Responses from tksteingraber
Best Used Tube Based Preamp $2k Or Under? I own a Supratek Cabernet. Mick made it new in 2023. It is fantastic pre that performs way above it’s price. If you can find one used with remote I would recommend it highly. They are made with remotes. Johnny Slate is the USA tech located i... | |
Voigt Pipe speakers still a thing? Check this thread out might be insightful… | |
Decware and “The List” Oooch….looks like another 2 years (or more) of checking that list. My Torii Jr, which I love, took 2 years …I would love to order more but that wait is just too extreme for me now. Patience is rewarded. Good Luck with it all. | |
Audiophiles and De-cluttering -- your journey toward both psychic and sonic improvement “The” most important decluttering change I made is a hard rule I now follow with each new purchase. “For every component/item I buy I must sell one”. Good thread topic! Each of our decluttering journey’s certainly will vary depending our differing... | |
Mullard EL34 that sounds best @inna my Mullards were not matched Quads. I was able to buy matched pairs to make one quad. Another quad I purchased was sold from the demise of an amp. They tested very close but one of the tubes was a Matsushita not Mullard. (Matsushitas loo... | |
Mullard EL34 that sounds best I have settled in on the old stock Mullard EL34 XF2 with the single O getter. The XF1 version,I have not heard, is too expensive and hard to find anyway. The XF2 OO getter is the early version of the XF2’s and said to be the better of the two ve... | |
What is the science behind audiophile fuses? @mitch2 I don’t know if you have seen the inside of a SDFB but I added a photo of one on my systems page to view. Thought it might be of interest to folks. I have trouble posting pics on forum threads…😩 | |
What is the science behind audiophile fuses? My experience using Sluggo’s is that they are similar to tubes or cables. Each metal has it’s own sound signature. Copper warmer, silver more detailed and revealing, silver/rhodium hollow in between. But the graphene/copper slug was another “Oh My... | |
Do CD Transports benefit much from upgraded power cords? Jerry, Couldn’t be defined any better! 👍👍 | |
2025 Audio System Wish List Time! DIY build of new main system small tower speakers using the highest quality efficient single drivers that are reasonably affordable….the plan is to build a 45”x10”x14” bass reflex cabinet using the Hungarian made Solido 6x9 Field Coil drivers with... | |
To Fritz, Quicksilver, and all the exceptional makers trying to get the word out @hilde45 Hats off to Fritz and his wonderful speakers. I picked up a used pair of 2017 Rev 5 SE to use as mains in my 2nd Home Theatre System. They exceeded my expectations so when I ungraded my amp in my main system I thought let’s add my outgoi... | |
DAC for Aurender N200 Absolutely love my Mojo Mystique EVO DAC with USB from a Bricasti M5. Interesting thread to check out… | |
Looking for High Quality Streamer Only Options (NO DAC)? Interesting read on Bricasti | |
Looking for High Quality Streamer Only Options (NO DAC)? I use a Bricasti M5 Network streamer (endpoint) with a Sonic transporter (server) in a separate room. Both Roon ready and it works flawlessly with a tablet. I did use a laptop as the server prior but the sonic transporter is much easier since it s... | |
Is all the hype warranted If you look at the amps date made the majority of them are older models that have been redesigned. Current models sell at a premium price with several that have been listed over original purchase price due to the wait time. With the significant... |