
Discussions bpoletti has started

Dynaco ST-70 vs Mark 39332
Dynaco ST-70 vs Mark 38601
New AT ART and OC9 cartridges15694
CD or DVD player to use as a transport378313
Jelco TK-850L Installation and Initial Impressions630014
ART7 vs. ART9 vs. OC9X-series vs. Soundsmith Zephyr MIMC Star66045
AT OC9/II Re-release33628
Stylus and Cantilever Cleaning - DAP Blue Stik26282
Highest detail cartridges1653984
Using Maple Butcher Block Under a Turntable24433119
Soundsmith Optimized Contour Contact Line Stylus for Rebuild575826
AT OC9/II vs AT OC9/III898816
Phoenix Engineering Falcon and Eagle788636
Nice combination21900