

Responses from whart

Koetsu cartridges. They must be something special.
@Lewm wrote: " "It seems that quite a number of Audiogoners have Koetsu, or a few of them." That sentence has its own escape clause." I read Inna's statement to mean that Koetsu are popular among participants and some have several of them.  I ow... 
Mike's Barn.
I know Mike through several phone conversations over the years. He’s a nice man, very generous with his time. My take-away is that even if you have a blue-sky project with virtually unlimited resources, it takes living with a system in a room to e... 
Disagreements and Conflicts between Audiophiles have we lost our brotherhood and maturity?
I think a number of factors are in play. In ye olden times, pre-Internet, hi-fi bugs got together in person. There were far more "brick and mortar" stores where you would encounter like-minded people, as well as thriving audio clubs. (I was fortun... 
Need to learn about Audio Research
Apropos @richardbrand ’s post upthread, I got to meet Peter Walker at McCormick Place in Chicago during the 1976 CES. I had a pair of Quads which I bought in 1974 and they are still in use today! (Sympathetically restored by Kent McCollum in 2017)... 
Need to learn about Audio Research
It’s nice to read about folks who owned the gear (from) back in the early days. I guess I’m getting up there- audio history is fascinating to me, and there is so much cool, offbeat equipment that is lost to time. I’m glad ARC is still around. Spe... 
Need to learn about Audio Research
Originally, the two companies marketed together. This was in the era -early ’70s- when the first generation of "high end" equipment was being made. (I distinguish that era- which included JG Holt’s Stereophile, erratically published out of Elwyn, ... 
What are your top 3 favorite turntable companies (manufacturer) and why?
I don’t have a personal favorite- I think there is such a wide range of choices in drive systems, ergonomics, modern v. vintage and the need (or not) to use multiple arms of different types that the choices can be endless. I haven’t had a huge num... 
What are your top 3 favorite turntable companies (manufacturer) and why?
@inna said:  "Libraries and other places use Simon Yorke with SME arms for transfers. Who is familiar with them ? And why would they use it with SME arms and not full SME set up, I wonder ? Speaking of British." Here’s a photo in a restoration... 
Short in my system?
I’ve tried grounding mats, brushes with grounding straps, etc. Long ago, I concluded that the best way to run my system is bare feet. I also clean my records in bare feet to minimize the risk of charging them. Resleeving can charge them through fr... 
Is the "improvement" real or imnagined?
Years ago, a sound guru who has since gone to that big listening room in the sky suggested I start with phone books, and stack them til I achieved optimal sound. I don’t think they even make phone books anymore, so I’m dating myself. (When I date ... 
Recommendation for an HDMI cable under $200 for audio only
If it follows the standard HDMI pinout, the DH Labs .5 meter is nice and not crazy money. Are you in the US? That will make a difference, at least in shipping. I found running the I2S, combined with a DDC, using comparatively inexpensive Chinese d... 
I'm curious. What is your "normal" listening volume?
I measure, sometimes out of curiosity and also when I do shoot-outs. Some records are cut "hotter" than others and the nominal level is higher, which may tilt the preference. To add to the variables that @lewm mentioned, I find that every record ... 
HDMI cable to utilize I2s Connection from LAIV uddc to Denafrips Terminator 2
I tried almost a dozen different cable manufacturers to no avail in trying to get a custom made I2S cable with different "pinouts" at each end. Most of the hardware manufacturers do supply a diagram of the pin configurations which use a male HDMI ... 
George Kaye
Thanks, @dogearedaudio- I was obviously confused.   
What are your go to LP's for evaluating new gear or new tubes?
I generally avoid "audiophile" records for evaluation and set up. For arm/cartridge VTA, I use the time proven Dave Shreve favorite, flying fish HDS 701, Sauerkraut and Solar Energy track from this bluegrass album: https://www.discogs.com/release...