

Responses from danager

How many times can u visit a hifi store before it annoys the store if u plan on a purchase
As an ex stereo salesmen (many many years ago) it really depends on the situation.  If the store is empty I'd much rather talk to someone about the hobby and maybe learn or teach something.  If the you are taking away time from a paying customer y... 
Help me build up a jazz album collection. Can you suggest a must have album?
Hiatus Kaiyote  Choose Your Weapon Is this a jazz album? To be jazz does it have to be on 60  to 70 year old structures? I guess I'm asking what is jazz?  
The Audio Science Review (ASR) approach to reviewing wines.
@analog_aficionado   Thank you for your post.  You have laid out a very logical and concise  reasoning that I have suspected for a long time but never had the technological chops to explain.  I hope you become a more frequent contributor to this ... 
A great singer you may have never heard, or even heard of.
The Willy Deville Acoustic Trio in Berlin is one of my favorite kick back albums @bdp24 +1  
Movie/film suggestions.
For me it's Blade Runner.  There isn't a wasted frame.  I'm torn between with narration or without but I've seen it so many times I still hear the narration in my head even on the directors cut. My guilty pleasure is "One From the Heart"  Tom Wai... 
I am checking out these DAC's for my system
@mitch2  Thanks Mitch.  The USB board that Mojo uses, the attention to power supplies and the focus on reducing both EMF and external vibration have created a top notch product.  I'm really happy with my Mystique X and hopefully it will serve me ... 
Favorite Album Cover (picture or art on the cover)
Melody Gadot Live in Europe    
I am checking out these DAC's for my system
@bill_k  PineTree Audio braided USB cable. I think it was well worth the investment and I'm typically a skeptic on these things. https://sites.google.com/view/pine-tree-audio/digital/banshee-usb-2-0        
I am checking out these DAC's for my system
@brbrock  It's been quite the journey Started with the Allo Piano DAC with the clocker card Then the MHDT Orchid with the 6922 tube adapter To the PS Audio Mk1 To the Mojo Mystique SE.  I just updated to the USB cable recommended by Mojo and ... 
I am checking out these DAC's for my system
@invalid  The Space Tech Labs DAC was on my consideration list and I've actually heard one at Al's shop.  It was very good as is all of his stuff but I wasn't sure I wanted a Tube DAC.  To be honest what sold me on the Mojo was his white paper a... 
I am checking out these DAC's for my system
@brbrock  I haven't ported TV sound thru my Mystique.  One of the reason is it replaced a DAC that already had the  optical input and the other issue is that to change inputs on the Mystique you have to get up and push the button manually.  and i... 
I am checking out these DAC's for my system
I use two dacs one for optical TV (fairly inexpensive) connection and the other for USB music and then switch the inputs at the preamp. I own the MOJO X SE and the USB input is really, really good.  Knowing what I do now the MOJO Y AM would have s... 
NEW Tekton Design Speakers - The Bonnevilles
  They remind me a lot of Devon Turnbull: HiFi Listening Room.  30 inch subwoofer.  I haven't heard it but hoping he comes to Seattle  
Recommended for Americana Fans: Amanda Ann Platt and the Honeycutters
I haven't see mention of Phosphorescent - Muchacho de Lujo  or (live version probably more so than the studio) Honeyhoney - Billy Jack or 3 Hiss Golden  Messenger Heart Like a Levee Frazy Ford (previously of Be Good Tanyas) is Canadian but trul... 
Measurements are critical How else would I know if it's going to fit in my rack