

Discussions twoleftears has started

Triode Wire Labs Spirit II XLRs and DH Labs Revelation XLRs: a comparison17464
DACs with switchable high/low gain (output) settings13567
Vogue Audio 7N OCC silver cables597328
Schiit's solid-state 6SN7379617
any owners of RJS Acoustics bass augmentation speakers?14092
dust protection for turntables345527
Problem with Recent Activity / Virtual Systems ?13962
Linlai 12AU7 ????36017
EPDR more important than impedance alone39478
Lii Audio drivers and speaker85975
preamp vs amp: relative effect on sound?230913
high sensitivity + low impedance vs. low sensitivity + high impedance40234
Puritan PSM156825415
Yamaha GT-500021134
the air dielectric214814