

Responses from waytoomuchstuff

A life sentence!!!
The soft case that holds my Beatles CD collection. And the speakers I designed and built.  
Score!!! Just Picked up a Pair of "THE best for Beatles" Speakers.
Good one.   Yes, the ground effects on the front end of the Shelby do a good job of breaking up standing waves on that side.  
Score!!! Just Picked up a Pair of "THE best for Beatles" Speakers.
@edgyhassle  Thanks.  I call this my "involuntary not-for-profit organization."  It cost more to fix these than what we bring in.  But, the rewards are worth the effort when you see adults brought to tears when dad's old Garrard spins and plays m... 
How long should high quality speakers last?
Speakers are made up of various materials and devices. I’ve found that the moisture content of a component is a big factor. As components dry out things happen such as materials turning to dust, convert from solid to goo, leak, or become brittle. ... 
Score!!! Just Picked up a Pair of "THE best for Beatles" Speakers.
Thanks for the comments, guys.   A small disclaimer here (that I should have mentioned in the original post): The glamour shot of the front of the speakers is a stock photo, although mine are in pristine condition and do look as good as what's r... 
What are your top 3 favorite turntable companies (manufacturer) and why?
British turntables must have been the dominant force in early turntable design. Ever notice that almost ALL turntables are operated from the right -- right hand driven? If USA made tables were "the thing" back in the day, we’d be operating them fr... 
Some people actively participate but rarely if ever start a thread.
@inna Congratulations on starting a new thread. Maybe identifying some of the reason why people start a new thread, then apply some "reverse engineering" might add a little clarity? First the question: "What’s in it for me?" There is A reason (o... 
Potential relief for tinnitus?
Tinnitus sufferer for years here. I've learned that tinnitus can be a component of other issues including Ménière's disease which is an inner ear problem with multiple symptoms, including tinnitus, sinus pressure, vertigo, lack of concentration, ... 
The DAC Scam - Almost everyone believes the hype
And, one more thing ... The expert in the video forgot to mention that it is highly recommended that a tech come out twice a year to adjust the clock to compensate for Daylight Savings Time on those expensive DACs to keep them working at peak per... 
Replacing JL Audio F112 v1
@rshad0000  The issue you are having may be bad capacitors. JL has known issues with F112v1 capacitors and issued a "DYI" cap replacement memo that specifies which caps to replace -- a total of 8. If you are not an DYI'r (yes, there's a bit to t... 
I’m considering upgrading my speakers internal wiring
@grannyring  Good research, and comments.  Well done. @ghdprentice Thank you,  
I’m considering upgrading my speakers internal wiring
I did a "deep dive" into this subject under a post entitled: "Thinking Inside the Box." As a enthusiastic "modder" of decent hifi gear, our objective is not to "paint a mustache on the Mono Lisa", but rather address compromises that the manufactu... 
Do you listen to your music with your eyes open or closed or a combination of both?
I hang out with a questionable bunch of characters.  Eyes always open.  
Bose 901 Review Well Done.
I am curious if anyone remembers the 901 demos back in "the day."  One very impressive demo to prove the durability of 901s was to take pure AC right from the wall outlet to the inputs of the 901s.  Flip the switch and "BRRRRRRR" for a half a seco... 
Who's winning?
The term "intelligent ignorance" comes to mind.  Sometimes "not knowing" is "smarter" than "knowing." We got a gift of a bottle of wine that was 5x what our typical wine costs.  Big mistake.  No, we're not spending 5x for wine these days.  We only...