

Responses from audioman58

A not sarcastic question for the power conditioner/upgraded power cord folks
Fr starters if possible a dedicated 20 amp line to start ,then a high quality gold or rhodium over Copper AC outlet  I have currently a Niagra AQ 3000, next a Niagra  5000 the quality of power cord very important from AC outlet , and the Storm se... 
Dumb question......why do you need a preamp?
A good separate preamp will 95% ofthe time sound muchbetter  most integrated amps have cheap little roundAlps volume attenuators which are not good and Rob detail ,you want a zr2R resistor ladder attenuator, then relay  for top quality.  
12au7 tube?
Brent Jesse has medical grade red or green tTelefunken that are very closed ,$450-$550 a pr I bought a pair great ,defined lots of air and neutral No mullard is close in detail ,warmer yes.  
New Innuos Pulse, need assistance.
The usb cable too will need 200+ hours to fully runin  whst coax cable where you using   
R2R next? Don't like ESS
What’s your budget ?   Denafrips  always has very good  sound build quality per $ Dollar spent.  
Chinese "Audiophile" Fuses
To be honest ,in the many tests on fuses yes they do work  For chili tuning is a solid choice why ,the higher the conductivity the lower the resistance or noise floor everything goes through the fuses Silver and copper 3x+  betterthen tinned bra... 
Does a good power conditioner reduce need for power supply upgrade?
It still is very good to upgrade to a  decent LPS power supplies especially at the starting points  for example get rid of the noisy wall wart a $10 piece of junk to the router That just adds more noise.  
Directional wires/cables
If dealing with -0 Crystal Copper or 6-9s pure it’s drawn in a specific type procedure in a nitrogen atmosphere , I don’t know the exact procedure ,there are only a handfully of foundries that do this.and drawn in that specific direction , and sli... 
Preamp Output Completely Different with Tube Amplifier versus Solid State Amplifier
I have a LSA Micro Zotl and it is dead quiet ,it has Lundahl transformers Balanced on the input RCA single ended on the output , David Berning design I don’t totally understand ,I would have preferred fully balanced but the M-OTL on the output  ... 
Need a Streamer
If looking for a very-good interface and a warmer perspective innuos is up there  theZenith has 3 separate power supplies lots of built in isolation And use premium  Mlytic capacitors for a warmer presentation well worth checking out.  
Cables for JBL L-112
I have a perfect  cable for your setup, the Wireworld Eclipse -8;Loudspeaker  cables 7-9s pure Copper  Big AWG-9   It’s a very respectable  cable quality and value .  
Karen Carpeneter died 42 years ago.
Karen  was the glue That  kept things together,her brother had a drug problem  that was a big problem.   
Tube Sound With Equalization?
No a Eq expands the frequency response but a true Vacuum tube preamp is just more expansive ,call it coloration or even harmonic distortion  much it sounds nice to the ear, with many brands ,most brands the critical volume attenuator most use a pa... 
Beware - FedEx Drivers are forging signatures for delivery confirmation
Just last week I was waiting all day for audio cables the Jurk pulls up out in front  door open I opened the door and called to him he was writing something on Sat around 4pm ,he just took off ,and I get a email,  attempt was made no one home. i... 
NEW Tekton Design Speakers - The Bonnevilles
I would never ever consider these in a home they belong in a j hall or theatre  and how many MRS would allow this even in the house, Tekton totally knows -0 about style , and parts quality,especially cabinet design and Xover are not one of the st...