Meitner Audio are located in Calgary, Alberta. A long way from Ontario, 2 long days drive. There is also a mail strike going on in Canada right now. This is not helpful.
Meitner i upgrades
New i upgrades are available for Meitner DACs. It’s an extensive upgrade requiring a trip back to the factory in Calgary, Ontario and dealers are facilitating the process. I should be getting a return authorization number soon to send in my MA3. Cost for the MA3 upgrade is $3500. I believe it will be a noticeable improvement for a not outrageous cost (by hi-end audio standards). Details are on the Meitner website.
I’m no 1 in the queue for the ma3i upgrade. I’ll take the plunge. If folks are interested I’ll report my findings but it won’t be a side by side comparison. Folks on WBT have who have upgraded their EMM DA2 dacs to i status are impressed. They have reported better sense of space, more dynamic, and lower nose floor. |
@paullb Thank you for the reply. It can be nice to switch things up a bit... I was just curious as to what you thought the MA3 was lacking in or what you were hoping to gain by switching to the MSB Premier. Best wishes, Don |
I got the DA2i upgrade and it is extremely impressive. Seems to remedy the DA2's weak spots and creates a transparent sound without artifacts, or really lacking anything in terms of space, imaging, resolution, texture, presence, punch, dynamics etc.
I would hope the MA3i is comparable, though I know the power supply is different and that is one of the biggest elements of the upgrade. |
I think the Premier is a little more resolving than the MA3 and also more dynamic. That’s probably what is being addressed in the update. If I knew about the update at the time, I probably would not have purchased the Premier. However, the Premier can easily be someone last DAC purchase. It’s a solid presentation that leaves nothing to be desired. That has nothing to do with price since I felt the same way about the LUMIN X1. I couldn’t keep it however because I needed a USB DAC. Happy listening. |
This is what I have learned about the MA3i upgrade after speaking to Meitner. The improvements are based upon learnings as they developed their other product lines. I have not heard an upgraded unit so realize this is coming from the manufacturer. Whats changed: - Completely new analog stage - New input stage, improved USB - New network streaming protocol - A few small tweaks to the FPGA Impact of these changes: - Increased bandwidth and lower distortion - Better low end slam - More visceral impact Overall the changes do not fundamentally alter what we like about the MA3. However customers who have upgraded have provided overwhelming positive feedback. Personally I have a lot of trust in EMM/Meitner engineering so I am going to take the plunge with the upgrade. |
I got my upgraded MA3i last Friday and let it burn in for 96 hours, which is what the dealer recommended. By the way, Rick Brown of Hi-Fi One handled the upgrade and he was great. He took care of everything, kept me up to date, and coordinated with the factory to keep the turnaround time short. Great service. I’m very pleased I upgraded. The noise floor is lower. I can hear quiet passages, such as during a Mahler symphony, more clearly. Micro dynamics are better. It’s easier to hear subtle slight changes in volume. Tone and timbre is better. Instruments sound more like the real thing. Horns have more brass, nylon strings more nylon, etc. I can’t hear any downside to these improvements. The new i doesn’t sound brighter, hi-fi, or analytical. It’s still smooth. There’s less fatigue because the music is more intelligible. I noticed and categorized the improvements over the first few days, now I don’t focus on them much. If you like the character of the original MA3 and want it to sound a bit closer to the real thing, I highly recommend it. |
I also had my unit upgraded to the MA3i version. I concur with all of the positive comments above, a very worthwhile upgrade. Improvements in my ability to locate instruments in space, hear the reverb decay, improvements in ability to detect the depth of an instrument. Better slam and attack. A great upgrade!
One more strong recommendation for the upgrade. Low level detail has increased noticeably, the periphery of the sound stage has become more 'filled in', overall more presence for instruments and voices. Also, the entire presentation has become more open and spacious. A major improvement across the board. |
I am very intrigued by the upgraded M3Ai. I am currently using the 1 bit NDSD conversion path in a Bricasti M3 and overall really like the soundstage, dynamics, ease and leading edges. The Bricasti also has a very low background. Still, I know there likely better sounding DACs available and would be interested in further improving on resolution and the spatial presentation of music. I know the M3Ai hasn't been it very long, but can anyone provide comparisons to the sound of Bricasti DACs? I passed on the MA3i initially when I read that it was maybe a little polite and soft. Sounds like that has been remedied. Would also be nice to support our Canadian friends at this time. Lot's of options around $11.5k though, so I would also be interested in M3Ai comparisons to the Tambaqui, Playback Designs MPD-6, dCS Bartok or Lina DACs.
@paullb @gnobber @oneprof @genesis168 - how are you guys using the MA3i? As DAC/Streamer/PRE or just DAC or DAC/Streamer. |
@gnobber ah that's great to hear. is it also your streamer using Roon or something? @genesis168 what pre are you using? |
It requires a return authorization from Meitner and shipment back to the factory. As previously noted, it’s a comprehensive parts upgrade: "Next generation 16xDSD MDAC2™ DAC paired with the updated MDAT2™ DSP The new streamer now supports DSD 128. I am about to ship mine to Meitner for the upgrade. Do those who have had the upgrade performed have any new impressions to share? |