
Responses from celtic66

A not sarcastic question for the power conditioner/upgraded power cord folks
Furutech DPS 4.1 PC run from wall receptacle to Puritan Labs 156, replacing their stock PC was revelatory.  This was replicated in my friend’s system with same Puritan Labs 156.  We were both taken aback.  Happy listening.  
??? Anyone Running Active Speakers Driven By A Tube PreAmp ???
Three tube preamplifiers were used with ATC 40A and ATC 50A transducers:  Manley Jumbo Shrimp, Manley Neo Classic 300B and De Havilland Mercury (heavily modified) were used for years in my system.  Each time I felt the tube design could not keep u... 
My Sonus Faber Amatis have weak bass even though I'm running ML 536s--800 w/ch into 4 ohms
Also not a Nordost cable fan, except for digital.  They do nice digital cables.  Anyway, they do trend towards thinner sound.  My non-custom made cables are Decware and Duelund.  Yes, Decware.  Duelund makes very nice simple speaker cables.  Cheers  
Would like to get more bass out of my B&W 801 series 2 speakers
yags1 probably has it with the Sound Anchors stands.  Or, possibly Gaia Footers or Townshend.  So many chase around trying to fix what cannot be fixed until stability issues are addressed.  This also applies to equipment. The Sound Anchors, Gaia ... 
Has anyone upgraded from Merlin TSMs?
Sure.  Improvements in source, preamp, power, power conditioning, equipment stand and cabling all brought improvements to how the Merlins performed.  Some transducers peak quickly, others reflect any true improvements in front of them.   Even qua... 
Has anyone upgraded from Merlin TSMs?
I've the last version of TSM Black Magic with Master Zoebels on the terminals.  Great speaker and tough to match or even beat within the class. I've also ATC SCM 20 passives.  Big leap in capital expenditure and decidedly better.  Why wouldn't th... 
The Real Reason Why Music Is Getting Worse!!
Jerry, just remember, it's not a lie if you believe it. You can fill n the blanks.  Cheers  
Is everything unstable until…..
At least more solid than my carpet.  Always been a believer in quality stands, starting with Target stands decades ago.  Not really valid now, but then a thing. Spoke with Kurt at Echo Audio years ago, he related a story of how an audio stand had... 
The Real Reason Why Music Is Getting Worse!!
While the gravitational pull here is music, looking beyond that subject, the video is easily applied to ALL marketing.  The generification of food, clothing, cars and tract housing speaks to data smoothing in search of replicable product that maxi... 
A special loudspeaker - Revival Audio Atalante 5
Proudly engineered and manufactured in France, the award-winning ATALANTE 3 is meticulously designed from the ground up. This is directly from their website, so either it's true or they are lying to the world in a very public way.  One can only a... 
Proton 300 "The Radio" question
yogiboy probably has best idea.  I owned a couple of these over decades, but never used the preamp out.  I think you mean phono preamp, so a TT is involved. Right?   This is a very underestimated piece.  With correct source, slave unit (301 speak... 
Looking for my End Game Speaker
ATC sealed box SCM 20 large monitor.  Bring your stable current and lots of it.  Highly accurate delicious bass.  Not lots of it but very good.  Magical midrange and highs with the 'S' Spec tweeter.  All drivers ATC designed and made in house. Cu... 
The Disappearing Act
All starts with recording engineers who understand microphones, positioning of players and their mics, room acoustics and a myriad of other contributory elements. Each step contributes and the masters understand that.  Rudy Van Gelder studios had... 
ATC SCM40A speakers
admranger   I do not know your particular amp, but I do know ATC transducers.  They can be quite demanding and particular, wringing the life out of respectable power.  I’ve a pair of SCM 20s run by a Luxman 509X and they need all of it.   125 wpc ... 
Retirement integrated amp for a “fiscal conservative”
Yes, we'll actually nod to the Celts of GB, but appreciate the pickup.  Radiology contracts near Boston allowed several visits....by "T" and pedestrian.  Driving amongst "Mass-holes" is a death wish.  Enjoyed my time touristing.