

Responses from asvjerry

Why did this just happen ?
Strip all the BS from Win 10 Pro....11's got 'issues', in mho.....and can be downloaded cheap....and you can keep it, and register it. We're AMD fans here....Intel is too big, and we're underdog types.... *g*  
Why did this just happen ?
Hey @ BTW....if y'all are deep into your 'phile items, DIY'ing a 'puter isn't as deep a chore as one is already with your gear....more or less.... Pick your processor and match the m/b to it....select the suitable RAM chips, and stuff the slots F... 
Why did this just happen ?
@nyaudioguru That ifi iPurifier sounds like a worthwhile widget, but I'm concerned over the surge in esoteric 'puter cables that would undoubtedly price like audio cabling does now.... I'm backing up some of my more 'important' connections with o... 
Why did this just happen ?
@waytoomuchstuff ....I've been interconnecting Winboxes to the audiophilia stack before spouse got a gig as the landscape maintenance manager for the complex we got to live in as part of her salary package.... It just 'happened' to be tied into a... 
You're not a true audiophile unless...
@emergingsoul ....Imho, you’re close.... What we call cavepeople were not much advanced from the critters about them. Likely ’rhythms’ caught the ears first as being ’pleasant’ ...took a millennium for that to escalate into ’that which we do’ fo... 
Best speaker brands for transient response
My large Heils'.....it's difficult to find woofs that can keep up with them....  
Why did this just happen ?
@wturkey ....you're excused from the previous.... At least, you asked....👍  
Why did this just happen ?
Since I'm not an Apple anything fan.... If you're using a pc, m/bs' for gaming will help since the concept is speed at all costs....this includes audio as well as video. Apply the best soundcard you can rationally afford, as audio 'cues' in game... 
Keep light equipment from tipping up from cable weight?
Double-faced tape on the feet, zip ties (in a range of 'attractive colors'.... I've a couple of items that suffer from the noted, but have been able to tuck them under or behind cables that keep them stable... ...and there's always Blu-Tak.... ... 
Where Do I Go from Here?
*G*  Sanity is so subjective...    
The (never ending) Quest For “More”
@deep_333... *wry s*...I'll thank you for the 'hero' comment, but no.... Of late I feel more like the half-dead canary in the mine, tired of 'snorts' from the 'rough crowd' gathered and catcalling.....or silent, rough indeed....  
The (never ending) Quest For “More”
....butt.....at the risk of being *deleted*, BANNED, or just rubbing others on the wrong axis..... This is insanely funny....scary as hell, but being teased with MILF taunts v. a ghastly 'perhaps future'.... Get it before it's gone.....  
The (never ending) Quest For “More”
@nonoise, *s* I’ve a tendency to wander off on the keys, but make an attempt to make my babbling at minimum ’pleasant’ to trudge through... ...if it wasn’t for ’allusions’ that teeter off into illusions that do trigger "...wtf is he off on Now?!"... 
AI-Written Stereophile Articles
@waytoomuchstuff.....*Loud applause with shouts and whistles* Precisely.  
You're not a true audiophile unless...
@wayoomuch .....Uh, yup... (it's late, and I as well.....) ...some of what I may do could classify me as an ' audio-defiler', but I'm 'up' for it.....;)