Responses from immatthewj
I found a way to get around tariffs that will raise the price of audio equipment. Statins work wonders. | |
Did I just cook my preamp? @jea48 , I bought my V-12 in ’01, put it in hibernation in ’10, and brought it back out near the end of ’17. I do not have a tube tester, but so far the only problem that I know I have had (it may be like health, sometimes one has problems one doe... | |
Mike's Barn. “If anyone can explain why one might intentionally have two turntables, I’m curious.” Playing DJ at your keg parties? | |
And the biggest influence on sound quality is... None of the gear changes have had that much impact on sound quality. Seriously? What gear changes have you experimented with so far? I have heard profound changes with different pieces of gear. | |
I found a way to get around tariffs that will raise the price of audio equipment. @2psyop , for me it will be NO gear upgrades for a few years. No more eggs, either. @nonoise , now that you mention it, I do remember a post by MC regarding HRC, prison jump suits, and the CCP. | |
I found a way to get around tariffs that will raise the price of audio equipment. From the late ’80s and throughout the ’90s and into the early ’00s I used to religiously drink (three times a day on work days) this concoction I made up of skim mily, either a cup or two cups (I cannot remember for sure it’s been so long) of powd... | |
I found a way to get around tariffs that will raise the price of audio equipment. . . . too late to edit, but heredity seems to be linked to high LDL as well. | |
I found a way to get around tariffs that will raise the price of audio equipment. He'd post screeds and manifestos, all taken from the right wing fever swamp trying to recruit members to his way of thinking. @nonoise , for some reason I missed all of that. He must have been phasing out as I was just getting here. The last ... | |
I found a way to get around tariffs that will raise the price of audio equipment. @mapman , I eat eggs and oatmeal for breakfast. So there! I do go easy on the yokes though That is certainly one approach that many people take, but I’d still say to throw at least one yolk in as I seem to remember that the egg white, although... | |
I found a way to get around tariffs that will raise the price of audio equipment. What an excellent decision...... those highly concentrated cholesterol orbs can compromise your health. Eat oatmeal for breakfast, save cash and become a shining receptacle of health....while the cholesterol Kings & Queens fight over eggs at ... | |
I found a way to get around tariffs that will raise the price of audio equipment. That is why they were dubbed "the seagull squad" in a previous OP, they don’t offer much else except sh*tting on other people’s posts. @jetter , the OP on that one actually made the analogy between some of us and sea gulls, and then, being that... | |
I found a way to get around tariffs that will raise the price of audio equipment. I read here as much as you. Too many examples is my point. Those are obviously the ones that stick in your mind, but I assert that they are the clear minority of the threads/posts and it is certainly easy not to click on something once you see ... | |
I found a way to get around tariffs that will raise the price of audio equipment. Turns into bickering and name calling more than ever. Political rants pepper threads also. I just did a cursory scroll through the threads on misc and that seems like a very small percentage of the posts. And on other forums on this site an ev... | |
I found a way to get around tariffs that will raise the price of audio equipment. It’s hard enough to find good audio dialog here these days. Seriously? @grannyring , any forum on this site you click on is loaded with audio dialogue. How hard are you not looking? | |
Disagreements and Conflicts between Audiophiles have we lost our brotherhood and maturity? Just trying to inject a little levity. LOL! And I thought that they were words of truth. |