Responses from markmuse
Tube Pre/ Class D Amp - Who has done it? I have been using various combinations of tube pre / Class D amps over the last 7 or so years. Rogue RP-7 (really nice for the cost), ARC Ref 6SE (hard/aggressive), currently Backert Labs Rhythm now upgraded to v1.4. Amps - LSA Voyager GAN 300 (ju... | |
Maggie LRS vs .7 I have the LRS+ (AGD Tempo amp, KEF KC92 sub, MagnaRiser stands) in a 25 x 25 x 8 room and it is simply superb. Definitely use very heavy gauge speaker wires. I have large diffusers 4 feet behind each speaker. Side reflections are not an issue wi... | |
After 20 years, in the market for a power amp AGD Tempo or Audions. I’ve had them for a few years now with a Backert Labs Rhythm tube pre. Bought a Coda S5.5 after reading all the raves about it but it just didn’t measure up to the AGDs. Sold it. Expensive mistake. | |
CLASS D Another vote for AGD. I have the Tempo. | |
Subwoofer @navyachts 25 x 25 x 8. It is between the two speakers (Magnapan LRS+) which are about 4 feet from the front wall. It integrates beautifully with the Maggies. I have had a number of subs over the years and this is the best by far. | |
New room needs new speakers, I need your help With your preferences I would avoid the Clayton Shaw Caladans. They are rather hot in the presence region (upper mid to lower treble). Fyne F1-8 are a standmount speaker with an adjustable presence control. You might find they meet your needs. Ve... | |
Speaker List narrowed down… If you decide to go with the Fynes, PM me. F1-8 walnut. | |
D amps I have been using AGD amps for a couple of years now and couldn't be happier. Lovely sound driving my LRS+ with ease. | |
In the sand box Don't use sand if you have cats. | |
Magnepan LRS+ resistors on the tweeters… which? @yyzsantabarbara Thanks! I cancelled my order for the Risers after discovering that I had much better integration with my subwoofer with the LRS+ on the floor. I tried to buy the jumpers after cancelling, but he wouldn't sell. @yyzsantabarbara ... | |
Magnepan LRS+ resistors on the tweeters… which? @yyzsantabarbara What kind of improvement did you hear with the Magna Risers? I have mine on the floor tilted forward and find them to be extraordinary. @audiofilo123 I am really surprised to hear that. I am very sensitive to excessive energy ... | |
Six DAC Comparison @mitch2 You have the wrong guy. I’ll redirect to @stuartk | |
Six DAC Comparison @stuartk I wouldn’t rule it out based upon that. It’s something I enjoy fussing with. Read the reviews. They are based on the stock tubes. And it is unlikely you will ever have to replace the tubes. | |
Six DAC Comparison @stuartk Brent Jessie has some. Not inexpensive though. | |
Six DAC Comparison @mitch2 Yes, I am aware of that coming review. Wish it was available now. I do have some RCA 12sn7 GTA's and I am looking for some 6 volts now. It also occurred to me that I might try 12au7's with adapters - I have gone the other way with 12sn7's... |