
Responses from secretguy

What exactly is ROON?
 If you don’t know what liner notes are because your music appreciation evolved with iTunes This might be the greatest sentence (or partial sentence) ever posted on here!  
$3500 floor standing speakers used. What would be your choice ?
Same thing I bought. Magnepan 3.7  
Marantz SA-10 arriving Monday!
When I want something that sounds like vinyl, I use vinyl. But I'm just funny that way...  
Bose 901 Review Well Done.
LOL Someone is still wasting space on these?  
Turntable Upgrade
If it's between VIP and Technics, I'd choose VIP 150 times out of 100.  
Piano high notes very bright
I don't think I've ever done a session (And I've done a lot) with the piano close miked with the lid open.  
Choosing a cartridge for a vintage TT.
@roberjerman Agree about Denon carts. I have a 304 mk2 that I love!  
Piano high notes very bright
"Not all recordings" Might just be the actual piano. They're all different. Mine is annoyingly bright.  
What do the statistics say about the age of Audiophiles and the replacement rate?
@mopsauce Lack of discrimination, like ignorance, must be bliss.  
A not sarcastic question for the power conditioner/upgraded power cord folks
You should plug directly into the generating plant at your local electric company.  
A little puzzled by my newly acquired Yamaha A-S801
On brand for Yamaha.  
The Power Plant Regenerator debate drags on
For anyone who has the $ to throw at an "if"...  
A Question: What makes for Good Vinyl?
RUSH??? OMG....  
Does anyone listen to the radio anymore?
*chuckling at WWOZ* Sheesh..  
Does anyone listen to the radio anymore?
@bipod72 The WWNO jazz (HD3 I think) programming comes from Pittsburgh. You may have even heard me! I think they might still play my stuff.