metropolitan areas have a stronger used market). It surprises me that no stores (used record stores) would make an offer on a collection. I'm always sad when someone liquidates... but it is a new opportunity for someone else. It might be helpful for members here to see a list.

"It seems a shame to have forked over so much money and wind up with nothing."

Remember, you "forked over" your money to be able to enjoy the music! If you didn't enjoy any of it, that would be one thing. But presuming you have, I'd say cheer up! 😉

Happy listening.

+1 musicfan2349,I don’t look at cds, vinyl or audio gear as an investment that I intend to sell one day and want to at least break even.

Finding the artists and music you love, shopping for the disk or having it come in the mail and then listening to it and enjoying it is where the value is.

If you can sell them, great, but, if you can’t, it seems that there are people here who will take them off your hands. There should be someone in the NYC area who would pick them up. You would have the knowledge that you have helped keep the music you love alive in a physical format.

As far as I know, you can’t take anything with you when you go, including money, so we’re going to have to leave everything behind one day.