Responses from bluorion
Do sound characteristics matter when moving from midfi to hifi? Great discussion! Everyone's audio journey is different---I started getting into hifi in the 80s (and still have the equipment). But I've also built 2 other systems along the way. One is my reference system and one is an 'experimental' system. Som... | |
How long should high quality speakers last? I have a pair of Canton Karat 200s (made in West Germany) in my vintage system that I purchased in the summer of '85. They still sound beautiful---the spring clips in one speaker is a little loose. Other than that---no problems. | |
Tube Pre/ Class D Amp - Who has done it? I had a Modwright tube preamp with a Bel Canto class D amp----lots of power but I kept getting some noise out of the preamp. Traded them in for a Luxman integrated. | |
The best opening act you've ever seen & heard? I saw INXS open for the Go-Gos in the early 80s and OMD open for Depeche Mode for the Music for the Masses tour in May 1988. Incredible acts. | |
New In 2025 Madonna is working with Stuart Price again---album is supposed to come out later this year, hopefully. | |
Have you ever bought something you've never heard of? Ifi Zen DAC vers 2----great little DAC and headphone amp for about $200. Highly recommended. | |
Ugliest Component of the Year 2024! I agree with most of the posts here---but mine is the Hifi Rose RA 180 integrated. It's wayyyyy too busy looking with the cogwheel looking buttons. It's too much for me. | |
How do you decide what to listen to? Same old stuff? I have 'Release Radar' and 'Discover Weekly' on my Spotify. I also listen to Spotify Radio stations of artists that I like then they add artists/songs that are in the same genre---some I've never heard before. I've discovered a lot of new music an... | |
Luxman 505z @jbhiller Wow!! I'm sure you're going to enjoy the 590axii. I'm hoping to go to Axpona next year and check out more Luxman. I still haven't seen any good proper review of the 505z yet. I'm enjoying my D-03x CDP/DAC as well. Luxman makes excellent ... | |
It Was Twenty Years Ago Today! I've saved a lot of my ticket stubs over the last 40+ years so I have physical souvenirs of the concerts---what kills me is to see the ticket prices back then. I've also been journaling for a long time. I also have Playbills from Broadway shows I'... | |
Luxman 505z @mksun I agree with the new LED volume display--looks really nice. I believe they changed the color of the VU meters to white from blue (505uxii). I love the ambiance of the blue meters for late night sessions. I plan to go to Axpona in April---ma... | |
Luxman 505z I'd love to audition one but my local dealer doesn't carry Luxman---I'd have to drive quite a ways to try one. I'd prefer not to pay $$$ for an amp that's just splitting hairs in my amp and the new 505z. But moving to the 507z might just do it. Bu... | |
Fern & Roby Amp #2 Hi Bob---I've recently heard the amp #2 at my local dealer. It's a great sounding amp. The store owner was streaming some good music on a nice pair of Graham speakers. I thought it was another amp but when I asked, he said it was the amp #2. It re... | |
Capital Audiofest Coming Up! Wish I could have gone this year---was Luxman there to show their new 'Z' integrated amps? If so, any thoughts? | |
Pop album that has stood the test of time Great topic and way too many to name for me. But here are the ones that I have that come to mind: The Smiths - (any of them) but The Queen is Dead Pet Shop Boys - Please New Order - Technique Madonna - Erotica FGTH - Welcome to the Pleasuredo... |