
Responses from erik_squires

Are my " diamond " tweeters really diamond
@musicaddict - You are right that none of them are "natural" diamonds. I suspect some of the most famous brands with diamond tweeters may be coated with diamond dust from natural diamonds like the common nail file. The most ridiculous use of actu... 
Help trouble shooting sub hum
This is a hot mess.  You want to use a converter like this one.  
Thoughts on using a smart plug on intergrated amp.
I think they are small and cheap and if you can’t hear it you can’t hear it. This is the brand I use. You can even schedule it to turn itself off at specific times or events like sunrise/sunset. I don't have one on my listening gear per se, but ... 
Vibration control. Tube equipment. What's the best way to do it ?
Im not sure I can i.prove but im a fan of the isoacoustic pucks  
Tuner choices: Tandberg or Luxman?
The Tandbergs were famous for amazing sensitivity.  If you have difficult reception there's no better choice.  Of course, having a great FM antenna can mitigate this. The other thing about them was they did have a number of programmable stations,... 
This Might Not Exist, Any reasonably priced, smaller speakers with 100db Sensitivity?
Klipsch Heresy is 99 dB    
Piano high notes very bright
Sometimes this is a room issue.  If your room is bright or has strong reflections in just the right spot it can sound shrill or distorted at certain volume levels.  Try listening with a couple of pillows around/behind your head.  If the shrillnes... 
Ayre QX-5 Twenty
The real issues are going to be related to device compatibility with modern iPhone or Android devices, as well as streaming services.  So long as that's up to date you should be good.   
Sound room humidity
Personally I find 55% feels too humid.  I'd keep it at 50% here year round if I could.  :)   
Switching out tweeters
Go over to Diyaudio for help.  
I often notice that people who have open reel decks and/or tube equipment are nicest
That's simply not true.  The nicest people are the one's with meters on their amps.  
"The room can totally wreck, or make, a system"
The worst part about a bad room is how it will constantly send an audiophile into a consumer merry-go-round.  Constantly trying to improve the sound with better speakers/cables/etc.  
An IEC with grip
Above all things, avoid Wattgate, they don’t seat fully and are prone to suffer from cable leverage/weight pulling them out. I’ve had decent luck with Connex (the Parts Connexion brand) but it’s only relatively better than Wattgate. Avoid Rhodium... 
Speaker upgrade?
Really think you should look into used Revel instead.  Step up to something made 8n the last 10 years.  Also worth considering are JBL classic and klipsch heresy  
Pure Silver Wire
I'll go you even cheaper.  Build your own IC's out of pure silver wires and decide for yourself if silver is worth it.   Here is a source, under $12/foot.