

Discussions glennewdick has started

power cable tryout High fidelity cables has me wondering..... need suggestions now 315342
so bass traps in corners do nothing, it seems we have been fooled. or are being fooled. 651960
Mac MC301 mono 4270
Tri-Art Audio Open 5 open, baffle speaker. 20357
ANTIPODES - DS operation assistance. 8581
What Horn loaded speaker/ speaker system for $10k'ish and under902464
Revox Agora B Interesting find in the used market. 307716
Upgrading tube for a MAC 275 mk5 what are you using?10857
Record dividers alphabetized one for each letter. 10754
Turntable sub $4k buy decisions too many. 647735
McIntosh MCD 201 CD/SACD player questions about viability of an older piece. 352611
Pre amp discussion/ recommendations sub $10k 13766
Pre amp discussion/ recommendations sub $10k 18617
Antique Sound Lab Leyla SET 845 integrated tube amp, manual and remote type or codes38822
Looking to buy a quality integrated $10,000 budget. 1525374