
Discussions erik_squires has started

Recordable CD/DVDs are vanishing too134813
Active Speakers Don't Sound Better557772
When did you last update your Wifi firmware?142011
Crossovers and power handling, and why 1st order filters can be bad3804
The crossover, ditortion and dispersion2862
Are your speakers losing air? 181318
I just tried AirPlay/Roon on my Anthem2380
A speaker stand with room for an amp? 102524
Why Preamps Thump on Turn on193721
FYI: Blog Consolidation1860
The Center, Measured6148
Solar flares are here, everyone unplug your dryer! 6794150
Hsu has custom high pass filters5128
Marantz vs. Arcam147813
Don't put your PC / Laptop on your audio power conditioner4624