
Responses from kennyc

«40% Of Audiophiles Are Dying And No One Is Doing Anything About It!»
Worrying about things beyond my control is fruitless.  Bitching, moaning, and finger pointing in the hope that “someone else” will fix is also mostly fruitless. I try to avoid such things especially dwelling on negative items.    
Recommendations for recent rap and hip hop recordings please.
Not a fan, but I often wondered if rap or metal really benefits from a high-end sonics.  I usually associate advantages of high-end audio with increased realism/accuracy in voices and acoustic instruments.  Rap seems monotoned but with a beat and ... 
Are upgraded power cables for subwoofers worth it?
@billstevenson - my system is also transparent high quality so am considering REL. Thanks for the tip.  
Torx screws for Leben Lid
Didn’t know that getting “screwed” can be a good thing 😉  
How do you know when tubes in the phono section of the integrated amp go bad..
I thought about getting a tube tester, but it’s confusing which one to get for this tube newbie who has never used a tester.  
Hagerman Trumpet MC review
Great review- thanks for sharing   
Integrated amp with preamp tubes
Maybe a used Krell K300i. Sliding bias with class A sound (tubelike warmth)  
Thinking about going electrostatic
@bill1957  Seems you want quick panel speaker with a cone bass so you are indifferent between electrostatic, ribbon, planar.  In addition to your Pulsars and Talons, seems like lots of fun.  Enjoy!  
Advice on making a speaker change
@dmiller01 You have a high level of electronics relative to your speakers so yes, agree speakers should be upgraded. A speaker that can give too to bottom performance. Maybe add Magico A5 to your list as it’s in the same price point as Rockport... 
Should speakers be upgraded before preamp and amplifiers?
@daveoman  We addressed speakers and amps, but after they’re sorted out, your turntable might be a sonic bottleneck. So agree with @dekay that an upgrading to a reasonably priced phono stage a great idea.   
Should speakers be upgraded before preamp and amplifiers?
@daveoman  If you’re simply asking which next component to change, then it’s the amp. BUT, it sounds like you want to change both speakers and amps soon, so I suggest demoing speakers maybe 3-10k range, then get matching electronics.    
Pure Silver Wire
I also use Siltech gold+silver for interconnects. If I stay with silver, likely Albedo as the purist high value performing silver.    
Power cables and power conditioners
Generally speaking, in high-end audio the more transparent the audio chain, the more high quality audio cables matters. Transparent components have lower noise floors which usually comes with a higher cost. Lower ambient noise helps as well. So a... 
 Alexa - any sonic tweaking? Add a subwoofer?  
Any piece of equipment you currently dream of ?
Westminster REI amps