Responses from fertguy
Audio racks that can handle heavy components I use these. Great racks. https://butcherblockacoustics.com/ Butcher Block Acoustics | |
Do I need new tubes? Get some high quality vintage tubes. Install. Fixed. | |
Seeking a Warm 12AX7 Tube for Preamp Find vintage Telefunken. Pricey but None better I think. https://www.audiotubes.com/12ax7.htm | |
PS Audio BHK signature preamp I have the BHK pre with M1200s. Stellar Gold DAC, Airlens streamer with Focal Kanta 3s speakers. Couldn't be happier. I run Telefunken 12AX7s. late 50 I think. | |
YouTube Indicates What the Future is For Audiophiles - Interesting Demographics. My son, 35 yrs/old, has a 40'x60' shop/gym/party room with one boom box, blue tooth, speaker thing. I offered an old system of mine but nope, didn't want it. OK. He's building a new 3700 sq/ft home & of course I ask about a listening room. N... | |
PS Audio IRSV selling kennyc | |
PS Audio IRSV selling 5farms I too am a fan of Infinity speakers. I had Kappa 8s until the wife decided they were too big. I would like to have listened to Pauls set. | |
PS Audio IRSV selling devinplombier I'd say so! | |
PS Audio IRSV selling At 1200/lb each I’ll bet it was a chore.. | |
PS Audio IRSV selling Fun story.. | |
PS Audio IRSV selling Yup, why not | |
PS Audio IRSV selling That enplanes it. So someone thought they were worth $70K. Thanks | |
PS Audio IRSV selling tkrtrb125 I like it. M1200s BHK pre Stellar Gold DAC Stellar 3 power plant Airlens streamer | |
PS Audio IRSV selling pmotz The video is dated 9/3 | |
PS Audio IRSV selling roxy54 Maybe the IRSV s sounded better than the FR 30s & didn't want customers to compare. lol. |