Responses from jastralfu
I'm curious. What is your "normal" listening volume? 45-65db at my chair 8ft from speakers. I rarely feel the need to turn it up louder cause it just sounds right at those levels. | |
Just about to pull the trigger on Pontus 15th ... Like @2psyop i enjoy my Pontus II 12th immensely. I would buy it again. Not having heard the Laiv I would still purchase the Pontus 15th over it given my experience. | |
Tune of the Day Genesis - Firth of Fifth | |
Comparing speakers at home questions If I were comparing I would pick one and listen to them for several days getting to know how they sound then switch. In my experience, A/B switching doesn’t work well for me. Unless the speakers are glaringly different, in which case A/B testing... | |
Help me build up a jazz album collection. Can you suggest a must have album? Chet Baker - Chet Art Pepper - Art Pepper Meets The Rhythm Section | |
Mcintosh or Pass to JBL 4367 Better is subjective. If you let folks know what sound you’re looking for you’ll get a better answer. I’ve not heard those speakers. I have a McIntosh integrated that I enjoy very much. It’s fairly balanced/neutral but on the warmish side of n... | |
Is this a subwoofer issue or just Amp A might require a different integration with the Totems and the sub. | |
One Sub or Two? Get two. I have two RELs in a small space and it’s pretty awesome. Many here really like Rythmik as well. | |
At what level of Streamer and Dac does a DDC add no sonic benefit? I have a Hermes sitting in front of my Pontus II 12th and it made a difference. I don’t know at what point it stops making a difference but it made one at the level of my components. The clock in the DDC is better than the clock in the DAC so th... | |
Bookshelf speaker pairing with subwoofer +1 on Fritz. Great speakers that punch well above their price point. I have a pair integrated with a pair of T5s | |
Best $10-15K bookshelf speaker? Marten Parker Duo | |
I’m considering upgrading my speakers internal wiring @erik_squires i was just thinking the same thing. Seems like you love your speakers and just want to tinker. If it were me I would tinker with a kit. Scratch the itch by building a kit speaker where you can use whatever components you want. In ... | |
Qobuz vs Tidal @ronboco i was able to export/import my Tidal playlists, artists, and songs into Qobuz using Soundiiz. At least I think that was the software. It was really easy to do. | |
Qobuz vs Tidal I have both and can not tell a difference between the two. I’ve compared many times using the same track on the same recording. | |
Best Exercise To Improve Capability Of Handling Heavy Amps If you’re seriously asking this question then squats, dead-lifts, core exercises, bicep curls, pushups. If you’re going to the gym ask a trainer or hire one for a couple of sessions and ask. He/she can show you the correct exercises and form. D... |