See you all after the elections

Regardless of what political messages are being spread around here it’s unfortunately true that the level of courtesy and how we talk with those we disagree with reaches a fever pitch before elections in the United States.

Too many talking heads in the mass media are modelling too much poor behavior and loathing of "others" and it’s filtering into this place which I like to hang out with for fun and to help others. What should be plain technical discussions are being infused with personal acrimony. If I wanted that for fun I’d work in a call center.

I’m taking a break from the A’gon for a while. I can’t say the toxicity it’s not affecting me either. This place is just not worth the anger and frustration it is causing of late and I certainly don’t want to learn how to behave by modelling that myself. Hopefully when I come back in 2025 Americans will again be relating to other Americans in ways that don’t involve criminalization or demonization and this place will be nicer.  I also really am too old to be having "but he started it" excuses over what should be a fun and meaningful hobby.  Be well all.  See you in a few months.


Sorry to see you go, but I’ve had the same thoughts and probably just stick to the music threads for the duration.


I'm afraid, whatever the election's outcome, it will only intensify current tensions but I understand how you feel. 



The jackasses who insist on spewing their politics, and opinions of people who don’t align with them should be the ones who are leaving, not you. I have enjoyed the forums since 1998, and I don’t recall this junk being part of the audio forums until recent years. 

Audiogon posts was NEVER so political as 2024!!

Too many members try to squeeze in the rivals between 2 parties in power and it's truly has no place here. In addition to that they also post follow-up threads as to why their politically loaded post being removed...

The site meant to be family situation is being turned into political rivals.

My family would've gone to pieces once the subject is on the line so we don't have those and I'm definitely sure that my family members having different views from mine.

To me election is like: one side = one set of benefits and negatives and another side = another set of benefits and negatives and it's time to plan rather than try to elect. I consider myself as law user (apart from obeying and disobeying) and always think in terms of what new laws can I USE for my own benefit regardless of an election outcome. 

@erik_squires also agree with everything you stated. This was once fun & informative but now no longer. The Country is so divided it just saddens me. Music relaxes the soul so I'll be staying away from this site for awhile and enjoy more music. Life is too short and at my age even shorter. Peace to all

You really should not leave because of the handful of malcontents that post that political garbage here! BTW, they are most likely angry old men with nothing else to add to any discussion. I would hate to see an informative poster like you leaving!!

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Do not leave due to a knee jerk reaction. The Audiogon moderators are doing a very solid job cleaning up the irrelevant mess. The rambling guy that could create state of the art room acoustic treatments with toothpicks and bubble gum is gone. With 700 dIscussions started you might want to consider talking about music over hardware?

You'll be missed Erik.Your posts are always one of the handful on here worth reading. Dayglow's suggestion is a good one:-)

Erik, I agree with yogiboy. If you see a post that’s political and/or nasty, stop reading it and go on to the next, or stop reading that thread altogether.

Your contributions are interesting and valuable. I hope you’ll continue to make them.


As the saying goes, “Nil Carborundum Illegitimi,”


Post removed 

I’ve not been around too long but yeah it’s tiresome to read people’s word vomit about things that don’t matter here.  I just want to read/talk about audio things.  Recently,  I’ve been trying to sort out what phase angle is, why it occurs and why it makes speakers hard to drive.  Haven’t really found the resources I need to explain it to me.  Maybe I’ll post something.

If I wanted that for fun I’d work in a call center.

Good analogy Erik. I ran one for a while. Unreal how rude people can be, until the call is escalated to a manager and suddenly they are polite.

Whatever you decide; do try and chill out, and let the negative stuff roll off your back. Stress is BAD.

Post removed 

This used to be a good place? Never used to be this way? Haven't seen such acrimony as 2024?

You guys crack me up.

All the best,


I'm not sure what you meant by that post, and I have no problem with you personally, but you must admit that you are often the match that lights the fire, or the fuel that keeps it going. 

I know that it must be tempting if you're the type that gives a lot of thought and passion to political matters, but have you considered abstaining from that here and satisfying your desire to express your opinions about political matters on a forum designed for that purpose? 

It's all very important stuff, but it just doesn't belong on an audio forum.... 

@roxy54 If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times: I'm responding to out of line political statements and being called out for being political for doing so. If that's adding fuel to the fire, I gladly owe up to it as to let them go only further ingrains such attitudes.

I have no problem with you and others save for that fact. This is not a one way street. I've yet to see anyone directly call out others for it save for when they "both-sides" the issue, obscuring the guilt of the original offenders, who if I may venture, are along the same lines of their reasoning.

All the best,

The rules should include no political talk.  But they don’t.   Rules used to be a thing. 

