Responses from jl35
OK Audiogon, help me out please Very many excellent speakers in your price range...much preferred my Gato system without the Niagara 1000 ... | |
System Advice If looking for a DAC check out Schiit. If looking for a steamer check out WiiM | |
HOW MUCH IS TOO MUCH TO SPEND ON A SYSTEM? IF YOU GET THE SOUND DOES IT MATTER? Hopefully Ron, you will outlive your current system...I'm 75 and figure my kids will inherit a different system than I have now, and maybe even learn to love tubes and LP's... | |
Power for two subs. I have 2 REL subs plugged into wall and no issues... | |
physiology and psychology of hearing and very many here do not have young ears... | |
Choosing between 2 preamps Friend has the VK-31SE and inspired me to buy a VK-33SE ... both excellent...but yours has been modified so probably no one here has a clue how it sounds... | |
OK Audiogon, help me out please 11 x 11 is definitely an issue...an hour drive is quite short considering the money you are looking to spend... | |
A not sarcastic question for the power conditioner/upgraded power cord folks So much of this depends on your equipment, electrical grid and sonic preferences...my amps only sound their best, to me and my friends, plugged into the wall...but if I had different amps and/or lived 3 blocks away (which has a different power co... | |
A not sarcastic question for the power conditioner/upgraded power cord folks My experience was that the cord from the conditioner to the wall was very important... | |
HOW MUCH IS TOO MUCH TO SPEND ON A SYSTEM? IF YOU GET THE SOUND DOES IT MATTER? totally relative here, no rule of thumb, especially if you buy stuff with good resale value...if it makes you happy and you can afford it...same with houses, cars, watches, boats, everything we don't actually need... | |
Looking for a simple system If you like Gato, and do not need streamer and integrated combined, I would look at the top of the line Gato Amp 150 (ClassAB), and a separate streamer... | |
Does anyone listen to the radio anymore? I listen most days, though no tuner in main system anymore... | |
My Sonus Faber Amatis have weak bass even though I'm running ML 536s--800 w/ch into 4 ohms the OP does say that the speakers sound "great" and with subs "comes alive" .... maybe all is well, except he didn't expect to "need" subs ... | |
My Sonus Faber Amatis have weak bass even though I'm running ML 536s--800 w/ch into 4 ohms My Dali Epicon 8's sounded great without subs, but much better with a pair of REL subs...many "high priced" speakers sound much better with a pair of high quality, well matched and set up subs ... | |
Is it O.K. To Speculate Re: Company Stability Here? I think it's certainly can be a valid question to ask...I think problems can arise if the question presents with a somewhat exaggerated title, and is maybe based on a phone call not being returned within 24 hours...and many read the title, but not... |