Responses from carlsbad2
External blu-ray disc player/writer - can I burn a blu-ray disc? I have 3 blue ray players stacked up here waiting for me to put them on facebook marketplace as I keep upgrading. if you aren't looking for high end, you can get one for $30. Are you saying your current player is damaging your disks? | |
This Might Not Exist, Any reasonably priced, smaller speakers with 100db Sensitivity? @musicaddict I totally disagree. I say there are basicly two types of high end systems. Solid state systems, generally high power and many of the speakers that are highly regarded have sensitivities in the 85-88dB/watt-meter. Then there are the... | |
More on XLR vs RCA considerations? @cleeds that is not my claim. I'm saying that there are those who feel that way. I agree with you. there are good of each. | |
Streamer, no DAC please? Most good streamers don’t have a DAC. Innuos, aurender, Grimm MU1, etc. the all-in-ones tend to be lower quality with some notable exceptions like the Grimm MU2. PS decide if you want to use Roon before you buy. this will influence your decision. | |
Neotech vs Stager silver solids I my experience the biggest difference between any interconnects is fhe difference between silver and copper. You're looking at one of each. Because the current is very low, a quality silver plate is almost the same as solid silver. This is a h... | |
Thoughts on using a smart plug on intergrated amp. I don’t know what amp/system you have but if your music stops playing and your amp goes into standby mode, what’s to fix? worry about it the next day. Some leave their amps on 24/7. OTOH, if you have a class A amp, it won't go into any standby mo... | |
More on XLR vs RCA considerations? What makes you think your thread will be different? Ralph, the BAT crew, and their follwers will swear you can’t have a good system without XLR. Many of the rest of us who swear by RCA, aren’t so married to it and we’ll likely say it doesn’t matte... | |
Is there usually a dramatic difference between $5k and $10k cartridges ? @inagroove certainly you can hear the difference or you wouldn't be chasing that last 3%. Sure, some members he couldn't hear it and they wouldn't chase it. but I think you need to keep in mind, when someone with an already great system says "th... | |
Why are DAC's so much more expensive than transports? Transports are simple to make, just requiring quality components and work. Like any technology, they are becoming commoditized. DACs are still evolving. Lots of development still going on, competing technologies, advances, improvments, exciteme... | |
Is there usually a dramatic difference between $5k and $10k cartridges ? At that level there is generally not a dramatic diffeence between any 2 components You're chasing the last few percent. that is not a bad thing. Now people will get very excited when they make progress. Lets do the math with some made up numbe... | |
Preamp advice @vthokie83 I'm curious about charliee's question too. | |
Has anyone tried these SnugPlugs? @ozzy it looks llike they go into the plug and thus are obviously non-conductive. So now the plug is making contact only with the outside half of the receptacle. Is that right? | |
?Wireless all in one speakers "Endgame 2 channel system" and "wireless all-in-one" are pretty much opposite ends of the spectrum. | |
I feel for you @awise1961 Thanks for posting your experience. I hope your eyes can hold on for you. hang in there. jerry | |
I feel for you @waytoomuchstuff thanks for your cool story and you're modding strategies. I'm glad I inpired you to post it. Jerry |