
Responses from kennyc

Relaxed/Analog sounding DAC for under $10k (used or new)
  My list of notable DACs based on very positive reviews: 2.3 Doge 7 MkII tube DAC 2.6 Ferrum Wandla - HR competes w 10k DACs+1.2 HYPSOS power supply 2.7 LAiV Harmony DAC 3.0 Musician Aquarius - sounds like a $5k DAC 4.3 Denafrips Terminat... 
Where Do I Go from Here?
...I guess that is just part of the fun. ...or frustration. Agree it's best to demo yourself.  OP, I like your list.  When I was shopping for speakers, I demoed the AviorII (sounded veiled but of one piece) and Magico A5 (better highs, but se... 
Best speaker brands for transient response
If transient response was the only main consideration, then paneled, horned, or field coil speakers might be ideal.  Other speaker types might be a hit or miss depending on what the OP would subjectively accept.  As always, best to personally demo... 
Final Electrostatics fully launched in the US @ AXPONA & THE SOCAL SHOW 2024
After reading this HiFi review here, seems the electrostatic technology is more advanced and the price very reasonable for an electrostatic speaker. Maybe one of the best panel speakers at it’s price point.  
Recommendations for speaker cables
+1 @soix - current cables, desired sonic direction, and budget would be very helpful to give meaningful advice  
Transrotor turntables
Interesting - I’ve usually evaluated turntables on sonic performance and number of arms, didn’t think much of buying on looks except for maybe a clear acrylic TT (Basis, Vertere Acoustics..) with colored lit backgrounds.  
@cubsipod it seems all things being equal/same that you hated the sound before but loved it afterwards - hard to define with limited objective info leading to your subjective experience.  Enjoy your system  
Aftermarket fuse to tame a bright system?
Maybe add a little copper to the ends of your interconnects or speaker cables?  
Looking for a true upgrade in sound quality
+1 @soix , assuming a transparent enough audio chain and hearing capability to match Agree that the OP should try a filter first, then new DAC, then maybe streamer upgrade. some DAC s with very favorable reviews:   2.3 Doge 7 MkII tube DAC ... 
Recommend me a tube integrated amplifier
@erikt  I was curious about tubes as well, so I have a second system with a 100db speaker to try out flea watt SET amps (300b, 45, 2a3) known for their midrange tube magic.    
What’s your favorite audio show to attend and why?
AXPONA - next to Munich, it’s the largest with some of the latest gear. Munich is on my wish list, hopefully to hear the Living Voice Vox Palladian or Olympian speakers.  
Experience purchasing a used high-end cartridge
Yes, but be very careful who you purchase from.  3 new cartridges that I purchased at used prices: VDH Colibri Grand Cru, Koetsu Coralstone D, Aida Mammoth Gold MkII.    
Can a power amp have too much power, risking damage to a speaker?
@joelepo  Exactly right- don’t worry unless you really crank it up to hearing injuring levels and beyond.  Congrats on saving your hearing.    
Help me build out my first system
The Absolute Sound magazine puts out an annual “Editor Choice Awards” of recommended components at all price points, about 170 pages of components.  Last issue was March 2024 issue #347.  
Time to change
There are many good soundbars at various price points. I have a highly rated Samsung wireless surround but will upgrade to Nakamishi Dragon 11.4.6 wireless system.