Responses from rbstehno
What does 90% of the Absolute Best Sound Cost? I got more in cables and sound treatments than $10k. I built a dedicated room within a room to get the correct ratio/dimensions and just this cost way north of $10k. Then you have to buy the appropriate equipment to fill the room. A 5 watt set amp... | |
BS meter is pegged! Bipod72- what are bloated processes? What do you call eliminating extraneous processing that the OS does? I’m not talking about windows because that OS is junk running on old technology hardware. I’m talking about Linux which most streamers/server... | |
Subs? Most audiophiles don’t us a sub because they are hard to integrate into a system where it adds to the sound without highlighting itself. subs are about bass, how are supposed to render the lowest octave? | |
Subs? How many companies build a subwoofer that you can setup in an array where each individual sub is tuned different. | |
Retirement integrated amp for a “fiscal conservative”…..Part 1: I have a plan Go to many audio shows that you can. Tampa has 1 in a couple of weeks. I used to go to CES/the show/rmaf and others every year and now just the Tampa show. Most equipment you will be seeing will be way over your $8000 budget. Your goal is to see ... | |
BS meter is pegged! Somebody else posted this earlier and I agree with them, the reviewer should be the person to call the manufacturer and iron out any discrepancies and let the subscribers (and us) know if what was stated in the article is exactly what the manufact... | |
BS meter is pegged! During a rmaf or some other audio show, I was talking to a manufacturer that claimed the only hard drives that sounded good was the xxxx xxxxx model over others 1’s he mentioned. With my friends with me, I asked him point blank that this drive sou... | |
Who is Roon? A sham? When you see a worthless reply like this, you ignore ignore any replies from this poster in future threads because he doesn’t know what he is talking about. Like others in this thread, I got rid of my $3500 Classe cd player in 2006 - 2009... | |
Setting up stereo Rel subwoofers…. In home theater setups, I placed the subs near the corners for maximum gain/bass. For audio, I placed the subs out into the room, once behind the speakers, the other times on the outside of the main speakers. I never wanted to actually hear big ba... | |
ARE SUPER EXPENSIVE STREAMERS REALLY WORTH IT People don’t get i2s, probably they don’t want to spend the money for better equipment that has this interface. People claim they worry about noise, clocking, etc, and you would be right if you are using usb. The old days I used usb just like 99% ... | |
Streamer output options I never use usb. Spdif has restrictions on what you can send thru it. If you are paying hires music, say dsd128 or dsd256, you are out of luck. Also, you are restricted to 192/24 files. If you are only using a cd player, this wouldn’t matter. I h... | |
Main speaker placement- fundamentally wrong? I tried this 20 years ago at a dave Mathew’s concert in the rose garden. We had a concrete wall behind us and when I cupped my ears, the sound cleaned up drastically because I wasn’t hearing the sound bounce off the concrete wall. | |
Stereophile review of the new Wilson Watt/Puppy When I get my Stereophile issue in the mail, I look at the conclusion of each piece reviewed and 99.999% of the time the piece they are reviewing is the best they have ever heard. Sometimes, in parts of the review they will have a few negatives bu... | |
Which sounds better 2 way or 3 way speaker design I’ve owned many 2-way monitors (totem model 1’s, totem mani II’s, totem arro’s, usher mini dancer II’s, to name a few) and they all had their drawbacks. Every one of them I used a pair of subwoofers (Rel) and there were drawbacks to this too, Rel ... | |
What Speaker Cables Taught Me About Audiophiles Silver cables? Never!!! Like somebody scratching a blackboard with their nails. |