
Responses from bluorion

Do sound characteristics matter when moving from midfi to hifi?
Great discussion! Everyone's audio journey is different---I started getting into hifi in the 80s (and still have the equipment). But I've also built 2 other systems along the way. One is my reference system and one is an 'experimental' system. Som... 
How long should high quality speakers last?
I  have a pair of Canton Karat 200s (made in West Germany) in my vintage system that I purchased in the summer of '85. They still sound beautiful---the spring clips in one speaker is a little loose. Other than that---no problems.  
Tube Pre/ Class D Amp - Who has done it?
I had a Modwright tube preamp with a Bel Canto class D amp----lots of power but I kept getting some noise out of the preamp. Traded them in for a Luxman integrated.   
The best opening act you've ever seen & heard?
I saw INXS open for the Go-Gos in the early 80s and OMD open for Depeche Mode for the Music for the Masses tour in May 1988. Incredible acts.  
New In 2025
Madonna is working with Stuart Price again---album is supposed to come out later this year, hopefully.  
Have you ever bought something you've never heard of?
Ifi Zen DAC vers 2----great little DAC and headphone amp for about $200. Highly recommended.  
Ugliest Component of the Year 2024!
I agree with most of the posts here---but mine is the Hifi Rose RA 180 integrated. It's wayyyyy too busy looking with the cogwheel looking buttons. It's too much for me.   
How do you decide what to listen to? Same old stuff?
I have 'Release Radar' and 'Discover Weekly' on my Spotify. I also listen to Spotify Radio stations of artists that I like then they add artists/songs that are in the same genre---some I've never heard before. I've discovered a lot of new music an... 
Luxman 505z
@jbhiller Wow!! I'm sure you're going to enjoy the 590axii. I'm hoping to go to Axpona next year and check out more Luxman. I still haven't seen any good proper review of the 505z yet. I'm enjoying my D-03x CDP/DAC as well. Luxman makes excellent ... 
It Was Twenty Years Ago Today!
I've saved a lot of my ticket stubs over the last 40+ years so I have physical souvenirs of the concerts---what kills me is to see the ticket prices back then. I've also been journaling for a long time. I also have Playbills from Broadway shows I'... 
Luxman 505z
@mksun I agree with the new LED volume display--looks really nice. I believe they changed the color of the VU meters to white from blue (505uxii). I love the ambiance of the blue meters for late night sessions. I plan to go to Axpona in April---ma... 
Luxman 505z
I'd love to audition one but my local dealer doesn't carry Luxman---I'd have to drive quite a ways to try one. I'd prefer not to pay $$$ for an amp that's just splitting hairs in my amp and the new 505z. But moving to the 507z might just do it. Bu... 
Fern & Roby Amp #2
Hi Bob---I've recently heard the amp #2 at my local dealer. It's a great sounding amp. The store owner was streaming some good music on a nice pair of Graham speakers. I thought it was another amp but when I asked, he said it was the amp #2. It re... 
Capital Audiofest Coming Up!
Wish I could have gone this year---was Luxman there to show their new 'Z' integrated amps? If so, any thoughts?  
Pop album that has stood the test of time
Great topic and way too many to name for me. But here are the ones that I have that come to mind: The Smiths - (any of them) but The Queen is Dead Pet Shop Boys - Please New Order - Technique Madonna - Erotica FGTH - Welcome to the Pleasuredo...