

Responses from oddiofyl

Solo streamer
Turn off Auto Play in menu and it will end with the last track in the queue.   Also I turned " consume mode" off  so it won't erase songs in Playlist as they play  
Solo streamer
You may want to try USB to your DAC3.   The N200 really focuses on the purity of the USB output.   In addition the DAC3 will use it's internal clock to further eliminate jitter when running asynchronous via USB.  
Solo streamer
The N200 seems popular,  mine shipped directly from Aurender California and I live in Boston.   I'm guessing they were out of stock and that was the quickest way, via DHL.   I think it will be worth the wait, hopefully you'll feel the same once yo... 
Aftermarket fuse to tame a bright system?
I will never buy an "audiophile" fuse ...   definition of snake oil in my opinion.    
Eversolo DMP 8 audition going poorly...
Vdot, smart to buy a proven platform.  The streamer space is getting crowded fast...  too many wanna be flavors of the week.   Auralic, Aurender , Innuos, and Bluesound would be my only choices.    
Eversolo DMP 8 audition going poorly...
Means nothing, zero....  if a product measures great and has weak support how good is it really?      
Lightening damage - any hope?
Some units may also have internal fuses in addition to the Aac mains.   Might be worth taking the covers off what you can.   
Lightening damage - any hope?
Sorry to hear that but it's good that the N200 and the amp were spared .   I have both systems isolated with fiber optic media converters.   I also did it to combat noise , I never thought about stuff getting fried via Ethernet.   Hopefully your ... 
Eversolo DMP 8 audition going poorly...
I also have a N200  Aurenders are worth the money especially the A8 is now $2000.   I told my Dad to buy a bluesound node or Innuos, or Aurender. All good platforms.  He watched Steve Huff oooing and ahhhing over the A6 and bought one.  360 days l... 
Heretic Loudspeakers out of Canada
I think Fidelis is the US distributor for these.    No longer on their site.   They were built really well.   They didn't really wow me but I think it had a lot to do with the set up  
Heretic Loudspeakers out of Canada
Weren't really my taste but the build quality was solid.   Tough climate for niche audio in general.  Hopefully they fully open again soon.   
Best and Worst customer service?
There's no "pressing" a company like Eversolo.  They do not care about the end user.   You are simply one of their Beta testers,  hopefully whatever issues you have will be addressed in future updates.   I'll just be sure to warn fellow music lov... 
Sony/Panasonic vs. Reavon/Magnetar
Sony/Panasonic vs. Reavon/Magnetar
M Dad just picked up he Panasonic.  It is really nice.  Build quality is high.  Picture is excellent.  If you don't need SACD or DVD-A it is a great machine.   
Small footprint subwoofer
Good choice.   Enjoy