@erik_squires - Tammy (I assume it was Tammy, it was posted by an administrator) started a thread with a link about reporting political posts. I'm not sure I've ever reported anybody here, but agree that, whatever the views, they don't belong on an audio forum. So, FWIW, "Admin" is aware of the problem and has offered one solution. I simply avoid those threads altogether, which is a shame since I've been here a while and there are still valuable contributors here, you among them. 

There are plenty of places folks can go to discuss politics. This isn't one of them, given its purpose. (though last time I checked the TOU, it did not address the subject-- maybe it's time that the 'Gon updates its terms of use. Easy enough to do- lots of templates out there. 

Unfortunately bad behavior has become a way of life these days.   Not posting here  hardly seems like an effective solution. 

I expected a response like that, but I figured I'd try anyway. 

Thanks for proving my point. Noted.

All the best,



There are plenty of places folks can go to discuss politics. This isn’t one of them, given its purpose. (though last time I checked the TOU, it did not address the subject-- maybe it’s time that the ’Gon updates its terms of use.

It has always been clear that politics are off-topic:

Goals of these discussions

  • Discuss the audiophile hobby
  • Share experiences with other audiophiles.
  • Share news about the high-end audio industry.

Details here.

That’s why it’s so annoying that some just can’t suppress their urge to engage in politics and religion here. It’s obvious their goal is to disrupt. I note that every single one of them claims a special excuse for their behavior.


Yes @cleeds, and we all know who you are referring to. He rants with intolerance and pretends that he's saving others from themselves. 

Post removed 

Yes @cleeds, and we all know who you are referring to. He rants with intolerance and pretends that he's saving others from themselves. 

I don't see that as being exclusive to any single member here.

Post removed 

Enjoy your break, I do follow your post and get good info from your input. Suspect you will have a lot to say in the new year, looking forward to your return. Enjoy the music

Here's another element of A'gon policy that the disrupters flaunt:

Act professionally and use common sense
Audiogon is a business site; all members are responsible for maintaining a professional and cordial demeanor on and off the site including our forums. We will not tolerate the use of hostile, offensive, profane or vulgar language.

Details here.

(Of course certain users claim special exemptions.)

you have a low tolerance @erik_squires for the noise and I can relate, I do too. 

I hope you will come back sooner, you are super helpful in all things audio. 

“See you all after the elections”

It’s election year once again.


Not the first election cycle in history. 

Probably won’t be the last election cycle. 

The sun will still rise and set as it has throughout history…..

It's good to take a break, especially when things are getting chaotic. I tend to unplug at times and try to remember what's important in life.

I live about 6 hours from the beautiful Lake Superior...When I need a reset that's where I go.

"It's the end of the world as we know if and I feel fine"


The more technical discussions tend to happen in AVS, DIY forums, etc (which you are also on probably)...The handful of dudes who are perhaps more technical around here are also on those other forums (probably), i.e., don’t think you’re gonna miss much.

The Gon is primarily for scoping out the used market and buying/selling things...and secondarily, a marketing machine on various threads (i.e., the dealers/pied pipers covert club at work)... the latter can provide some entertainment value though ...



“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”

- Mahatma Gandhi

Take a break if you need it but staying away because of bad behavior doesn't help you or anyone else.  Continue to be helpful and stay on topic. Ignore the pissants and bullies.  Rise above.


I hope you will reconsider. Your posts are very educational for people like me who don’t have the technical knowledge that you possess.

my professional endeavors have often intersected with politics and the level of toxicity is very destructive. A few years ago, I decided to stop watching cable news, which is mostly propaganda for one side or the other and use that time to listen to music. It was a great decision and I have enjoyed spending some time with this forum to learn more about this hobby.

I cannot imagine why anyone would think it’s a good idea to post political blather on an audio forum, regardless of the point of view.  One would hope that those people would realize that they are neither persuading anyone to their point of view or presenting themselves as “smart“ to the people on this forum. Quite the opposite is true.

It’s unlikely, but perhaps there will be a wave of common sense and they will save their political musings for political venues


I'm another old guy that enjoys your posts.  All the off topic blather that occurs is something I've gotten pretty good at ignoring.

ok all this kindness is suffocating now. Let me reverse course:

You can do it Erik! Log out, don't look back! We won't notice...






(for the humorless agon folks: it was a joke)

This is a fun thread. And quite civilized interchange so far.

Erik for president, I guess.

I hear there is a bi-partisan effort to eliminate sales tax on hi-end audio gear.


something we could all agree on…! 

@erik_squires ...arrived at that conclusion myself the other day....different and similar reasons, too much in too little time to attend to...

See you and all y'all on the B side, and take care out there...

I’ll miss you and your sage advice, Eric, but ental health must be placed first. Have a good break, and let’s hope the country is not on fire when you return!