

Responses from oddiofyl

Bookshelf speaker pairing with subwoofer
I just picked up the excellent Studio Electric M4  Monitors.     I'm using them with a REL and I think the fact that they also are sealed acoustic suspension allow them to integrate so well.    Around $3200 and worth every penny.       
The Audio Science Review (ASR) approach to reviewing wines.
Do not buy anything based on ASR recommendations.    Buy based on whether you like the sound.  And there are plenty of products they bash soley on specs that actually sound excellent.  So don't pass on a product just because they trash it.  .   Th... 
Anybody having trouble getting near-your-asking-price for used gear ? (Plz. no hype)
Same here, dropped my price to less than half and still no bites.    I think Covid and inflation have really hurt most people's disposable income.    I thought they would have been an easy sell.  
The "young people' music thread - Artists younger than 40 years old
Marcus King.    Massive talent   
Fine tuning the system. Where do you start and how do you proceed ?
Good suggestion....  
Fine tuning the system. Where do you start and how do you proceed ?
I don't use a "reference" recording.  I use a number of tracks.   Most are tracks that are deeply imprinted in my brain.    I think it's easier to notice where a recording shines on a system.   I also use genres I don't normally listen to so there... 
Fine tuning the system. Where do you start and how do you proceed ?
Most important thing for me is make ONE change at a time.  If you are trying to find the optimum speaker placement , focus on that, don't throw other variables into the mix.     Same with a component change.   One change at a time.   
Anybody having trouble getting near-your-asking-price for used gear ? (Plz. no hype)
It's a tough time in my opinion.  Took a while to sell a few things recently.  I have a pair of Omega Super Alnico for sale locally , no bites.    
Streamer, no DAC please?
I agree on Bluesound.  It's a proven platform that is easy to use and probably the best bang for the buck.    I've had a Vault 2i since '19 and when it dies I'll will most likely replace with the Icon.   
Ypsilon DAC-100?
If you have a tube tester there's really no reason not to....   many a tube component has failed due to a bad "nos" tube.    Gear like that was $$$ new.     Medium to low risk....  
jc4659,  The Studio Electric M4 are such a great speaker, I can only imagine how good the M5 and FSX are….     About a month in with the M4 and they are so good it’s silly. I have spent some serious time listening and they are really amazing for ... 
Mullard EL34 that sounds best
I have had good luck with JJ EL34 type 1.   Sound great.      
Ypsilon DAC-100?
Not all tube testers can test that tube either ,. It has a Loctal socket.         
Ypsilon DAC-100?
C3G are tough to find ,  and pricey.  EZ81 are plentiful, new and NOS.    I would pass.     
Can you do anything to make power tubes last longer ?
I make my tubes last longer by turning my second system on.  I'm fortunate to have a solid state system that I use 75 % of the time.   I have always been told turning amps on for short periods then off is bad for tubes.  I do bias right at or a l...