

Responses from musicfan2349

Shocked. Need Opinions. How muck power do I need?
@tomaswv Others have already explained the relationship between wattage vs. db and speak efficiency. I'm only going to add my practical experience. I used to have a pair of Hafler DH-220 kits that I installed their bridging kits into. When in bri... 
What is your front end ?
I really should do a system page like so many others… Linn LP12 Valhalla with M&K Rabco and Hana  CJ Premier 6 MC pre-preamp California Audio Labs Auria CD player  Bluesound Node2i into Border Patrol DAC ARC SP11 MkII preamp  All “vin... 
Suggestions for testing a never installed, 20-year boxed amp.
I think the advice being given about contacting Pass Labs before powering up is sound. Not being familiar with Pass equipment, is there any current limiting circuitry in them? I have a Mark Levinson ML335 that's been boxed for 25 years or so. When... 
Would you move to a bigger house if you could just to have a better listening room ?
@mikelavigne I just visited your link. I have only one word: Stunning.   Happy listening.  
Would you move to a bigger house if you could just to have a better listening room ?
We’re searching for our next home for when my wife retires. The main reason is to find a home without stairs but I’ve been promised a dedicated audio salon. My system is in our living room and while it sounds good, it’s a compromise.  The next pl... 
Not sure what to think
@olfac87 I think you can apply the following motorcycle racing analogy to audio. You can throw more and more money at the motor and gain a few tenths of a second a lap but if you throw the same money at suspension work, you'll gain full seconds a... 
Electric bill any high
My guess would be the compressor in your refrigerator. Amazon sells apparatus that you can use to measure current use. Good luck! Happy listening.   
Favorite moment with music in your car.
Oh there’s been so many! I’ll go with this one… 1978 and I’m driving from OH to a new job and life in CO. I was in my Le Car in which I’d added 200 watts of stereo complete with 6x9s in the back and some small boxes bolted to the doors. Driving t... 
Solid state amp vs tube amps
For decades, pop (RIP) was a dedicated ARC man. D-79, D-150, SPs of various denominations, etc. He flirted briefly with a ML 335 but it went back into the box when he decided to go back to full valves with Jadis gear. Make of that what you will. 😉... 
Audio Research Pre-Amp advice
@romad - I would not be too concerned about servicing for an older ARC preamp. ARC is famous for servicing older, even vintage gear. Additionally there are shops out there who service older tubed gear as well.  Happy listening.   
Music first or sound first?
@rvpiano - GREAT QUESTION! The responses have been quite interesting and entertaining as well. I believe in some ways the sound and music go hand in hand. If you don't like a particular genre of music, I don't believe you'd enjoy it no matter how... 
Best amplifier for Acoustat 2+2 electrostats for holographic sound, or change speakers?
I have a pair of 1+1’s. For years I had a pair of Hafler DH-220s. They had plenty of power but they lacked “air” and depth. So just a few years ago I picked up an ARC VS-110. It might not have the horsepower but boy do those tubes sound great!  Y... 
Records not stored vertically for decades
I’m rather disappointed with these responses. There is simply no reason to reply in such a snarky and downright mean manner. You are not being glib or witty. You’re only demonstrating your lack of civility and proper upbringing.  I shall skip my ... 
Re: streaming recommendations for newbie
@tlh28 - I too decided to try streaming a few years ago. I started with a Bluetooth receiver connected to one of the tape inputs on my then ARC SP-9 and simply used my phone to get Pandora. I loved the convenience and the ability to also stream fr... 
If you have a nice system why do you really need room treatments?
Here, give this a look:   Happy listening.