

Responses from ibmjunkman

Is Recording quality the real culprit?
Your Can't Polish A Turd   But you can.   https://youtu.be/yiJ9fy1qSFI  
If A.I. took the place of musicians, would you listen to it?
Rick Beato takes.   https://youtu.be/zbo6SdyWGns https://youtube.com/shorts/Tq5zfDyQL5k  
A Sanely Priced Power Conditioner That Actually Works - OnFilter PDU
A link like this would have been nice. https://www.onfilter.com/filtered-pdu And this site put an ad over the right side of your chart that moved with it and could not be eliminated.   
Shorting plugs
Without a center pin how do the RCA plugs actually electrically short anything? That would just be a dust cap.   
Which has a greater influence on sound quality, the amp or the preamp?
Signal source. Garbage In, Garbage Out.  
Speaker Slip Covers
In the late 60s my JBL Dorian S12s needed protection from our cat. That was the days of clear vinyl sofa protectors. Ask your grandmother. 😊 I went to a local slipcover maker and had them make 2 flat bottom bags whose inside dimensions were just ... 
Do you past equipment appear in your dreams?
I still have my past equipment. 😊  
Suggestions for testing a never installed, 20-year boxed amp.
Before I powered up my long dormant Pioneer SX-1050 I found a current limiting device on eBay. It used a light bulb to someone limit current. It powered up OK. I then used a multimeter to check for DC on the speaker terminals. Luckily there was no... 
Favorite moment with music in your car.
Late 1998. My client in Italy gave me a new company car. Audi R4. I had a music system installed. One ZZ Top song had such low bass it gave me goosebumps. Had more impact than my JBL L222 Disco towers at home.  
how to remove a woofer from b@w801n
Thousands of dollars for interconnects, power cables and speaker cables and the expensive sound unceremoniously goes through a 5 cent crimp on connector. 😊  
How can I measure the noise on my AC mains with a 2ch oscilloscope?
If only Edison had won the power war. We would have DC direct from the wall outlet. 😊  
Napping while listening
I have a custom mix CD of Elton John I play when I go to bed. If I am not asleep by the 5th song I get up and watch TV for a bit.  
blast from the past
blast from the past
Now that you mention it I am not sure why I had them. I used to have 30+ years of records but trashed a few decades when I moved 6 years ago. I started my punch card website 15 years ago. The only thing I can think of is I previously did a culling... 
Classical Record Collection Needs New Home
I donated my Dad’s vinyl to my county’s symphony orchestra. They have regular auctions to raise money. People win a 78, keep it for a while then donate back.