

Responses from jond

Speakers sound too bright.
Honestly I'd say if you can return them do so rather than trying bandaids to try and fix them.  
Oh no, say it ain't so.
According to that I am definitely not an Audiophile. Though I wonder if it makes a difference that I judge people who use Spotify out in the open?  
Sonus Faber Grand Piano Home for Mixed Genre?
Nice enjoy your new speakers foamcutter!  
F-XLR to M-RCA recommendations
tyray that means they are isolated from each other that's all.  
F-XLR to M-RCA recommendations
If you're talking about analog outputs galvanic isolation wouldn't come into play at all it's really about what sounds better adapters or a custom cable.  
1 meter speaker cables
Shorter is better that said the difference between 1M and 2.5M is likely indistinguishable.  
The new dCS Varese DAC...it is so good that all others are now relegated to history??
Uh reviewers gonna review?  
Sonus Faber Grand Piano Home for Mixed Genre?
I had a pair of the original Grand Piano's and polite and a touch warm is just how I would describe them. Not a bad speaker especially in a smaller room but not great for rock in my opinion. The Home may have a bit more oomph but is from the same ... 
No love for Cube Audio speakers?
45% of retail is 55% off not 45%. Sorry to hear of your struggles whiteplume but the market for speakers like Cube is niche to begin with and shipping prices have really turned buyers off it's a tough market for sure.  
Western Electric 300B Tube Problems
Wow a cap and resister replacement should be maybe a few hundred not $1000 unless you're having other work done?! And sorry about your WE failures it was a bad WE 300B from the 1997 re-issue series that put me off 300B tubes for life just too $$$.  
Silverline Audio
Hey Mahler not sure what you’re seeing on the Silverline site but I see SR7 monitors for $600, Prelude for $1499, Prelude Plus $1999. So plenty of affordable options or the used route as Grannyring and Newbee suggest. I also see a pair of Panatell... 
??? SVS "Ultra Evolution Elevation" OR Elac "BS243.4 Carina" Speakers ???
I heard that SVS bookshelf at CAF last year and like it. I oddly very much disliked their ballyhooed floorstander.  
A life sentence!!!
My speakers which I love Audio Note AN-J/lx with paper woofers.  
How long should high quality speakers last?
Speakers last a very very long time especially if used carefully and not over or under driven.  
Potential relief for tinnitus?
I hope that comes to fruition some day!