

Responses from wturkey

Speakers sound too bright.
The nails on a chalkboard sound. Once one hears it, it’s near impossible to unhear.  
Send in the Clowns
Personally, I listen to music,comedy, podcasts, etc.    Perhaps some people, instead, listen to test tones????  
Recommendation for phono stage
Which phono stage is being utilized at the moment?    Will you be requiring multiple inputs? Will balanced outputs be required? Is rack room available for multiple boxes? Many variables at play here. Please provide some clarity.   
Sold Sold Sold
There are currently 40 Auralic items listed on Hi-Fi Shark for sale in North America. Perhaps one of these items would tickle the original posters fancy after missing the previous item?  
Buying used audio equipment in peron in Canada
@mesonto   Interesting take.   
Marigo Virtuoso CD Player mat
Just  checked out their web page on this item. The mat is directional. $250 before taxes and shipping. Does the mat clip onto the cd or lay on top of it?  
Need to fix a dent on my Gallo Ref II - ANY help appreciated
Could a photo of the damage be posted for reference?  
Laser disc use as platter matt for turntable ?
Interesting. Care to share the results of your experiment?  
AUDIOGON and REVERB No Protection
Adding to the above responses, I too have had solid backing from Reverb for damaged or misrepresented gear. No issues to speak of other than their timeframe is tight.    AG on the other hand…….  
AC Power
Classic Audiogon forum etiquette.    First response to the dudes question is an insult to his family.    Gotta love this place. LOL.   
Streamer Advice
Agreed with the others.    Get the WiiM Ultra. The software is top notch.  
The DAC Scam - Almost everyone believes the hype
Output stage is a deal maker/breaker.    Op amps gonna opamp.    Tubes gonna tube.    Discreet is so sweet????  
The DAC Scam - Almost everyone believes the hype
The Audio Alchemy is a great unit. At one point I had 2 in different systems. The Elac unit is also good and is Bluetooth and roon enabled.   
Analogue front end. You want more weight, scale and dynamics.Where do you start upgrading?
“You want more weight, scale and dynamics” Turn up the gain?  
Impressions & comparisons of Belles 150a Reference Power Amplifier Ver 2 
Up until recently I owned a pair of the V2’s running in mono. They were great. Owned them for a number of years. These are class B amps and run very cool. They provide more than enough horsepower to run the non sensitive speakers.    As a previou...