OCD audio guy naming shady Audiogon dealers by name

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That’s a freaking lifestyle dealer not a real audio shop,  where you’re buying expertise as well as gear

He did not name or callout anyone other than this site. 

He did say it was an HT store upfront.


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If this guy thinks he can determine the sound he’s going to get from the equipment he takes home by how the store he buys it from looks, he’s in for a surprise.

GHT may be a great dealer, but there are many great dealers operating out of less luxurious spaces. I wouldn’t expect to get much of a discount from GHT either. That’s a lot of overhead to cover every month.

I can kinda see this guy selling you a nice all Mac system with some Wilsons or Focals, coming out to the house and setting it all up with some nice lamp cord. 

LOL!  But what's wrong with lamp cord?

Nothing if you like the sound of it....I think most systems can do better though. 

Haha!  I would tend to agree with that, but there does appear to be a debate on the subject.

Lamp cord from GHT is of the highest pedigree from the best mfg. It's also color coordinated

Cant be worse then SkyFi Audio they seem to have cornered the market on how to over price everything in your store. Or as i like to call then Skyhi Audio. 

SkyFi Audio - We Buy and Sell High End Audio Equipment - HiFi



He is really annoying person to listen to. He basically says anything he does not like is horse crap corporate greedy people. Yeah corporations are super greedy.  Stop begging for subscribers then. What are you greedy too?   He bashed roon because they have too many things he does not want and his computer needed to be upgraded to run it.  Sorry get a $400 NUC and get it off your computer. Then he goes into saying RAAT is terrible because they make the manufacturer’s meet their standard…..wait, just about anything in this Industry is a standard.  Even the dac chips meet standards.  SACD THX DOLBY EHATEVER DTS heck even Tcpip.  You don’t meet the specs you can’t say you work.  I applaud them for getting all the top tier companies to buy in.  Not many can accomplish something that.  

before that he calls out big box stores.  What is this place?   Same thing to me just comforting seating.  My local dealer has been in business for 30+ years. He Carrie’s what he can and what he can afford. It cost a ton for a small store to work.

he is just clueless and thinks everyone should do what he does and make Frankenstein systems and $3000 servers.  Speaking of that word. He did not even know the difference between streamer and server.  And the fact that some just stream.  

He is  not there yet but almost at the same level of never watch again like Amir and ASR.  Just big egos on camera who can never see any point of view but their own.  

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Why should I watch anyone trash the competition? I have better things to do.

I like OCD Mike’s videos. I’m curious about the audio hon dealers he calls out in his newsletter or member video. I may have to sign up just to see. 

OCD Mickey is an acquired taste I would argue. If you listen to his vids he really does seem to know his stuff. Maybe you can’t afford the equipment he suggests but then it doesn’t mean he is wrong. He’s a big proponent of Jeff Rowland amps so how wrong can he be?

With vast square footage... really vast, and a small part of it devoted to listening rooms for generating sales, their overhead must be out of this world. 

I wouldn't shop there because I wouldn't want to be subsidizing all the expensive square footage, patios, "$20,000 posters", etc, etc.

Good grief! 




Unless wiring has directional arrows to show the electrons which way to go and has been frozen with liquid nitrogen, it will never sound as good (nor be as expensive) as it could. 😉

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@jerryg123 He did not name or callout anyone other than this site.

Well that’s a good start. As if that’s news to anyone, perhaps with the exception of newbies.

I have to defend OCD guy - I had a 30 minute conversation with him, I was calling from Thailand

He gave me the time of day -I  suspect unusual in this day and age.

A very agreeable man 

What gets me is he goes into 'his friend's' showroom and disses all of his lines, Focal and McIntosh, but calls him a "real" dealer because of the fanciness of the showroom. Isn't fanciness without substance what he rails against? I agree with the posters who say they wouldn't buy there because of the exorbitant overhead you would be helping to pay.

I saw this video.  OCD M. did not name names.  He made clear that he respects the dealer and views them as friends, making a distinction between “hifi” and “audiophile”, which seems a valid opinion for someone to debate

Flaconquest and markmuse I would not agree that he knows his stuff.  He knows what he wants to know and bashes everything else without really knowing the full story. He did not know the difference between a music server and a streamer.  He even said inhave not looked at these expensive servers in a while.  Kept saying incan do the same thing with a 2000-$3000 computer.  He did not get it. Could he get it? I’m sure. But why would I want to watch a guy who is years behind the rest of world?  He admitted he never even heard mac stuff. But it’s pretty. That’s why i should go to this dealer. Heck I am not even sure what he does or what he sells at this point. When I hear dealer bash other equipment from the other guy I walk. Tell me why I should get yours. Not bash the other guys stuff. I get it you can only have one dealer for certain stuff per area. So why do I shop here. Inform me don’t gossip. 

