I Cried Today

I know what what I am about to say will not have any direct meaning to most of you reading this, but I cried today about a person I never met.  I repaired and upgraded this persons audio preamp and power amplifier.  He was suffering from cancer.  He wanted to do this for his son so that he could enjoy music like every person here does.  He shipped his components to me and they were recently returned.  The other day I found out that he passed a month ago from his illness.  We had many conversations about music and audio over the past several months.  I got to know him as a person.  He loved his family, and he loved music.  Although I never met him, I got to know him.  He was a fine human being, loved life, and was a fine gentleman.  I guess that is what life should be all about.

Anyway, I cried today knowing that John Hoffman is no longer on this earth and now he is with GOD.  I hope there is a fantastic audio system playing music for you to hear John.  Happy Listening and Rest in Peace.  



very nice post @bigkidz -- thank you

reminds me/us that compassion, empathy and a big heart are what is most needed in this world we now live in... 

more heart, less greed, less hate

ah Peter you are such a great soul. Peace and grace to you and to the Hoffman family. Godspeed to John.

Acts of humanity are in short supply these days.

Thank you for sharing your story.

Kindness and empathy seem to be missing in our world oftentimes. It is uplifting to see examples and know it is out there. Thank you for sharing.

same here, wonderful gesture to write a post about your connection with him.

I hope that living spirit of John Hoffman will enjoy your good job on his preamp in after-world.

That will definitely happen if his son invoke the living spirit.

What a touching post, a reminder for us all to keep things in perspective. Thanks for sharing this story.

Touching story. Good to read of people who still feel for others. I always like your posts, @bigkidz

All the best,

Thanks for sharing that story. Life is precious and everything else amounts to a hill of beans!

Hopefully John's son will have some great memories every time he plays music through his system.    

@bigkidz Thank you for sharing this sitting here tearing up having just read it. Very touching and another example of music keeping us connected here and after.


Thank you for sharing that. 

Goosebumps and watery eyes…



My father just died yesterday at the age of 92. I grew up listening to his 78's and I still love old jazz to this day.

Thank you.

Sorry to hear about your dad, qjm101. Wishing you peace.

Thanks for sharing a wonderful, painful story, Bigkidz.


When we're pummeled every day with a constant stream of Man's inhumanity to Man, what a wonderful reminder that there's much more good in the world than bad, it just doesn't get the press. Thank you for sharing. Your post is a testament to two good men.

@bigkidz thanks for posting your heartwarming experience.

When people pass away, I’m reminded to examine my life - I’m hoping to be ready with no regrets of not trying.  I also try to practice Gratitude - that I’m blessed that they were in my life.  

I just sat down to read the paper tonight, and saw @bigkidz post.

Needless to say, the paper hit the floor, unread.

My thoughts are with Mr Hoffman and his selflessness in thinking of someone else's joy while facing his own mortality, and for kidz to remind us all how fragile we are. 

This forum tonight made me feel connected to you all.

The love of music is the love of life.


People here know the feeling of being lifted to another level of feeling and community that's why your post was so special.

Thank you.

It’s nice to know there are still people out there who care. More and more people seem to be losing faith and some even turn to Satan. In these challenging times, it is important to believe.

Thank you for sharing. 

The son will appreciate the amplifiers and his father's love and thoughtfulness.  Your work will be a part of his life for years to come.

Beautiful. I'm trying to do the same with my sons. The relationships we develop in this crazy love for audio equipment are something special. God bless you and John's family and sorry for your loss, sir.

@bigkidz ...Thank you for sharing your thoughts & feelings on John, and I'd wager a guess we've all had some 'brush' with mortality in some fashion on these pages.

It's when it edges closer to one as we approach the 'last lift of the cart off the LP', it gets ones' attention...

"It's weird being the same age as old people.", as expressed on a t-shirt some of us probably should wear...depending upon how one considers that reality....
I'm certainly subject to that, but still feel healthy enough to challenge infinity...😏

Yeah...Right....You can fool yourself, but you can't fool fate.

Upon similar lines, that occurred to me, on this site, awhile back....

One of us approached me in a PM, "...out of the blue, in the western skies..."

"Would you be interested in a preamp? I've two that I'd like to gift you with...your choice."   (Either/both beyond my means, then & even now...of course, I responded "Uh...sure....)

That's why I now own a Parasound C2, and we began an off-A'Gon relationship for an enjoyable span of emails.  Trading tales, histories, the occasional 'behind the pages' snide and support of what was about that evening' (The names will remain a mystery we will both take to the Beyond...)

He beat me to that destination...S4 cancer....the emails vagued, then stopped.


In that way-too-brief span, he sent as well a dbx and an ESS xover, the latter since we both shared a fondness for the Heil amts'; the second, somewhat rare of late....

It was admitted that the 'better items' were to be to his son and others, but thought I'd 'enjoy them and give 'em a proper home...'

I've certainly tried and will continue...

But, just before the messages stopped, one of the last stated:

"This is one I don't want you to get all misty-ass over....but I want you to enjoy them as much as we do....'K?"

I saw my spouse accept the parcel from our FedEx driver and heard him say

"Kinda heavy for something so small...."  and I knew Exactly what the final gift was.


Next response...the only I could stay within the desire stated...

"Ok...but you can fill  the *blank* in anyway...I'll just sit stunned and grateful...;)"


One of the kindest and generous person I've never met, and will never have the pleasure of doing so... and an fellow audiophile with so much in common with...

Life is not fair.  It never extends any guarantee of such, of course, but....*wtf/over*

So...Y'all...if I post something like this, as silly and apparently 'cutesy' as it may seem...

I've my reasons......but hoping Jerry has gotten to hear... 

whatever it may be....RIP, good friend....

...even my spouse wouldn't gift me those... 😔

Thank you for sharing.  

I believe that this is our mission.  To pass on the joy of music experience in the home to the next generation.   

RIP, John!

Thanks for sharing. It is so nice to hear nice stories about nice people nowadays. Like the one with the 300,000 people in DC supporting Israel without one single arrest. We all should be civil to eachother.


Sorry for your loss.

As a servicer of (mostly) vintage audio gear, I can attest to the strong emotional connection between the gear and their owners. I can count, literally, dozens of occasions were grown up adults have been brought to tears when "dad’s stereo" came back to life, a deceased brother’s cassette deck lit up, made that weird clicking sound, started the reels turning, meters bouncing, and played music. Again. Receiving a hug from a customer is more rewarding than merely processing a credit card. I can also validate the humanity embedded in all of us. Now and then we need a wakeup call to remind us of the common links and connections we share. We ARE more connected than divided.

Each and every one of us here should pat ourselves on the back for acknowledging our links and connections on this forum. Well done. And, thanks to the OP for reminding us.

Very touching. You know as I have gotten older when I hear about someone passing, even people I didn’t know and have never and would never meet, it gives me much more pause these days. Even reading this and hearing if John’s passing touches me. Maybe it’s because it makes us realize our own mortality, maybe it’s because it’s a reminder of how precious, and yet so very delicate life is. I’ve lost many people close to me and I think of most of them almost daily, but I also feel a deep sense of sadness when I hear about those who I did not know passing…


@jjss49  so very true, less greed indeed. Greed is a silent killer not just of those who have it, but for those around them as well.

Very nice tribute.  I hope we can all make someone smile today.  RIP Mr. Hoffman.

Lets all Celebrate a Life Worth Living. Peace and love to you and his family.I just listened to Wish You Were Here, and thought of us all here.