Responses from moonwatcher
Getting a Divorce and can now buy floor standing speakers At least you won't have to worry that when you die, your wife will sell your stereo gear for what you told her you paid for it. | |
Bluesound Node versions SQ @grunge1000 we all bemoan the lack of very many younger people getting into this hobby beyond their cellphones and earbuds or maybe Bluetooth noise cancelling headphones, so when a young 20-something coworker, who has backed into this hobby via ho... | |
Bluesound Node versions SQ @soix don't shoot the messenger. I'm merely asking a technical "why?". I also believe the old axiom that a fool and his money are soon parted if they aren't at least a bit skeptical. I'm not arguing with you or anyone else on DACs. They obviously ... | |
Bluesound Node versions SQ @soix I’m an engineer. Show me the money (measurements). If I send a data stream of 01001101 and another streamer does the same to the exact same external DAC, and that external DAC is doing buffering and reclocking of the data stream such that ji... | |
Bluesound Node versions SQ I’d price out buying a used Node and a LPS, but compare that (and risks involved in tearing into it unless you have a little electronics experience) with just buying the Node 132 for $549 and being done with it. It has a better power supply per Bl... | |
Question about high current amps versus "not high current amps" I just wish that speaker manufacturers who make speakers requiring high current amps with amazing damping factors to simply recommend a few amps. It doesn't have to be an endorsement exactly but give a few examples and say, "high current amplifier... | |
Streamer + DAC help: Bluesound vs Eversolo (vs Others) The new Bluesound line up of Nano, Node, and Icon have gotten some great reviews with some saying even the $299 Nano sounds better than the old Node and Node X by an easy to hear margin. So, I'd imagine the Node 132 and Icon would be very good, as... | |
Anyone else ever deal with Tidal "support"? @blackbag20 that has me trying to evaluate whether feeding a WiiM Ultra into an external DAC via USB would sound as good as say using the new Node N132 into the same external DAC via USB? I know people swear that upscale $$$ streamers by Auralic,... | |
Anyone else ever deal with Tidal "support"? I hear you, but as others have said, Windows 7 has been dead a very long time. I hate it, but I have three computers and one laptop all running Windows 10 and NONE of them can officially be upgraded to Windows 11, so come October, they’ll be heade... | |
Nearfield Low-Level Listening : New Speakers or EQ? Thoughts? The issues are multi-faceted. Some speakers really do need to be played at a certain level before they "come alive" like Frampton. EQ can help your perception of certain frequencies, but if your speakers "don't sing" at lower levels with a decent ... | |
Streamer apps critical One thing to mention, is that unless I can use a "connect" app like Tidal Connect to pass the URL directly to it, I'm not interested in a streamer. It is a pity that those with deep pockets like Apple and Amazon don't create these "connect" apps f... | |
Streamer apps critical @ghdprentice that is scary to contemplate that so many of the apps we and banks, and other outfits use are patched together so randomly. I remember way, way back in the 1970s, they taught us to add comment lines to all our code with the idea that ... | |
Is anyone here still into live concerts these days? @goodlistening64 nope. I’m not talking about background vocals but rather the main vocals supposedly being sung by Taylor Swift during her shows. Look, I don’t have a dog in this hunt. She is not my cup of tea and I haven’t bought any of her albu... | |
Is anyone here still into live concerts these days? @allenf1963 I live north of Charlotte, near Statesville. We are indeed blessed with several good sounding venues for live music in this area within 2- or 3-hours driving distance. Not bad. MSG in NYC was always special. Would love to see Radio Cit... | |
Is anyone here still into live concerts these days? I rarely go to large venue (20,000 seat and larger) shows. The disconnect between seeing the band playing is just too much. Don’t get me wrong, I went to plenty of them in the decades past, from Pink Floyd, many Grateful Dead shows, Phish, Widespr... |