In this topsy-turvy world in which we live, anyone with a youtube channel can garner himself a "following", however low in number that may be.

His "business model" (double air quotes) is to present himself as an alternative voice, a bit of an outlaw (and yes, sorely in need of a shower and shave), telling it "how it is".  The insider who dares to pierce the veil.

But as at least two other fairly recent threads on Audiogon demonstrated, there is a much darker side to this too.

I think he was using the term proper hifi store in the context of showing different rooms to display various systems.  We all have been to dealers who cram audio gear into a room that looks like a dorm room.  The owner of the store indicated that they didn't cater to the audiophile community but rather the hifi users and home theater.

Say what you want about the gentleman in the video, but that place is awesome! 

There isn't anything even remotely close to that around where I live. I tend to have to buy  online without being able to hear the products first. It would be awesome to hang their for a day and listen to all the different set-ups.


OCD Mikey trolls his own followers on Youtube and is, in my opinion, very distasteful. However knowledgeable he may be (and I think he is), I don’t find his content or approach aligning with my taste. I hate to see Jay’s Audio Lab partnering up with him so much on Youtube because I enjoy Jay’s content quite a lot. And Jay seems like a great guy.

Well, that's 16 minutes of my life I'll never get back.  Just a couple points I take issue with.  1. The idea that equipment that looks great isn't real audiophile?  2. You want me to take you seriously when you lead with statements like "I don't really know anything about the Focal brand".  At the same time he's complaining about GHT, he seems to be totally blown away by the size and look of the showroom.  Pick a lane for gods sake.  There are people who want to design their system around the home, and those who want a dedicated room for their system.  One does not make the other wrong.  

He talks a ton of ish. A ton. In fact it’s turds like him that make me embarassed to say “audiophile”. His “brand” is grating.

After all these ’glowing’ reviews (as in the ’glow’ of nuclear materials), I’m concerned I’d catch something unRx’able and fatal viewing the vid....

As for ’needs a haircut’ is why I don’t post a pic...and why I trim the beard when I tire of the taste of last weeks’ stew.... ;)

After all the dyne ’n wine over the lack of B&B ’shopping extremes’, I wish the guy luck and move on. There’s already a list of ’Ignore’ vendors batted about in AG, and much to some’s chagrin this case may find his niche as yet.

I have basically none in my local focal locus to visit/chat/annoy, and have gotten used to ’ears unheard’ purchases. Since my listening space is the only place that I employ, I consider upfront that Item X WILL sound ’different’ than a showroom.

I concentrate on collecting that which I can ’tweak’ to sound ’great enough’ Anywhere it lands next to me....spouses’ ears taken in account as well....

"Whatt’ya think?"

"Sounds like a mattress is in the way...." -or-  (Looks at a window....) "I'm waiting for the glass to begin etching..."

(A bit extreme, but you get the drift, Cliff...)

I like ’bright’, she likes what she likes... ;)

Simple for her after I’ve dredged the complex to taste.

Mac? I’d rather buy a car....get more mileage from the latter...

Happy Easter...


Total clown show.  Sets his camera so he's looking down on you. Everything is " cool, so cool, beautiful ". What a jerk.

I’m sorry, I could not spend my money with this gentleman. I only buy stuff from retailers with large buildings. What kind of logic is that?? I’ll pass. I also do not do business with anyone that badmouths the competition. That does nothing but insult the potential buyers intelligence.  

LOL, PROOF of what I say about this forum.

rocray, Lets see what you have to say "about the competition" if I tell you a Virago is better than your Lime Green big twin... for such a cool bike, im surprised at your comment. You speaking before knowing who I am and what I actually say, is not cool. slow your rush to judgement and LISTEN to what I say. This vid fully gave these brands Props for holding aesthetic design expertise. I never bash brands, I simply share my opinion on what I dont like. I dont like bright colors on Bikes. My chopper is black and chrome. Does not mean your bike is not good nor cool, Simply means I would not ride it . Big effing deal. Not trying to hurt your feelings.

fertguy, what do you spray, cow poo out of your tanker ? Whos the clownshow ? You run a liquid dookie transport. Im making ridiculous assumptions on you like you are on me.. Go fart on someone.

dadork, Im showing you a high line dealer. Thats it. No hidden message. If anything , this is a diss on dealers who purport to be "High end dealers" ..Im showing you guys what a real high end shop looks like. Not these guys pretending to be. a real ’Audiophile" dealer is something completely different, and I’ll showcase that later.

