
Responses from decooney

Traded Off my SLP-05
+1 to what @ozzy shared.   I've found there seems to be sort of this compounding effect when you have 3 components in the chain that are all soft, smooth, more laid back on the top end.    If the speakers are slightly warm and veiled over, there... 
Traded Off my SLP-05
@squitis - okay, imo I think either the Supra or Kimber Hero are just fine, and 1-2m length is good too. Did not mean to go down that rabbit hole, but good to know. Back to the new preamp, how far out til you receive the BHK preamp?    
Cary SLP 98 users, past and present, are there any left?
Check this 2019 thread, keeping this in the family here on Agon. Some of the regulars and good old forum friend Almarg weighed in on this one too when he was around. It’s not as critical but some people follow it. See the part about different reco... 
Traded Off my SLP-05
okay so we’ve kind of concluded the prior general direction of those components all together is a big warmish and veiled over result so to speak. Let’s assume that for now.Not bad, just not as opened as you’d like it to be with your prior speakers... 
Cary SLP 98 users, past and present, are there any left?
@billpete Do you leave yours in standby or off position? Best not to follow my advice on this. For you to decide. I turn mine off if I know I’m likely to leave the whole system off more than a few days. I do set to Standby for.a little bit bef... 
Cary SLP 98 users, past and present, are there any left?
@billpete What about the input pots? What position do you keep yours in? Wide open.    
Cary SLP 98 users, past and present, are there any left?
@billpete I have read through this on Cary Direct several times. It isn’t terribly thorough. It does say that the SLP 98 is phase inverted so that speaker wires should be reversed.??????????????????   Yes, my speaker wires are inverted / rever... 
Cary SLP 98 users, past and present, are there any left?
@billpete if you are using the EH  6SN7s now, I'll share this.  Like others, I used them to burn in new caps in the amp, and pulled them back out, placing them in their original tube boxes in the SLP-98 box and sitting in the rafters right now.   ... 
Traded Off my SLP-05
If you tried 3 different SLP-05 preamplifiers and all of the tubes listed above, and it was still not "open" sounding enough for you, it's likely something else in the system going on or a combination of things together yielding a less open result... 
Cary SLP 98 users, past and present, are there any left?
To @billpete ,  I fired up the system later today and checked after work.   Results, on a scale of 1-10, and 0 being room temperature at 68 degrees, and let's say 10 is scorching hot to the touch where you can't leave your hand on more than 10 se... 
Cary SLP 98 users, past and present, are there any left?
@billpete do you recall how the power supply looked when unpacking it, and was the umbilical cord pinched or jammed inside the cardboard box or anything like that? Was the shipping box in good condition when you received it? Checking my own, yes ... 
12au7 tube?
@twoleftears Question: has anyone tried the Apos Ray 12AU7, which seems to be the new kid on the block making a few waves.   Are you aware of who the OEM is for Ray tubes btw? Not to blow their cover but it’s fairly easy to search and find on... 
Traded Off my SLP-05
To @sqitis what brand/model 6SN7 tubes, and coupling capacitors did you have in your SLP-05?  
The MHDT Labs website is up and they still sell their DACs direct on eBay, I just checked. Two listed right now. I got to know June (the founder) a bit years back and bought mine direct, and helping several friends who own them today. Whenever the... 
Will a high quality preamp really make a difference in sound?? Also speaker cable
+1 @erik_squires  +1 @gregrolka  In the past I gave moderate praise to my preamps for the overall result of sound. More recently swapping a few preamps in/out with different Class A solid state and mono tube amplifiers both, I came to appreciate...