

Responses from audioman58

Looking for a great front ported bookshelp speaker recommendation
Perlisten great speaker and big monitors   Anthony at Perrotta consultants  is very fair compared with speakers of much high cost .  
How to Open the Sonus Faber Olympica IIIs (Please Help)
Did you go. On you tube ?  
Which HDMI cable for I2S?
From experience with several dcc upsampler the $280 Wireworld  is a excellent hdmi-IS2 cable and pin match out was spot on.and sounds great.  
Impact of a DDC using SPDIF (not I2S)
I2S is always better sounding  I bought the top Wireworld  hdmi and it sounds great  my wife has the Denafrip Iris  ddc and it really cleans up, the noise and cleans up  the signal .  
You're not a true audiophile unless...
A true Audiophile builds the best system they can affford , and never is finished  say  a new dac comes out that's very popular , or maybe you want to upgrade your Loudspeakers.I have been into Audio since the mid 1970s  and it never ends  the c... 
Relaxed/Analog sounding DAC for under $10k (used or new)
Having owned several good dacs and hearing many great dacs at our multi state  audio club ,having the Denafrips Terminator 2 ,hearing the Brand New  Terminator 15 was very eye opening it easily surpassed the old model  and on par or slightly be... 
If Steely Dan had a different vocalist
How could you not have heard of steely Dan unless you are very young , land even at that ,if you listen to classic rock Steely Dan had a bunch of hits on the radio ,a very influential band of its era. One of my favorite bands.  
Which HDMI cable for I2S?
I have used the Wireworld $250  hdmi cable , the pin out seems to match the  upsamplers I have used , your equipment may have a protocol to do to match  the audio signal also ,like Denafrips  .  
DCS Sending Legal Notice To Reviewer (Golden Sound) Over an Old Review of Their Bartok DAC
DCS as well as Tekton both threatened what was not to their liking. they were unhinged even threatened them  with attorneys letters. I will not give either one a Penney , Freedom of Speech the last I looked  was still in our constitutional law ... 
DCS Sending Legal Notice To Reviewer (Golden Sound) Over an Old Review of Their Bartok DAC
I heard most of their equipment the Bartok and newer model are very detailed and  good but may not be the most natural sounding with some electronics , if they don’t like it tough schit , getting sued for having a opinion will lose them customer... 
Back in the 60-70s. Most recordings were done with vacuum tube equipment  some still do that has a big influence ,also who is doing the mixing  that’s why theBeatles sounded so good on most albums, they tried solid state mixers on  1-2 albums th... 
No Output from Hegel H390
Try shutting off and unplugging for a moment to possibly reset . if not working after that just try running  and using the built in dac make sure connections are in good , one thing at a time.  
Amp showing its age?
In your loudspeakers most likely the coupling capacitors ,I have been upgrading Xovers for years ,stock Xovers are in most cases average at best to save $$ upgrade-these capacitors and your speakers will sound better then before  as long as the ... 
Mofi Sourcepoint 888?
I heard these at a home with  a Boulder integrated and Weiss dac  and these speakers were not out of place whatsoever. in fact the Bass is very conservatively rated we played 28 hz test tone from a concert grand piano and other organ tones feeli... 
Anyone at home at Krell?
Each company family chooses how they want to grieve ,give them  respect what’s 3-4 weeks ,R.I.P Rhondi.