

Discussions waytoomuchstuff has started

It Pegged the Needle on My "BS Meter". Now, I'm A Believer. Ever Happen to You?418340
Best Audiophile/Music T-Shirts191432
Worst Speakers Ever??1012479
Audiophiles, Music, and Equipment: Can We Be Both "Conservative" AND "Progressive"?83319
How Has Your Finely Tuned Audiophile Dexterity Helped You in Your "Other" Life?127227
Shortest Product Demo Ever: Had to Hit the Eject Button and Get the #*@% Out of There?278116
Premium Power Cable Survey: The Results Are IN982972
ONE MINUTE Premium Power Cable Survey252141
Nostalgia. Or, Authenticity? Can We Have Both?7992
Why Are We Breaking Our Brains?6887108
"Audiophile" Power Cables: The Greatest Audio Conspiracy Theory of All Time?22432183
If Nikola Tesla Were Alive Today, What Would His Stereo Look (and, Sound) Like?102415
The Bold. The Outrageous. The Projects You've Done. And, the One's You Shouldn't Have.110617
Do You Tell Others How Much You Have Invested in Your System?17269167
We Can Make Classic Cars Outperform Today's "SuperCars": Why Not Vintage Audio?395096