
Responses from czarivey

Where Do I Go from Here?
@sls883, you've made me to write a joke about  What kind of gifts audiophiles get after they turn 60+? Earrings!  
Experienced Maggie Lovers Please Advise
I used to love Maggie, but now I don't.  
How to Open the Sonus Faber Olympica IIIs (Please Help)
access it through the back of the speaker by unscrewing binding post plate. if you didn't realize it on how-to, I would suggest it to bring it to the tech instead of trying to screw things up even more to the game.    
Tube or solid state phono stage?
@big_greg, I've never thought about adding AR to my system protection!  
Has a Power Conditioner Improved Your Sound?
my PC serves more like guard dog and does EXCELLENT job... the good old Panamax MAX1500 having it since past century.  
AI-Written Stereophile Articles
If you ask AI chatbots, they're all biased and clueless in vast majority of cases.   
Do you belong more to souce first or to speakers first school of thought ?
I go STRAIGHT from the recorded material I'm interested to listen to, then the rest of components.  
Worst To First: The True Story Of Z100 New York (Documentary)
alright, I've never heard anything descent played on Z100 predominately in the 90s. Should I give it a try to the movie?  
Break in for a retip?
It should sound nearly like new strings on guitar. FRESH. You should like it right from the first second and you may like it more after playing few LPs Yes stylus has suspension within the cantilever that goes bad a lot faster than diamond tip an... 
Be Careful With UPS!
I had it with Prime delivery and with FedEx. Thankfully not with expensive item. They left a picture of package left in the different lobby from my apartment building. It turned out that both buildings had doormen who collected packages first and ... 
Worst To First: The True Story Of Z100 New York (Documentary)
I used to live in NYC, but hear first time that Z100 worth the movie or documentary.   
Heavy difficult to move speakers- how do you deal?
@emergingsoul,  how can CPA be with poor math and poor communication skills?  
Denarips and Vinshine split
sbayne 485 posts 07-16-2024 at 12:09pm  Just go to AliExpress, search for Denafrips and you'll know instantly what "grey market" means and how it would destroy a reputable dealer.   INDEED AliExpress has just destroyed solar panel install ... 
Heavy difficult to move speakers- how do you deal?
Despite being a CPA, I’m not very good with math. tons are tons. That’s a lot of weight CPA with poor math??? Any other surprise of the day?  
Chasing distortion
an auto-bias circuit should also be checked. if you can't do that yourself, you should bring it to tech.