fittebd, wow on here for a year and change, 40 posts, and 2 discussions started one of them being "is there anything cheaper than PS Audio", etc. Youve got no legs to stand on. A real slugger there for such big words from someone with little to no experience. You sound like a real great guy..lol Your response is so full of crap I dont know where to start.. I have more audio experience in my toenail than you imagine you do. You represent the vitreol and sludge that makes this site so sad. Beg for subscribers ? LOL. Last thing I want to be is a Youtube slave, and people with tons of subs are slaves.. They MUST make content to pay the bills.. NOT me.Thanks for being my star pupil and showcasing what I speak about regarding this forum. People who dont know S#*t complaining about S#*t and knocking others trying to do good because they are miserable with themselves. Honestly, may you find peace and serenity brother, (Yes, youre my lost bro, no matter what you say or think) I hope you can find your happy spot, because it CLEARLY is NOT Here.

People who wont buy from me because how I look, shame on you, you are prejudiced simply because I look different than you ...Sound familiar, minority people ? Yes, its a huge reason why this world is so hard for young people these days. Congratulations. Do you realize that if I REALLY wanted to hustle you, I would shave and cut my hair and wear Brooks Brothers clothing with loafers then freaking pillage your brains out ? You are not even aware enough to realize the fact I DONT do this is probably a sign Im NOT trying to win you over in order to roll your ass. Sad people you are... very sad indeed. Please try to find the light. Your life will go much better, I promise.

Everyone else, thanks for your support ! My Tribe, you know whom you are !!

I thank all for your trust, friendship, and business !!





I have built three houses with theater rooms in each.  For these purposes, I would go to a store like GHT.  That said, don't plan on getting any deal as you are paying for that overhead including the furniture and art.  

For my two-channel area, I would not waste my time going to a Home Theater store,  They are just a different breed and they generally do not have higher-end equipment.  I am going to any store that has the components or speakers that I may be looking for.,  I could care less whether they served my whiskey while I was listening to a component.  It is all about being able to compare side by side of various components that I am looking to demo.  

A typical salesman/dealer, everybody has crappy equipment except him. This guy is irritating to watch.

In general, it’s not a good idea to serve alcohol to people signing contracts. Just saying.  Aside from that, I hear what OCD Is saying about dealers that carry a lot of lines, but from what I can see, many audiophiles just want to call a dealer and say “I want XYZ”. They don’t ask for advice and believe that any dealer who recommends something is just pushing whatever has the highest margin. It’s sort of sad, because the good dealers can really help people to buy something they will be happy with down the road. And by “good dealers” I mean a dealer who can understand what the customer likes and guide them in that direction. And being a nice guy or a handsome guy is not a substitute for being a good dealer. 

OCD Mikey, I may have only been on this site for a few months, been on others since 1999.  Check out avsforum and many others.  Some even been shut down for years as Youtube has become the new norm.  Which is ok, everyone has their own opinion.  I watched you even subscribed for a bit until you go on your conspiracy theory rants.  Just dont like that.  I am on my 3rd house 2nd full blown room.  I dont have the room or patience to do a full on frankenstien like you have.  I actually loved that video to see your creativity.  The best one was you had and I have to give you credit was "you want to sell something easy.... make it with tubes, put a blue light on it, call it an italian name and boom"    2 days later sure enough video from I think the cap audio fest there was one..lol  I cracked up. 

But again you lost me on the last two videos you did.  The one on streamers and the one on that atlanta showcase.  After hearing you say how bad dealers are and then you go and do that. I just did not get it.  I would love to tour that place.  But I did not like the two face turn around.  And I stand by my comments on that video. It showed you had no idea what the streaming tech has done in the past few years.  You were just all upset Roon made you upgrade your computer.  I did not think that was near accurate what you talked about.  

Like the sharks say, for those reasons I unsubscribed long before this thread was started.  Good luck in your adventures.  And by the way I ended up with the PSAudio bought used, saved a ton and it works as advertised.  Love it.  

And yes this group does have its issues, but I love the hobby and read where I can.   You guys who commented on his looks should be ashamed of yourself.  After seeing the wife watch make up girls on youtube seeing someone be themselves was a pleasure when I first found your channel.  

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Antagonist goals and timing but as someone taking early retirement and going to put together a music system on a modest budget that needs to maximize each dollar, some OCD Mikey comments and suggestions I feel have kept me from going down an expensive rabbit hole. Just like some posts here and other YouTubers  (though finding fewer and fewer YouTubers I have confidence in) you have to filter and ignore personal bias and attacks and appreciate the wisdom of those willing to share both good decisions made and mistakes made.