

Responses from yogiboy

One ProAc Response 2.5 Lost Audio
Most likely the problem is a blown xover!  
A little puzzled by my newly acquired Yamaha A-S801
It sure was not Belles. BTW, the price is $2495 new. I have seen them used for about $1500. You should read the many positive reviews. It is a high current amp (16 amps) 75watts 8 ohms 130 watts 4 ohms and a 2000 damping factor!  
A little puzzled by my newly acquired Yamaha A-S801
The Belles Aria is an outstanding SS integrated amp. I have owned one and I doubt that you would go wrong with it. You can buy a used one at a big savings if the $2200 price is above your budget! https://powermodules.com/aria-integrated-1  
Removing stylus from Shure V15 Type III
Here ya go! Easy peasy! Shure V15 Type III How to Replace Stylus  
Directional wires/cables
" As I said, I have always followed the arrows but always thought that it meant they should point away from the source. " Away from the source is the correct way!  
Preamp with separate volume control for each channel?
AUDIBLE-ILLUSIONS preamps have separate volume controls for each channel! https://www.hifishark.com/search?q=audible+illusions  
Directional wires/cables
Here ya go! https://www.psaudio.com/blogs/ask-paul/why-do-cables-have-direction  
I find myself "tuning out" anymore.....is the magic fading?
I sure have! For now!  
Does anyone listen to the radio anymore?
@timstella +1 https://www.nbcnews.com/business/business-news/npr-editor-uri-berliner-resigns-after-accusing-outlet-liberal-bias-rcna148258  
Do military/industrial tubes sound better than regular ones ?
No they don’t sound better!  
Questions about tubes and their subsitites
I have used Sylvania /Baldwin green label tubes and they are outstanding. I am now using GE 12 type and 5751 tubes in all my gear and I won’t be replacing them. I like them a lot!  
Reliable Dealer for 6CS7 tubes
Here ya go! https://www.tubedepot.com/products/6cs7  
Questions about tubes and their subsitites
I doubt that you would hurt anything. But just to make sure you should ask Cary if it is okay to do that. I swap preamp tubes in my phono preamp to lower the gain and I never had a problem. It never hurts to ask the manufacturer!!    
Questions about tubes and their subsitites
The gain factor of a 5814 and a 12AU7 are the same! Also the 5963 and the 6189 can be used in place of a 12AU7!! The JAN-Philips 5814-A preamp tube type is equivalent to the common 12AU7 vacuum tube and European ECC82 tube. It can be used in any ... 
???Safely Trading Gear Between Private Parties???
@willywonka Because they have nothing to add to the question that was asked from the OP! Bringing up politics on an audio site must be filling an empty void for them! Very sad!