

Responses from thecarpathian

Suggestions for Preamp Tubes
@yogiboy , No kidding! For some reason I had it in my head they don't come with remotes. Now I want one!  
Tube rolling with Rogue Audi RP-1 Preamplifier
12au7’s, correct? There is an overwhelming amount of choices ranging from around $60-$600 a pair and more. Some of the more popular NOS brands are Amperex, Mullard, Telefunken, Cifte, Tung-Sol, just to name a few. You can go to sites like Brent J... 
Suggestions for Preamp Tubes
You have a Quicksilver preamp with a remote??! I didn't know there was such a thing...🤔  
12au7 tube?
They hide this in the FAQ on their site: We want to give you the vacuum tubes you need. To achieve that, we work with multiple contract manufacturers across Asia and Eastern Europe. Because no manufacturer covers the entire range, each manufactu... 
New split AC System impact on sound.
I think the main problem with oversizing your AC/heat pump is if it’s bigger than the house requires, it cools your home too quickly and cycles on and off too much instead of running for a longer duration. It’s the cycling on and off that wears it... 
Vinyl sounds better (shots fired)
What's up with all the deletions? I take my mom to get her mustache waxed and miss everything...  
12au7 tube?
Can't win a prize if you don't buy a ticket!  
12au7 tube?
I've got a pair of RCA 5814a JRC triple mica black plates. Nice tube. Also have a pair of clear tops. Wouldn't take another pair if they were given to me.  
12au7 tube?
Blacktops?? Do you mean black plates?  
Sold Sold Sold
"What ever happened to a gentleman agreement ?" It appears you were one short.  
Upscale Audio is up front with customers
@oberoniaomnia , I take it you're a fan of orchids...  
Sold Sold Sold
Oh, snap! Mic drop. Betcha weren’t expecting that when you started this BS thread.    
Vinyl sounds better (shots fired)
And I will love you forever, Grisly. promises, com(promises) forever forever.... we'll find out When did this turn into a dating site??    
I am sad
@devinplombier , It would appear no apology is forthcoming. You know, when I'm wrong I'm man enough to own it and apologize. Apparently @samureyex is not.  
Fluance RT85N Reference Turntable - budget, or not ?
Ah, I didn’t think about plinth weight. Something to consider, thanks. And of course I meant Fluance. Honestly, I’ve got to start spell checking the spellchecker! Just went to the Fluance site. Extremely attractive prices for what you get.  I'...