

Responses from jastralfu

I'm curious. What is your "normal" listening volume?
45-65db at my chair 8ft from speakers. I rarely feel the need to turn it up louder cause it just sounds right at those levels.  
Just about to pull the trigger on Pontus 15th ...
Like @2psyop i enjoy my Pontus II 12th immensely.  I would buy it again.  Not having heard the Laiv I would still purchase the Pontus 15th over it given my experience.  
Tune of the Day
Genesis - Firth of Fifth  
Comparing speakers at home questions
If I were comparing I would pick one and listen to them for several days getting to know how they sound then switch.  In my experience, A/B switching doesn’t work well for me.  Unless the speakers are glaringly different, in which case A/B testing... 
Help me build up a jazz album collection. Can you suggest a must have album?
Chet Baker - Chet Art Pepper - Art Pepper Meets The Rhythm Section  
Mcintosh or Pass to JBL 4367
Better is subjective.  If you let folks know what sound you’re looking for you’ll get a better answer.  I’ve not heard those speakers.  I have a McIntosh integrated that I enjoy very much.  It’s fairly balanced/neutral but on the warmish side of n... 
Is this a subwoofer issue or just
Amp A might require a different integration with the Totems and the sub.  
One Sub or Two?
Get two.  I have two RELs in a small space and it’s pretty awesome.  Many here really like Rythmik as well.  
At what level of Streamer and Dac does a DDC add no sonic benefit?
I have a Hermes sitting in front of my Pontus II 12th and it made a difference.  I don’t know at what point it stops making a difference but it made one at the level of my components.  The clock in the DDC is better than the clock in the DAC so th... 
Bookshelf speaker pairing with subwoofer
+1 on Fritz. Great speakers that punch well above their price point.  I have a pair integrated with a pair of T5s  
Best $10-15K bookshelf speaker?
Marten Parker Duo  
I’m considering upgrading my speakers internal wiring
@erik_squires i was just thinking the same thing. Seems like you love your speakers and just want to tinker.  If it were me I would tinker with a kit.  Scratch the itch by building a kit speaker where you can use whatever components you want.  In ... 
Qobuz vs Tidal
@ronboco i was able to export/import my Tidal playlists, artists, and songs into Qobuz using Soundiiz.  At least I think that was the software.  It was really easy to do.  
Qobuz vs Tidal
I have both and can not tell a difference between the two.  I’ve compared many times using the same track on the same recording.  
Best Exercise To Improve Capability Of Handling Heavy Amps
If you’re seriously asking this question then squats, dead-lifts, core exercises, bicep curls, pushups.  If you’re going to the gym ask a trainer or hire one for a couple of sessions and ask.  He/she can show you the correct exercises and form.  D...