
Responses from rsf507

Mike's Barn.
As others have stated the camera work made it unwatchable. Got thru 45 seconds then turned it off.  Wish Mike participated more on these forums.  
What are your top 3 favorite turntable companies (manufacturer) and why?
@mylogic whatz whatz you say?....  ok to clarify. 1. Kuzma Stabi S 2. Kuzma Stabi R 3. Kuzma XL Air  
What are your top 3 favorite turntable companies (manufacturer) and why?
1. Kuzma 2. Kuzma 3. Kuzma  
Shipping speakers from West Coast to East Coast
Tell them ship the speakers by X date (give them maybe another 3 or 4 days) or tell them please send my money back!   
New Magico Speaker Break-in Question
@ricred1  agree. Speakers no, cables no. Cartridges ok they change over 20 or so hrs.   
Guidance on cartridge options or new table
Trying to match or better the Nagra/Burmester setup will take more than a Luxman 151. Look into a Feickert or SOTA or Basis or Kuzma or SME. To make it even simpler mate with their own arm. Lots of choices that if done and setup correctly will put... 
New Magico Speaker Break-in Question
@dweller  curious how the speakers heard at a dealer (if in fact OP heard them at dealers) will sound the same? I would guess it was with different electronics and more importantly the room plays so much into what is heard.  Been there heard it.   
New Magico Speaker Break-in Question
Several weeks ago I visited another audiophile who bought A5’s many months back. He’s always complaining about the hard top end. He now doesn’t listen long. Not a happy camper. Good luck hope break-in helps.   
The Music Room - Boulder Colorado
@yowser  OMG same thing happened to me. They say you wouldn't have to worry about low ball offers and make me such a ridiculous low ball offer! All I could say was "Thanks" and hung up the phone.   
Sold Sold Sold
@zappas  did you send seller a deposit? If not than he/she was right to sell gear to first person that sent funds. I would have done the same.  
Turntables currently considered top of the range. Do you know what they are ?
Anyone see let alone hear the American Sound AS 2000? (If you are looking for a price you better be sitting down!   
Is there usually a dramatic difference between $5k and $10k cartridges ?
Clearaudio Launches New Flagship Diamond Jubilee MC Cartridge limited to 45 units, priced at $29,000  
Turntables currently considered top of the range. Do you know what they are ?
Wow it looks like you can buy most of those tables on Amazon. How can you go wrong!   
Raven Audio Soniquil Cables: Misrepresented Build & Tarnishing Connectors?
@noryx  sorry to hear and more importantly see this. Yes you got what you paid for their workmanship and materials. Looks like I'll be staying away from Raven Audio.   
Anybody having trouble getting near-your-asking-price for used gear ? (Plz. no hype)
I would think those that can afford 50k, 70k or greater gear aren't very concerned about what they might get when the time comes to sell. Do you think the guy who trades in his 1 yr old Porsche every year cares he lost 30 - 50k? These guys play in...