Responses from rvpiano
Does anyone listen to the radio anymore? Never listen ordinarily, but since my system went down have been listening to Alexa radio transmissions. Enjoying it greatly. | |
What headphone and amplifier for classical enthusiast @newbee Thanks for your interest and suggestions. | |
LoFi @shtinkydog Why, Thank you. | |
LoFi Not a bad idea. | |
LoFi It’s really amazing how far technology has come that, for $89.99 you can buy an Alexa Echo that actually portrays classical music decently. Amazing clarity and differentiation between instruments. The musical message is capable of being transmitt... | |
Karajan Mahler Six The Karajan recording of the 6th was my first introduction to the symphony. Very fine performance indeed. It captures the full emotion of the work. | |
LoFi @deep_333 Thanks very much for your interest and suggestions. You definitely have the right idea. I’m not sure I can utilize near field with my current setup, but it’s a great idea and worth a try. I’ll look into the BACCH processing system y... | |
LoFi It occurs to me that no one on this forum is in it for the music only no matter what is said. After all it’s called Audio gon. There are plenty of other music sites. | |
LoFi deep_333, You know, I’m actually thinking of something like that. I realize how much music I’ve been missing, and how much I’m enjoying music now, and how this hobby has corrupted my senses. It seems a shame after all the dedication and expense ... | |
LoFi No subwoofers yet. But listening to the radio I realize this a classic case of missing the forest for the trees. Too much sonic detail to hear a composition as a whole. This is true especially for classical music (bigger forest) which tends to be ... | |
LoFi Yep! | |
LoFi The music just seems to hold together in my mind better without the distraction of the SQ which I have poured so much of my energy, time and money into. I’m not ready to give it up though. It’s too much fun. | |
LoFi @mahler123 Your lucky your not distracted or seduced by the sheer physical sound of your system. | |
LoFi @stereo5 I’m trying to find the problem. The best guess is that I have a tube that went bad in my preamp. . | |
Medium pitched sound from speakers Thank you! Will order new tubes today. Should have kept some on stock. |