
Responses from chayro

Mastersound amplifiers
I owned a Duotrente years ago. Very nice amp, but not “tubey” at all. Smooth and refined, but without the tube warmth I like. I don’t know if the newer versions are different and I wouldn’t extrapolate this to the rest of the line.   
Relaxed/Analog sounding DAC for under $10k (used or new)
There is a long thread started by Verdant Audio called “Dac Shootout Starts This Weekend” where Verdant, a dealer, compares numerous dacs, some of which he sells and some not. I think it could be a valuable place to start your journey.   
A DAC for the Oppo 105
There are a lot of very good dacs in your price range which I’m sure will be mentioned here and are in many other threads if you search. Denafrips Aries for one. But before you buy, may I suggest placing a Vibrapod footer under each foot of your O... 
Speaker Cables For $300
I had Performance Audio make me up a pair of Mogami bi-wire cables and they are very respectable. They offer all types of termination options. I didn’t like the ones I ordered and the company changed them for a small shipping charge. The cables so... 
Need Advice Asap - Terrible experience with a seller on Reverb (Iso Acoustics Gaia ii)
How much money are we talking about here?  
DCM Time WIndow Identification Help
AA was on Long Island. I had a pair as well. I remember those were the days everyone used lamp cord to hook up speakers.   
Starting Over and I need your help
I would try to get to a dealer and listen to several different systems regardless of cost and find something that sounds good to you- the sound you think you are looking for. Once you’ve narrowed it down, the dealer can assist you in finding stuff... 
1 song you never get sick of?
Romeos Tune. Live the piano part and the melody.   
Do I Need A SUT
I thought a SUT was only used when using a MC cart into an MM phono stage. Is it used in any other way?  BTW, I have to turn the volume knob up on my analog than  my digital. No big deal really. Not like I’m switching back and forth.   
Transfiguration Phoenix S cartridge - impedance loading recommendation?
I had discussed this with Bob Clarke, the distributor for Transfiguration before they stopped production and he felt that the Transfiguration carts were smooth enough on top that the loading became more of a tone control. The preamp we were discus... 
What are the circular discs people use on components?
Damping plates. Several companies make them, including HRS and Artesenia. Supposed to damp resonance in the chassis. Years ago people put bricks on their components supposedly to make things sound better. Never tried them myself, so I have no opin... 
I’m afraid my Audio Aero Capitole mk2 has died
Maybe call Signature Sound in NY. He was an AA dealer and may be able to assist you. The owner is a tech and handles warranty repairs for several lines. Worth a call at least.  
seeking advice on iso pucks /stands or similair that won't stain speakers?
Herbies fat dots. Used them for years and they never left marks.   
Turntable setup NYC area
If you don’t know much about analog yet, how do you know the dealer didn’t do a great job?  What do you think is off?    
Looking for a line conditioner
I’m a big fan of the Audience products. I’ve never compared them directly with any others, but the AR6T made a very positive improvement in my system compared to a Wiremold (Naim) strip. Plus, Audience has excellent customer service and support. I...