

Responses from asvjerry

Has it all been worth it?
But one of many reasons we do what we do or attempt to do Better....👍😎, ✌out  
Has it all been worth it?
....by th' by, y'all..... Happy Birthday, David Gilmour...and Thanks Very Much for all that you've played into our minds and emotions.... Play some PF today and into tonight..... Visit https://artteeprints.com/# for you diehards.... The shirt ... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Happy Birthday, David Gilmour...and Thanks Very Much for all that you've played into our minds and emotions.... Play some PF today and into tonight..... Visit https://artteeprints.com/# for you diehards.... The shirt fabric has a velvety textur... 
Has it all been worth it?
@ All Y'all..... ...something that the majority of 'us' agree on, wonderful and rare. How we approach this 'involvement' and by what means, trials, and tribs' in the process is a pleasant break from 'I'm sorry to imply that imho your cables stin... 
Is there an 'Audiophile' Reel-to-Reel Machine for Under $1,000?
Used to own an A77 back in the 80's....fun to play with, but when learned that Betamax could record audio at near CD quality, it got lost..... Still annoyed VHS became the 'standard'...... Take a grip on the above....tape types, condition, tracks... 
Is there any such thing as a bad sounding DAC these days?
@mapman ....  Considering 'all of the above'...*ah* Yeah...*L* Contrasted to speaker cables, lifted or no, IC's, USBees', and the conduit that one trips over on it's way to the breaker box....X the $'s to determine such.... ;) (Rude, but bare wi... 
Bookshelf speaker pairing with subwoofer
@oddiofyl ...I was just thinking about acoustic suspension....in regards to the old AR-3a speakers.... still not the same as a passive, but closer to a defeated port...   🤷‍♂️🙄  
Bookshelf speaker pairing with subwoofer
Just a thought to post for consideration.... I've an older pair of Polk bookshelf with no port, but a 6" passive cone beneath it's 6" woof with a 1" dome above all.... Not the same as port plugging....a different sort of shift in response, perhap... 
I'd invest in an 'adequate' sub of your taste/budget just to 'dip a toe' and see what happens.  If it seems to moderate what you hear as a deficenceny, stay put and attend to the room....  If it doesn't have a level and xover controls, walk away; ... 
Has it all been worth it?
For me, first and foremost, it's always been about the simple joy of listening to music.  Broadening my tastes over the decades, listening to what was the 'thang' of that era....symphonies, live concerts, rock as it's rolling along, oddities and a... 
Fine tuning the system. Where do you start and how do you proceed ?
@inna ...Now digest all of the personally pertinent parts of the above... And go have fun following your muse... ;)    
Who's winning?
You're winning when you're happy.  
Bose 901 Review Well Done.
Once upon a theme.... My first 'real speakers' was a pair of 901s'.... Being young and mobile in terms of where I was living shifted like it could, there was only one space I really got to place them properly on the long wall...and stomp the acce... 
Do you listen to your music with your eyes open or closed or a combination of both?
@immatthewj ....*s* Who needs glasses when the mind has perfect vision....;)  
Two sites I Like
"...the sirens sing sweetly, luring even they that know better...." *L* Don't forget to wear your gear goggles... ;)