

Responses from charles1dad

New, Very Interesting CD Transport
@cleeds +1 On point as usual. Charles  
Integrated Amplifiers - Esoteric F-01, Esoteric F-02 or Dan D'Agostino Progression
@ghasley  I am doing very well and hope the same with you. 😊 Charles  
Integrated Amplifiers - Esoteric F-01, Esoteric F-02 or Dan D'Agostino Progression
@kennyc This forum is for music lovers and those interested in high-end audio gear. It is NOT a place to air your political agenda aka backstab a manufacturer because they don’t match your "political" expectations. It’s not only divisive, but r... 
Sound stage of studio recordings
@cleeds    So many live recordings are multi-mic’d just like many studio recordings that I find the imaging is often just as bad.​ Agreed! With multiple microphones the the end result can be all over the map (Figuratively and literally). Cha... 
Is there anything other than a Benchmark DAC?
@tvad  There’s a lot of music to be experienced when one looks beyond distortion numbers.  Wisdom Charles  
my own experience with Tekton Design
@robshaw  Thanks for sharing your very positive experience with Eric and his Renton speakers. It's obvious that you are quite satisfied and isn't that the entire objective we seek?👍 Charles  
Thoughts? - First Watt F8 / Vandersteen Treo's
@bigkidz  I drove my pair of Vanderteen model Sevens with an Art Audio 28wpc stereo amp that was simply amazing sounding. We use our own 40wpc class A tube amps that make them  really  sing also. Art Audio has some wonderful amplifies. Did you... 
Thoughts? - First Watt F8 / Vandersteen Treo's
@tomic601   Personally, i would haul the amp to friends Treo and see for yourself…  If this is a possibility I'd definitely heed this suggestion. You'll know for sure. I also believe that the Volti Razz seems a potentially excellent option wit... 
聖HIJIRI Users thread
I can't speak specifically to this brand but generally and consistently over the years I've found PC>IC>SC in terms of most impact. Charles  
Finally after 7 years of search... Full Range: Voxativ.
@superelmar  Thank you for taking the time to share your joy and listening impressions. It is very evident that you are utterly pleased and satisfied with this new full range speaker setup. I am happy for you  and hope you enjoy this for many yea... 
40+ watts SET, cost is not a problem
@lynn_olson  But for inefficient speakers with high-order (18 or 24 dB/octave) crossovers ... probably not. Speakers like that need an amp with a high damping factor and at least 200 watts of clean power. High damping factor typically requires h... 
40+ watts SET, cost is not a problem
@lynn_olson but SET output transformers have serious design challenges once the power gets much beyond 20 watts. In the link provided above, Andy Grove (Audio Note) acknowledged that in his article and explains his remedy. By many listener ac... 
40+ watts SET, cost is not a problem
@jond  As usual a very descriptive and informative article by Andy Grove. In addition to audio/electrical engineering talent, he is a very adept writer.. Appreciate his distinctions between the 845 and 211 DHT tubes and why he decided upon the fo... 
40+ watts SET, cost is not a problem
@jond  Thank you! I will read it. I have  held Andy Grove in high regard for some time now. Charles  
40+ watts SET, cost is not a problem
@tvad  the symbiosis with Audio Note amplification and loudspeakers cannot be replicated. One without the other is handcuffing the possibilities, and those amps are very expensive Interesting. I wasn't aware that the Audio Note components were...