Responses from 61falcon
Who positions their speakers straight ahead (zero tow in) and why. Harbeth 40.2, backs against the wall and pointed straight ahead.These are a deep cabinet speaker and I just don't have room to pull out. I've always liked the sound from these speakers and haven't tried different arrangements except a little toe... | |
The last 20 years of Home Power Have Been Amazing Given the added protection, all the advances are worth it but the cost--ouch! Do they still have exceptions e.g. single receptacle, non GFCI for sump pump or freezer to reduce possibility of ghost trip? | |
Is the BluOS getting worse? I have all my bluesound units on ethernet and have very few issues. | |
Is the BluOS getting worse? I have all my bluesound units on ethernet and have very few issues. | |
What were your favorite gear additions in 2024? Nothing too sexy for me: Purchased the smallest REL sub made for my office system and replaced one of my old bluesound nodes with the latest node. The old one gave up the ghost. You can find the N130 Node for $350. A great deal IMO. | |
What contributes most to a change in how an amplifier sounds? I would agree with @helomech on distortion signature. When people describe sound attributes of a power amp, it's likely the sonic signature the manufacturer was designing for. | |
Doozy of an amp question Sim is Canadian? If so, you may want to make your decision sooner rather than later as there may well be tariffs added to the price. | |
A special loudspeaker - Revival Audio Atalante 5 Nice looking speaker at a good price. Looks like they are rated around 4 ohm so a little harder to drive. Also interesting that the manufacturer recommends the use of port plugs if you can't move them away from a wall which could be a bit of a tr... | |
Moving from a stereo amp to a dual mono set up @emergingsoul I probably should have said to keep them on the same busbar in the panel e.g. if you're on the L1 bus, ensure both breakers are on the L1 bus. I had a ground loop issue until I put both circuits on the same bus. I'm certain there ... | |
Moving from a stereo amp to a dual mono set up If you are running two separate electrical circuits for each amp, you may want to tell your electrician to take them off the same phase. I've had issues with ground loops when I went off opposite phases. | |
Pass Lab Amp questions, back of amps, power cable & 12v trigger. Bryston uses a similar trigger configuration as you describe. | |
Ayon Triton Evo Integrated Nice. What kind of speakers are those? | |
Having a Flashback Friday - Airplane Induced I was babysitting and discovered a cool 8 track collection including: Neil Young After the goldrush The Doors Morrison Hotel Rolling Stones Forget which album... And a host of others from the period. Too bad it was 8 track, but at 15 years I ... | |
What is your favorite budget streamer? I have 1 Bluesound vault purchased in July, 2018 and 4 Bluesound streamers purchased shortly after, and all have worked flawlessly. | |
???YOUR Personal Favorite???Why??? Do 2-way bookshelf speakers count? I mean any small speaker can be put on a stand, right? Some of the speakers above I would categorize as bookshelf. |