

Responses from mapman

You're not a true audiophile unless...
…you like being called an “audiophile”  
Can a power amp have too much power, risking damage to a speaker?
Not a good match.  Don’t do it.   
"I love it when a plan comes together!!!"
Building around one of the best speakers available always helps. 🏆  
Best speaker brands for transient response
I’ve always found ATC to be a very unique, zippy kind of sound.  Is that transient response?  
What did the stylus say to the record?   Groovy baby, yeah!  
AI-Written Stereophile Articles
It’s very easy to find out what AI thinks about hifi topics. Just download an app like Poe and ask away. No need to wait for Stereophile to cover your topic of interest. Warning: Your life may never be the same again!  
AI-Written Stereophile Articles
AI done right is good for certain things. They tend more to be objective not subjective things. So in the case of hifi audio I could see using AI to help get facts straight in a product review. It may even be possible for AI to provide an accurat... 
AI-Written Stereophile Articles
Well naturally I asked AI. The definitive answer: “ Unfortunately, I do not have any definitive information about whether AI systems write articles for Stereophile magazine. Stereophile is an audio equipment and music review publication, but the... 
Aftermarket fuse to tame a bright system?
Eversolo DMP 8 audition going poorly...
Also I read  the thing has dsp built in which is a fabulous feature.  Have you tried to use it to tweak the sound?  
Eversolo DMP 8 audition going poorly...
It’s always interesting when a product measures well indicating quality design and execution but then someone finds the sound inferior. What to make of that? Who is right? The numbers or the person? Or both. Numbers are not subjective. Opinions ar... 
Eversolo DMP 8 audition going poorly...
Well it is not inexpensive so one would hope for good overall performance for many years.    
Best speaker brands for transient response
Well I played that on my setup that is BelCanto c5i to Sonus Faber Concerto Domus.  Veeeery nice!   So there’s one option.   
Eversolo DMP 8 audition going poorly...
Hmm, well consider this:   https://www.audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php?threads/eversolo-dmp-a8-balanced-streamer-dac-review.55826/  
Class D Option For Bass
I'd try the vtv.