Bwaaaaaaaaahahahahaha bwaaah
Song of the century @asvjerry is So complicated...
" run into this sorta thang ’ere in th’ South...."
Getting a Divorce and can now buy floor standing speakers
So, I am getting rid of the wife (divorce, I am not burying her in the backyard!) and can now get big floor standing speakers. I currently have a Luxman integrated and model 30 Harbeth speakers, and a very good sub. Very neutral/natural sound, can listen for long sessions. But I don't get a very good image, and it seems a little too laid back. I listen mainly to singer-song writers, both male and female. Lots of acoustic/piano.
There are so many floor standers now, I'd like to shorten the list. Any suggestions to start my search? I am located in southern CA, so I can listen to almost any brand. Price should be under $100K.
I may lose a wife, but so far the freedom/cash is worth it.
Thanks all!
Bwaaaaaaaaahahahahaha bwaaah Song of the century @asvjerry
Lots of fine suggestions! I have a couple as well, Wilson Audio (used, so someone else eats the depreciation) and the Joseph Audio Pearls. I haven't hear the Pearls, but I am a big fan of the JA sound. I have Wilson Sabrina X's right now, but at your price range, might as well go for some big boys that would have really flipped your wife off, LOL! My wife, on the other hand, supports my little hobby and likes my Sabrina X's. If I had a bigger music room, I would have gotten the Wilson Sasha DAW's. It is also important to have balance. Luxman makes a good integrated, of course, but with that kind of budget, I would spend a little less on the speakers and get next level electronics as well. And don't forget the DAC . . an MSB Premier would be nice. And there goes the $100,000 . . . Just like that! |
Given the kind of music you listen to (which aligns pretty closely to mine), I would give the Egglestonworks Viginti's a listen. They were a reach for me, but I have been thrilled with mine for 5 years now. Sunny's in Covina has a demo pair listed for sale. These speakers sound amazing to me. I would be interested in hearing your views about them if you happen to audition them. Trust your ears. |
@deep_333 fear is that it's a COVID with no cure. ....but being a weapon-less SoCal expat in the midst of it, feeling doomed to a IRL player in a 'The Last of Us' scenario.... |
My super biased opinion - go big or go home :-) Left Southern CA last year - setting up Shop in the DFW TX Area. Happy Listening Peter
I own Dynaudio Confidence speakers, and I can’t recommend them highly enough. And I know Harbeth. I’ve had monitor 40.2’s, Compact 7 ES3’s, and P3ESR’s. I loved the Monitor 30’s, but they just didn’t move enough air (that’s why I got the 40.2”s). Harbeth makes FANTASTIC speakers, but I think they work best in more intimate listening areas. It seems that your budget allows for just about anything in the Dynaudio lineup, so I strongly recommend you go to a top-tier Dynaudio dealer that has the full range of Confidence speakers so you can judge for yourself. As I always say, you can pay more money if you want, but expensive and flashy are not always better. Dynaudio is a speaker you can listen to and enjoy for a long time. Cheers. |
I am sorry to hear that you are getting divorced. It sounds like it was a long time in the making and that you are enjoying your freedom. Outside of AV publishing, I work with a high net worth divorce attorney in CT. It is amazing what goes down in big dollar divorces. |
Hey fellow Deadhead! I live in Dallas but I do business with Sunil at Sunny Components in Covina. He's a great guy and has both Rockport and Stenheim (plus others). IMO you couldn't go wrong with either of those lines. Personally, I have the Stenheim 5SE's. I'm extremely happy. Someone said- at that price point how could you be unhappy with any of the speakers? I tend to agree. But ultimately it comes down to your taste and what you think sounds good. There is no best. Working with a quality individual like Sunil can certainly aid in helping you get the most out of your system- he's certainly helped me build a system that has exceeded my wildest expectations. |
I remember when I got divorced the last thing I was thinking about was buying speakers. I was lucky to have enough cash to buy my headphone amp and a new pair of Grados. I packed up my system and put it in storage until the dust settled. Fortunately I did not get "taken to the cleaners" but a lot of guys do.... OP's priorities out of whack maybe????
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gosh--so few choices below 100K but i'll try: High Efficiency if you want to try some cool tube flea amps: Avantgarde--definitely a statement speaker i've always wanted to hear Low Efficiency: I'm with the Rockport crowd--heard some Cygnus at a high end shop in Phoenix and didn't want to leave the store--i could have bought them if i also wanted a divorce.... take the advice to spend some of it on plane tickets to listen to as many as you can |
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I am not sure where you are in the process, but if it is not already over, then calculations of Alimony Pendente Lite, spousal support, etc may be affected by what you post here, The gist of her attorney's argument would typically be "look at what he is considering buying, so he can afford to give her [fill in the blank] per month". For a man getting divorced I recmmend that they take a "slug approach" - stay low and keep moving! |
Yeah whatever, she and her attorney will be looking at this thread on the internet, identify him to be deadhead100, etc like Stephen Hawking started doing ballet one fine morning.
I have always believed that good audio gear is on balance a lot less trouble that any woman I have known including my current wife. Somebody once pointed out to me that audio gear doesn’t keep you warm at night, but I beg to differ, especially if you have class A amps or tube equipment. Warmth, both audibly and literally, is easily derived from tube equipment. :) This is not my preferred method for staying warm... :) |