Responses from aberyclark
The $27,900 disappointment? Wilson Audio Watt Puppy 8 issues. I'm guessing the owner feels the speakers are lacking in a certain department within his room. We do not know if the owner has any treatments. For all we know the room may be four concrete walls. The speaker manufacturer cannot know every customer... | |
Bose 901 Review Well Done. When I was a kid, I would dream about 901's from all the ads in Stereo review. Thru the years I thought about building a vintage 2nd system and finding a pair. One thing, never dismiss vintage components (assume everything is working). People an... | |
Suggestions for high efficiency speakers? Congrats @fosolitude Are you still running a subwoofer? | |
Is there any such thing as a bad sounding DAC these days? I have the Topping E70Velvet and it sounds superb. I think everything is system and personal preference dependent. Plus, everyone assumes people's ears are all the same...not true. | |
Does USB cable length make a diference? I like the option of changing out a DAC. Streamer/Dacs are fine........I just prefer to have options | |
Does USB cable length make a diference? Any length cable is a bad cable.....should have bought a streamer dac all in one box with optimized short signal paths. But, some audiophily dude probably told you separates, separates, separates is the way to go for Xtra credit and respect in re... | |
Got Innuous, now a DAC Ali Express is so full of Counterfeit products, I'm not certain I would buy tere unless you know the dealer or the Brand says the item is Legit. Again, I'm sure theres plenty of people with great experience there. When I see counterfeit McIntosh 2... | |
SL-1200 G Power cable I also have the Shunyata extender and used my ZU Even Power cable. The only reason was to keep the Zu Cable "active" until I purchased a new component. The TT speed was fine with no added noise with the stock cable. I just purchased a new DAC and ... | |
My Esoteric DV-50S died. Where do I go next? Did entity tell you which part(s) needed replaced? A place like this may have what you need. Here is a new laser lens pickup module for the DV50s https://www.ebay.com/itm/364184501105?_skw=dv50s+esoteric&itmmeta=01JN4R88VJCKZA1TC9WQBZEW88&... | |
Topping P50 power supply, + Zen Streamer + Topping E50 DAC How would you hook the Zen stream to the p50? | |
DAC recommendation for DSD input If I could afford one, the T+A 200 Dac would be what I would be looking at. Like yourself, I have tons of DSD files (Sacd rips, Downloads, etc). My topping dac does do native DSD and there is a big difference vs a Dac that converts to PCM. Even at... | |
Completely Blown Away--Geshelli JNOG3 with SparkoS Dual SS2590 Op-amps How much of a step down was your E70 velvet? I really enjoy my E70v | |
Anyone own the Topping e70 Velvet? I just ordered one I've heard good things about the D70 Octo. I may give it a try. The Velvet is sounding really, really good. | |
Six DAC Comparison I have always considered a "perfect measuring" DAC like the Benchmark as something a mastering engineer would use. Providing a baseline of clarity and evenness so the engineer can add the "flavors". In some regards, I would think an audiophile w... | |
Anyone own the Topping e70 Velvet? I just ordered one I cancelled the R26. Amazon and the dealer keeps delaying the delivery. I listened to my e70V over the last couple of days and its sounding wonderful. I'm not certain the R26 is $1200 better. I'll use that money toward my subwoofer update. The e70... |