

Responses from glennewdick

looking at what the Meridian dsp5200 sell for on hifi shark you could buy a set for $1500-$2000 and see if you like them, selling with minimum loss if you don't. Should give a good idea of what the new ones sound like. That said I don't know anyo... 
Cornwall IV vs. Volti Rival, Razz; Razz v. 1, 2, 3 -- what changed?
Not sure how efficient your looking for but i have done the Klipsch LaScala thing for years and was happy after some modifications i.e. damping of horns, upgrading the crossovers and drivers etc.  The one speaker that gets overlooked here mostly ... 
How to Open the Sonus Faber Olympica IIIs (Please Help)
check if access is from the back, but my thinking is there is a trim ring around the driver mounting area that will need to come off to expose the driver mounting screws.  probably a trim ring around the outer edge of the driver.   
Where Do I Go from Here?
I would not spend that kind of money on any audio component if I was in my mid 70's unless money was not an issue. One hearing is not as good, Two no new money coming in, Three do you really need an upgrade or are you just wanting a change? 20 ... 
Relaxed/Analog sounding DAC for under $10k (used or new)
For well under your budget you can get a Chord Dave used. One of the best DAC's I've had and regret selling. Lot of options in your price range so take your time listen to as many as you can. I'm eyeing the new LTA Tube DAC right now.   
You're not a true audiophile unless...
to me an audiophile is someone who looks to improve the sound of their audio playback. Its about the love of music and making it sound better, even if that's just adjusting your speakers on your desk top to make them image better, that's an audiop... 
matching pre for Dynaco mk4 monoblocks
Tubes4hifi may have parts. I dumped mine after spending more than they were worth trying to get them reliable and noise free. I’ll never buy another dynaco amp.   
Watts! How many do we need?
watts are watts, a watt will do the same work regardless of how its derived. amp topology, power supply type, amount of components in the circuit, speaker efficiencies, etc. will make differences. as long as your not clipping the amp, putting the... 
I need some high quality Printed Circuit Boards Made (DYNACO ST-70)
Vacuum Tube Audio ST70 parts (tubes4hifi.com)  
Recommend me a tube integrated amplifier
Friend has AN-K’s he runs the AudioNote Cobra integrated and I have to say its a match made in heaven. Hugely enjoyable and some of the best sound I’ve heard in a while. Even the DAC is quite good in the cobra. Not sure if it has sub out but IMO ... 
Gryphon Diablo 120
I'm wondering if the reason your not engaged anymore with your tube amp was due to tube starting to ware out. This is typical of tubes that are getting old and are in need of replacing.   
Heretic Loudspeakers out of Canada
roxy54  @glennewdick "Well then maybe they shouldn't have done made it look the way they did on their webpage" No idea don't really care as I've never heard of them, i was just using google to assist the OP since they didn't know how.   
Dimond Cantilevers And Tip Mass
I though they had stated up again. wasn't the London Reference the new version? I could be incorrect. My friend is a huge collector of London Decca's he must have a doz or so. very nice sounding cart's, I agree. He has a very interesting system c... 
Dimond Cantilevers And Tip Mass
Just get a London Decca and never worry about cantilever’s again.  
Heretic Loudspeakers out of Canada
From their Facebook page, posted today. I suppose no one knows how to use google.  "Heretic suspended operations for the time being, as our founder and heretic guide is recovering from a long illness. Repairs and service are not affected. Further...