

Responses from yogiboy

Best speaker brands for transient response
You should take a look at ATC. All of them are a sealed design. This dealer is in your neck of the woods. My friend owned the smaller SCM7 and they were real nice!! https://www.musicdirect.com/shop/?query=atc  
Recommend me a tube integrated amplifier
This Rogue would fit the bill! Cronus Magnum III (rogueaudio.com)  
Technics SL 1200 GR
That Technics with this 300 dollar Grado Opus 3 MI cartridge would make a fine setup! You don’t need to spend more than that! https://www.theabsolutesound.com/articles/grado-timbre-series-opus3/    
speakers and cables
You would need one per speaker! Are you sure that you are not mixing up a high pass filter with a high pass xover?    
speakers and cables
"@immathewj yes you are right. An integrated would do it. If ebay didn’t charge an arm and a leg, I would sell my power amp today. " There are many sites that are better than ebay to buy and sell audio gear including the site that you are now usi... 
sansui 5500
If it works perfectly you should leave well enough alone. It is an over 50 year old component from a company that folded many years ago! But that’s just my opinion!!  
Advice on Sterling LS3/6
I’ve been using Quicksilver tube amps for years with any BBC type speaker that I have owned. The Mid Mono tube mono blocks would be a nice pairing with those Stirlings. My friend is using this solid state Van Alstine with his Harbeth M30s. Both of... 
DCM Time WIndow Identification Help
It looks like the model 3! https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=dcm+time+window+3&mid=C2B2EC34D2EF194365FBC2B2EC34D2EF194365FB&view=detail&FORM=VIRE&PC=HCTS&cc=US&setlang=en-US&PC=HCTS&cvid=4c9caa1c0ce543429109c2... 
I guess I need a new multimeter.
I’ve been using a Beckman for 40 + years. A used one can be had on EBAY for less than 50 bucks!  
Advice on Sterling LS3/6
Since you like that Peachtree with your Spendors you should stick with that amp for your new Stirlings. No reason to explore uncharted waters!  
Advice on Sterling LS3/6
I have not listened to the LS 3/6. But if you want to compare speakers it would be the Harbeth 3 way Super HL5 plus ( I own). I have also owned that Spendor and many other BBC type speaker . At that price of those Stirlings I would grab them. I do... 
VPI to What
I been using a VPI HW19 Mark 3 with a SME 309 arm for over 30 years and I still enjoy it! If I ever decided to change tables ( probably never ) I would be a lookin’ at a Technics DD. My friend owns one and he raves about it! https://us.technics... 
Gold Lion AX7 in tube preamp
Are you sure that a 12ax7 is the correct replacement tube for that preamp?   
Gold Lion AX7 in tube preamp
What tube preamp are you using?  
JBL L-200T3 original owner
Check HIFI SHARK to get an idea of the selling price!