
Responses from kennyc

Is this a new trend?
If you triggered and interest... then it can pop up all over. Once you notice it, then you start noticing them... @ghdprentice This could be true! Lately I’ve been marveling about the high sonic quality of bookshelf/monitors, often seeing the... 
Stereo Times review on the Tekton Design Encore Monitor
+1 fan of @teajay - one of the better/best audio reviewers/writers   
Stereo Times review on the Tekton Design Encore Monitor
Not all “experts” are created equal. Also, there seems to be 3 reasons against negative professional reviews: 1) P reviewers choose interesting components for their audience, usually meaning newer designs with good reputations - so expect reliabil... 
From Audio Note AN/J-D to where?
I have 2 systems- technically high-end speakers with a powerful amp, and the 100db Volti Audio Rivals to explore low watt tube amps including flea watt 300b, 2a3, 45. I choose the Volti because of its high efficiency, neutrality, and full range -... 
Best $10-15K bookshelf speaker?
+1 Joseph Audio Pulsar, musical, many fans with very positive reviews.   Zu Druid 6 - 101db is an extremely efficient speaker which is typically matched with low wattage tube amps including flea watt.  I’ve demoed Zu a few times at audio shows, b... 
$3500 floor standing speakers used. What would be your choice ?
@inna  Maybe consider resale value and selling ease (popular, well known) in your choice, in case you subsequently want a different speaker  
Tube amp for Sourcepoint 8?
GanFET amps have a “warm” presentation, but not sure if it’s offered in an integrated  
Send in the Clowns
@deep_333  20? That seems generous…  
Tube amp for Sourcepoint 8?
Pure tube amps usually do not have a tight bass unless you a bit more. Normally, a tube preamp + SS amp would give you what you are looking for. So likely a hybrid tube integrated might be a good option. The Krell k-300i integrated has a warm so... 
No love for Cube Audio speakers?
Strictly speaking, there is no such thing as low ball offer.    So @inna, would you sell your gear if I offered you $1.00?  
Speakers sound too bright.
Some folks have a higher sensitivity to high frequencies. Likely best to return speakers, then get something maybe with a soft dome tweeter  
The new dCS Varese is so good that all others are now relegated to history??
@daveyf - just because technology moves on in a newer model doesn’t mean what came before is obsolete- the older tech still beats most lower priced DACs.  Also, the older tech used items still sell at a steep price, but obviously not to the level ... 
The new dCS Varese is so good that all others are now relegated to history??
Seems typically that if one has the top dCS stack, they’d likely have top electronics and revealing speakers ~ a highly transparent audio system way above what most can afford.    
Bose Chucks Mac
Which is better, a world with MORE or LESS Blue Boxes?  
Need to learn about Audio Research
Agree that tube pre + SS amp is a good “warm” direction to go from the Hegel H390. A GanFet amp, which is similar to a warm sounding SS, may be a good option. Krell K-300i integrated has “150Wpc into 8 ohms and 300Wpc into 4 ohms, with its iBias...